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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Job Issues

    Joanie, I hope the situation resolves for you and they are helpful and nice and all is well!!! I thought about it some more, and thought about all of my employment cases, and the ones hardest to defend are the ones were the employee just documents and documents what is happening to them. E-mails are great b/c you know the person received it in the To: From: section. Plain memos are harder b/c you never know if they were really received.
  2. I would call the onc also.......my mom and I were talking about something similar recently.........about 1 year before her diagnosis she had a terrible inner ear infection which caused major dizzyness. We were "laughing" that if she had a simple inner ear infection now, she would be seeing oncologist instead of her internist. It could very well be nothing, but can't hurt to see what oncologist says for peace of mind
  3. I wish we could bottle up and sell your attitude Go Addie Go!!!!! Here is to an excellent set of scans next go around!
  4. I hope today is a better day for Dave!!!! When does he have chemo again?
  5. Andrea

    Job Issues

    Joanie, Just one piece of "advice"--if you e-mail that woman and ahve problems with her again, make sure you copy the Sr HR person so they can see what is going on also. That strategy has been helpful to a Plaintiff in a case I am working on now b/c it shows that various people knew she needed an accomodation and didn't do anything. ALso if you don't like what was said in the meeting you are going to have, after the meeting send a very professional e-mail saying "I am just writing to confirm what we discussed....." and write what you discussed. This way you have documentation and if they want to refute it, they can in writing. Remember--print all e-mails.
  6. Andrea

    Job Issues

    Go Joanie! It is scary and terrible how some employers are. Remember to document everything E-mails are especially good to keep.
  7. Andrea


    Wonderful news!!!!
  8. I am the stupidest person in the world, of course I know it is Riverside County! My mom worked in Corona and it is right next to where my parents live in Anaheim Hills. Oh my gosh, work is sizzling out brain cells!! I would think it is stealing because the puppies are most likely licensed to them and owned by them. Sort of like real babies, it would be stealing if a human baby kept coming over and you kept it. What did animal control say? You can file a formal complaint. They also sell things at PetSmart where you can put by your fence and it transmits a slight shock, it is NOT harmful to the dog--they make those devices for that particular purpose, so dogs dont go where they shouldn't. Perhaps you can suggest your neighbor buy it. http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_ ... 9205697302
  9. Karen, This is for Corona, check out # 3 http://www.discovercorona.com/depts/pd/ac/faq.cfm
  10. Well as for what I would have done, let's just say I would not have jumped in freezing cold water for a rescue My husband and my in-laws would have done what you did and dove right in. However, I know my mom would not have, and 50-50 on whether my dad would have. But that is besides the point Legally I have no clue (funny thing about attorneys, we are not like doctors who have to know a little bit of everything, our knowledge is very limited ) BUT......my thoughts are the same as Muriel. I would think it is stealing not to give them back. I would recommend calling animal control and even filing a nuisance complaint. Here are links on how to do that in Orange County, I think you are San Bernardino County but I bet OC can lead you in the right direction. http://www.ocpetinfo.com/animfaqs.htm http://www.ocpetinfo.com/barking_dog_info.htm
  11. Margaret, You could be a writer, that was so beautifully written. My heart goes out to you.
  12. I am glad he is home resting. Post an updaet later if you can
  13. Andrea

    Recipe update

    No one has yelled at me yet to stop bumping
  14. You go Fay! Soon you will have guitarists, and other musicians following all of the drums and people will be dancing in the streets
  15. Andrea

    99% Angel

    Katie must look like an angel in her outfit! THanks for sharing
  16. Beth, Sounds like you are right on track!!! When do you get re-scanned? I hope for major total bye bye shrinkage, no more tumors!
  17. And that explains why Karen is not at work answering e-mail Suck a freaking duck #U%#%U*(#%U#*(%U#(A*%U#(_%U#*(%U#*(%U#*(%U#*(%U*#(%U#*(%U#*(!!!!! That was the best I could do to scream right now. Well not really, I just did bark out loud and my office is praying now for the Chapman family!!! Beth--if you hear more, please update! Thank goodness Becky is there to help out also. Chapmans--WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
  18. Andrea

    My apologies

    Amy, Hope things get better fast! And hope we hear more from you soon
  19. Andrea

    any news

    I could swear I saw Carleen on line yest and kept checking for an update, but maybe not.
  20. Jenn, Welcome to the club none of us wanted to join You are going to find lots of support and information here. There are a bunch of worried daugthers such as yourself (and myself) here. Keep posting! Looking forward to getting to know you
  21. Andrea

    Little Luna

    I love the name luna! And go Haylee, you are amazing!!!! Isn't it great how close we can become to people here?
  22. Keep us posted! I am glad it was partially NED. That is good news! I hope the brain tumors can be zapped right out.
  23. I am so sorry for your loss. Bob was so lucky to have you as a friend. Please send my condolences to his family.
  24. Val--I was reading all posts and was about to write and say what you just asked. I personally would continue to call every day. If your mom watns to talk, she can. If not, you say hi to your dad and your dad will tell her you called. I wouldn't break the routine unless your parents specifically say stop calling I am obsessive compulsive, and there were times my mom just didn't want to talk or come to phone. I would get angry at my dad like he was hiding something I think I even once threw a temper tantrum that I just needed to hear her make a noise I have talked to my mom every day forever, even before diagnosis, so it is hard when they dont want to talk.
  25. Lori posted this under BeckyCW's post in "My Story". I moved it over here so we can all welcome her. Thanks
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