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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I am so sorry you are feeling cruddy I hope the onc can get you in ASAP tomorrow.
  2. I have heard a lot of people do get it for pain. It can't hurt to try. My mom had 1 session for the Iressa side effects and she said it was fine, didn't hurt. She stopped going for accupunture b/c she was done with thte Iressa. I heard some people swear by it for pain
  3. Dave, Sending lots of love and good thoughts to c-acres! I hope the cramps are a simple fix and you can find out right away what is going on
  4. Andrea

    Recipe update

    Greetings friends. A billion thanks to those who have sent me recipes :) I went through the recipes received so far last night and we are off to a running start. I was so excited! And hungry. However, we are in MAJOR NEED OF MORE RECIPES! If anyone is interested, a suggestion that some of you have already done, e-mail your family and friends and ask them for recipes too!!!!! You can also ask people in your doctor's office, support group, etc. Send recipes via PM or to andreascheff@cox.net Not only will you be doing good for LCSC by participating in this fundraiser, but you are doing a personal mitzvah to me by providing recipes. My virtual diet, eating lunch through your recipes when I check e-mail at work, is working!!! I have lost some weight--I have tons more to lose, so keep on helping!
  5. Andrea


    Sending prayers to Bob and his family. The world would be a better place if we all had a friend as good and loyal as you.
  6. Barb, I am so glad that you went to ER and nothing showed up on chest xray. At least you can relax a bit over the weekend. I just rememberd something with my mom, she thought she coughed up blood once, but it wasn't from the chest, it was just a speck of blood from the nose/sinus area
  7. I liked that website I am the anti-Valentine. I am very happily married, I feel I have the best husband in the world, but I HATE Valentine's Day! Ryan Seacrest summed it up best (he does the morning radio show in Southern California) and he said it is "Single Awareness Day" with the acronym SAD. I always felt that way too!!!! All the holiday does is make a certain sector of the population depressed. If you are happy in a relatioinship, then every day should be valentine's day, no need to recognize it :) Of course my social worker friend said it is not about being ina relationship, it is about expressing love to family and friends, that is why children give Valentine's day. I still disagree with the holiday and will continue to wear black as protest on the day like I did in my single years
  8. Andrea

    My sister

    I am so sorry for your loss
  9. Welcome, but I am sorry you had to find us. You could not ask for a better group of people here. You will find a lot of people doing well with LC mets to brain. Keep us posted on your progress!
  10. Don I hope you are wisked away to surgery and back into remission!
  11. Mazel tov on the new addition!
  12. Andrea


    Ditto what Ry said. If one more person tells me "well what do you expect when you are involved in a cancer board" I want to punch them because it doesn't make it any easier.
  13. Jean, I hope to see more of you posting! I also always enjoyed seeing your cute daugther's pic when she posted Sending all my best for your battle!
  14. Good luck! I hate test time, I know how anxious you are
  15. Barb--I would call the doctor IMMEDIATELY and if they are closed, talk to the answering service and have them call your doctor in case they want to do something this weekend. I have no experience at all with this, but i just know that is what I would do if my mom just said what you said
  16. Heidi, Just wanted to wish you well for the results! I have no experience with Cancer Center of America, so I cannot comment. Are we related? I do the same thing worry for each scan, anticipate the next step jsut in case Do you have a surgeon lined up you like and trust assuming there is a green light for surgery? Ask if they do it minimally i nvasive. My mom was out of the hospital in 3 days! Surgery was late on a Thurs (waiting and waiting all day, finally went in at 4pm) and she was home SUn afternoon
  17. Suck a $*(#_($*#(_$*#_( duck!!!! Keep fighting Addie, you have a plan in place, now execute it so you can go back to remission for 50 years!
  18. Go Beth go! Go Beth go! And also, I would suggest go Beth go to anywhere you can for second, third, etc, opinions. Perhaps one of the larger centers will be more aggressive and consider surgery or RFA or some technique.
  19. Yes please do please do!!!!!! MORE MORE RECIPES! :)
  20. Andrea


    This was sent to me from Rich (dadstimeon) for inclusion in the recipe book and I have to say so far it is my favorite recipe and I wanted to share! Hope... It’s Magic and it’s free, It’s not in a prescription, It’s not in an IV. It punctuates our laughter, It sparkles our tears, It simmers under our sorrows, And dissipates are fears. Do you know what hope is? It’s reaching past today, It’s dreaming of tomorrow, It’s trying a new way. It’s pushing past impossible, It’s pounding on the door, It’s questioning the answers, It’s always seeking more. It’s rumors of a breakthrough, It’s whispers of a cure, A rollercoaster ride, Of remedies unsure. Do you know what hope is? It’s candy for the soul, It’s perfume for the spirit, To share it, makes you whole. Author: Unknown
  21. Awesome! Keep us updated on your progress
  22. It looks great! Wow, land, we dont see that in Orange County anymore
  23. Andrea

    It's BAD

    I PMd you with a dr suggestion, my mom's oncologist is k nown all over California as a "miracle worker".
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