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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. I am replying to myself here just to say how wonderful everyone here is! It is so amazing that people are willing to share their personal stories with me and you can tell that people here truly care even if they don't "know" you. This website truly provides a wealth of all kinds of information which is nice b/c support can mean so many different things on so many different levels. Thank you everyone!
  2. Andrea


    Someone once said, and I take this to heart (and took it to heart before my mom got diagnosed, which is how she got diagnosed) that it is important to go to the doctor if something concerns you b/c the LAST thing you wnat to hear is a doctor say "if only you came in sooner with your concerns.....". When my mom had her cough, I INSISTED on the chest xray. The doctors were like "if everyonoe with a minor dry cough had a chest xray, blah blah.". I said that's nice, but my mom is MY mom and she WILL get getting a chest xray. And then the fun began! When in doubt, get it checked out. Of course my mom and I were "laughing" the other day and reminiscing about an inner ear infection she had 6 months prior to diagnosis whihc was bad and how if she had that EXTREME dizziness today she would be sitting in a MRI machine to make sure the viral infection was not a brain mets
  3. I am jumping in late here, but I also have found that with my mom's diagnosis we truly found out who cared and who didn't. It was an eye opener actually. Some people really disappointed me. And others surprised me. I was kind of sad that it took cancer to figure it all out.
  4. Andrea


    What would life be like without those pills? I cannot even imagine! I remember when I first moved to California people kept talking about prozac like it was the norm and I was shocked at how open people talk about it. How naive I was, now I walk around daily almost singing "I love prozac. I love xanax"
  5. Andrea


    I am glad that you found out everything is ok!! Now you can have a more peaceful weekend
  6. Tina, Thanks I sometimes do think happy positive thoughts. For instance I know how lucky I am to have my head of hair Although I was just told by my paralegal I need to state 5 positive thoughts a day b/c I tend to be a little negative and gloomy, so it is funny you said that. And just as an aside, for anyone reading, if you are contemplating a mortgage and apply on line, you probably don't want to give your home phone number because you WILL get 2-3 calls a day Heehee. Is it time to go home yet?
  7. Hi. If anyone who has gone through artificial insemination would not mind answering a few questions, please PM me. I am sort of banned from reading medical related issues on the internet anymore by the two men in my life, my husband and my close doctor friend. I apparently obsess and worry about everything and they claim it is not healthy I am like what, don't normal people feel around their mouth after a sore heals and gets worried if they feel a bump? I still do sneak in searching of course, but shhh, don't tell However I did kind of stop reading about pregnancy when I came across an article which said it is child abuse to have a child if you are overweight Thanks
  8. Suck a duck I am so sorry Karen, this is way more than one person should have to handle
  9. Thanks for all the submissions so far! Keep them coming!!! Just an FYI--ALL RECIPES sent to me will be included in the book!!!! And before the book is ready, I will put a FINAL posting up to make sure everyone knows and gets the recipes in. I sent an e-mail out to my family and friends and am getting recipes from them. I invite everyone to do that also. The MORE we get the better!!!!!
  10. Thank you. This is embarassing. Although I do have to say, it is one of my favorite pics, my mom and I like it better than my wedding picture b/c it is more us. Casual I am going home soon. I get to leave work soon! Yay!! DON'T FORGET TO SEND ME RECIPES!!!!!!! I already need to go grocery shopping to try some out that I got
  11. Thank you Peggy and Amy You are too kind, my dad would offer to buy you glasses The photographer did a great job--the pic was taken a year ago, one week before our wedding. It was our engagement picture part of the photographer package which was never done b/c my mom got diagnosed and I was in no mood for a picture. I purposefully stood behind Brian so as to avoid any body shot I figured if I posted our pictures, people would see how malnutritioned we loook and send us recipes to fatten us up some more!!! Hahahaahaha.
  12. Beth, I am glad that the Tarceva is tolerable enough for you to stick it out so far! How are the kids doing? If I missed an update on your solo week, I am sorry for asking again
  13. Does anyone have her phone number so we can hunt her down tomorrow if need be??
  14. I am speechless. Just wishing you peace and courage
  15. bumpity bumpity bump doo doo la la bumpity bump. What? You say I am a pest for bumping and badgering for recipes? Do you really think I care if you say I am a pest? My daddy calls me a pest all the time, so in actuality I take it as a term of endearment. So thank you And yes, I do entertain myself and make myself laugh.
  16. Ditto! Came on looking for an update. Come out come out whereever you are! We are waiting, patiently I might add
  17. Finally the news you were waiting for! yay!
  18. Also, if you would like to be on an informal e-mail committee with me to help bounce ideas around for the cookbook, please PM me :)
  19. Denise--did you watch the Biggest Loser? I swear I am identical to those girls, adorable but too fluffy. So 17lbs is really not that much. 40 is when it is something to write home about I have 70lbs to go And that is a realistic goal, I am not looking to be a size 0
  20. Lily--I can answer that. "For those who have lost a loved one" is so similar to the "Grieving" section, so they were combined. The "Obituary" section is where we can post/view about losses instead of grieving.
  21. Hi! As some of you may have read in Activism http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=13798 LCSC is attempting to do a fundraiser by creating a cookbook full of recipes from patients and their family and friends!!!! Quite appropriately the Scheff who is not a chef decided to take head of this and gather the recipes. (That is a play on my last name, Scheff--chef, sort of like last weekend when my husband called his mom at a hotel and asked for "Scheff's room" and got the kitchen ) Please please please send me recipes! I am extra excited about this since my MOMMY is excited about this and wants to help!!!! And if something makes my mom happy, it makes me super happy! You can e-mail at andreascheff@cox.net You can PM or you can PM and ask for my mailing address for snail mail. Thank you!!!
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