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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. TAnn thank you for this thread. I know my mom feels so blessed and lucky to have my dad as her caregiver. And I know how much she worries about him and his well being. That is what scares her the most through this journey.
  2. Is tomorrow an apt or the bronch? Either case I look forward to an update!
  3. Fay whether you like it or not your words inspire me : )
  4. It is wet! But no problems here so far.
  5. Good news! I hpoe it is a huge success!
  6. Andrea


    Karen and Dave and BeckyCW and entire family, All of our thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope and pray Dave is one who beats the odds!!! Put on your boxing gloves, the fight is on! I am here for you anytime. Love, Andrea (and family)
  7. Sending lots of good thou ghts that you feel better soon and can get some peace and doctor free time!
  8. No experience with the other drug, but on gemzar/carbo my mom just thinned--never needed a wig or hair covering
  9. Addie, My mom had it and loved it. It was great, easy access for chemo and all that blood work that goes along with it. She had zero problems and truly found it to be a blessing.
  10. Andrea


    Yay! Thanks for the good news
  11. Addie, You have a plan in place and we are all going to pray really really hard and then make you throw us a party when you get good news that the treatment is working. For now, you can be a g uest at Fay's, but I am looking forwrd to the ADDIE party.
  12. Suck a duck. I have been trying to think since you posted of what to say, but I have not come up with anything yet except that I am praying really hard for the Chapmans!!! You already have FAITH, beautiful FAITH, and with FAITH this battlte shall be conquered. Lots of love to Dave, Karen, Faith, Beckycw and the rest of the family
  13. Well I dont think Katie is going to want to come. I think she is giong to prefer Fay's party b/c I dont think she is going to like all the recent news when she returns. But if she does want the party, I will buy double fudge and take half to Fay's party and half to Katie's
  14. Andrea

    Six months today

    Sweet beautiful Ginny, thank you for all you do for us. I can't think of appropriate words to say other than I am thinking of you.
  15. One thing to keep in mind as I have been told by many many outside people is that the majority of people posting on an internet website are undergoing treatment, newly diagnosed, or recently ending treatment. A lot of survivors understandably after 5 years or so just want to forget the cancer and not be involved. We are fortunate that we have some survivors on here who take the time and effort to post just so that others can be encouraged, but we also have to remember that there are so many survivors out there Hope that made sense
  16. Beth, Like others said, perhaps the person was trying to motivate you, but had a bad way of doing it. Sometimes there are problems with online communication because it is hard to get the "tone" of the message from the sender. I personally find I love to whine and share my fears at LCSC. It helps to know I am not alone in my neurosis and if we can't lean on each other when we are down, what is the point of LCSC. Hang in there Beth!!
  17. Ry, What did the ER say? No experience with my mom b/c she was taken off quickly, but I do know that I was told by my office ma nager that her brother in law's rash is much worse on Tarceva than Iressa
  18. Lisa, Sending lots of prayers to you and your mom! How scary for you
  19. Andrea

    Recipe update

    Thanks everyone! I agree Jane, asking people for recipes is a good way to thank them. People want to help, and they don't know how, so I have found that when I asked people for recipes, they just got really excited It is a win-win! Plus when people have their name with a recipe in the book, they will probably watn to buy one Just an FYI, you don't have to type them, you can PM me and I can give you a fax or snail mail if you want to send handwritten and I can type And Ellen--mishagaz is great, that is what the whole book really is : ) Just a bunch of tried and true recipes as they say. If you lived in California I would hook you up with my mom, you would be friends, and she would be happy to have someone to use Yiddish words with
  20. Ellen, My mom's scans show a lot of radiation damage too. I hope that is all it is for your husband too!
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