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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I hope the cruise brings you and Lucie much needed relaxation and that soon you can have peace of mind over the liver spot
  2. Congrats! My mom's onc also said yest when we saw him that 2 years for her is the biggie. I also get nervous with each scan she gets, I think it is normal. Go celebrate!
  3. Andrea


    That was beautiful. I have tears. Could you ask your friend if we can put that in the LCSC recipe book?
  4. Connie is in Vegas with her hubby and doesn't have internet access yet
  5. Andrea

    Job Issues

    I am looking at a typical restriction form right now and not only can the doctor write in their own, the categories listed are cannot perform: bending, climbging, computer, driving, grasping, hand motion, kneeling, operate heavy machinery, push/pulling, reaching above shoulder, sitting, sports, squatting, standing, twisting, walking, lifting. The doctor then checks the box and fills out the area for "Max minutes per hour" and "Max hours per shift" if applicable for each task
  6. Andrea

    Job Issues

    HUGE DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT GIVING LEGAL ADVICE!!! I believe that it is the employer's responsbility to accomodate you to the best they can given medical restrictions from a doctor. Some jobs it is possible to accomodate, other jobs not. For example, let's say your job is that of a mover with a moving company--it is kind of hard to give you sedentary type of work. However, if there are plenty of other tasks you can do, your employer should honor the medical restriction and give the physical labor tasks to others. It is quite common for an employee to have a restriction such as "no liftinng over 15 lbs"; "no prolonged walking", etc. And employers have to accomodate unless it will be impossible and cause "undue hardship" based on job duties, which does not sound like your case.
  7. Andrea

    It's back

    Beth, I just want to throw this out there. It may be worth beans, but I was talking to my obgyn and casually m entioned my neurosis over my mom and fear of recurrance. He told me to keep in mind that he recently heard the hospital is starting to do Gamma Knife on lungs to get rid of tumors, zap them out.
  8. Andrea

    It's back

    Oh my gosh Beth, I am at a loss for words I so hope this is something they can take care of and shoot you right back to NED.
  9. Addie, I hope you feel better soon and they can easily make the pancreatis go away!
  10. Maryanne, I think it just all depends if one follow up with the surgeon. My mom didn't, she actually had an apt, but it is far, 1 hour away, and my dad called and the surgeon said he can keep tabs on her from the oncologist. I know a lot of surgeons like to track hwo the patients are doing for statistical and research purposes.
  11. Tina, I wish I knew how to get through the funks! If you figure it out, let me know My mom nicknamed me "barrell of joy" recently :)
  12. Maryanne, I work with someone who had a baby at 48
  13. Bumpity bumpity bump doo doo The well is running dry, recipes have stopped coming in. More more more more more. Please send recipes We figured out that I need to eat 1000 calories a day 5 days a week, and then weekends off, to even lose an ounce. So weedays I have decided to eat through your recipes vicarioulsy. Hence MORE MORE. ME HUNGRY <---see, my tongue is wagging
  14. Andrea

    CT Scan

    I can't wait to hear sugery is scheduled!
  15. Peas are now banned from my diet in protest! Wait and see, oy, well in a way it is good b/c if they were super dooper worried there would be no wait and see. 6 weeks and counting!
  16. Sharyn, What touched me the most was just how much you love your dad and how worried you always were about him. It reminded me so much of myself and how much I love my parents. I hope you continue to post with us and know how much you are loved. And tell your mom that she is in our thoughts!
  17. Keep the posts coming and thank you for all you do for all of us!!!
  18. I hope it is nothing serious and he feels better really soon! Keep us posted
  19. Thanks for all the responses And Karen is right, you do look way too young Sharyn!! Peggy--adoption has entered my mind and it is a definate possiblity. However I want to try myself first only because I am the "end of the gene line". You see I am unique (well you all already knew that )---I am an ONLY child. I have two uncles, neither married. So I am an ONLY niece. And as a result, I am an ONLY grandchild on both sides! So it would be nice to genetically keep the family growing. But we shall see
  20. Hi there. I have not experienced exactly what you have, but I can say that when my mom got depressed she got a bit snappy and did not mean it. Your mom is probably so worried about you that she turns snappy and totally does not mean it. My mom also did not want to talk to anyone about lung cancer for support. And as for the hair thing, my mom did not lose it all, but if she did, I fear she would have been the same way. We got i nto arguments b/c her fear was her hair and I said that is the DUMBEST thing I ever heard, I could care less about her hair. However, I think worrying about her vanity helped her cope. Just hang in there. Ihave a feeling after your mom sees the surgeon and finds out she can get surgery she will be better
  21. Kidney stone maybe? Those can be sooo painful and radiate to so many different areas, abdomen, back, etc. The pain can come and go depending on position of stone FEEL BETTER!
  22. Thanks! No rush I am starting to collect early. Send when you can!
  23. Andrea

    Jim is gone

    Oh Margaret, I am at a loss for words I am just so sorry. It is unfair. Jim fought bravely and strongly and was so lucky to have you by your side. My deepest condolences
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