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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Apt Tuesday

    I cant wait to only read good thigns
  2. Angie---I remember those dreams after making arrangments, we made arrangemetns last Nov just in case, it is haunting! You have so much going on in your family, you are all so strong! I see the dr for sleep on Wed and I will see if I get the sleep apnea test. I cancelled the blood gas test for clots b/c it made NO SENSE. I ran it by my friend who is a doctor and people at work and no one could find the correlation and my symptoms are not severe. I asked today WHY do I need it and the allergist said if I don't want it, don't get it. SO I did the logical thing---found myself a new allergist and will be switching in two weeks Amazing how some doctors can be.
  3. My mom had no port problems at all. I am not sure what you mean by maintence, she didn't have any maintence on it. She liked the port, it was better than being stuck all the time
  4. Thanks everyone. I know we all go through this!!! After the dream about my dad I got freaked out about the housing market here because Orange County is one of the most expensive places to buy a house in the US (for instance an 1800 sq foot nothing special home in Irvine can go for over $800k). Well if something happens to my dad, I would want my mom to live with us, in like a "mother daugther house". My mom said if g-d forbid the time cmoes, I can move again into a bigger house, we would have more moeny for a house with their house to sell; or we can build on and it was dumb to worry about now. I started to wonder if we should just get thta type of house now, but can't really afford it WIERD STUFF!! Peggy---funny you mentioned that, recently when I got zoloft my dr asked about my sleep and I said I wake up every 2 hours, but that is normal for me for years. He is sending me to a sleep doctor, I have an apt this week to make sure I dont ahve sleep apnea
  5. Beth, Anytime it gets stressful block everything out which should be easy since you have an EMPTY HEAD!!! Get it????? I crack myself up I like the fast food idea, you can do pizza, chinese food gives the kids veggies they need, burger king, etc. Who says you have to cook! Get one of those big frozen lasagnas and pop it in! And if the laundry gets to be too much, you can always drop it off for "fluff and fold" on your way to work And if all else fails, just bribe the kids! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  6. I am just whining All week I hardly slept. I would go to bed and I was up every hour on the hour and some hours I would not fall asleep. I know I was tightly wound because I went back to work and this week was such a nightmare, one night lasting until 12:05am. My problem is that each night this week I had major nightmares. It started with a nightmare that something happened to my dad. I really wanted to call them at 4am, but decided against it All other nights, I am dreaming of my mom's cancer coming out of remission. Last night I had such a vivid dream that I was posting on LCSC about mets. I am not sure what my problem is and why the dreams are coming now, when I was doing better for a bit. Perhaps work stress?? Perhaps I have ESP?? I don't know! I am even getting better with my own neurosis, I saw the PA at my allergist office on Thurs b/c my asthma seems to be acting up. Since the acting up is new, seh called me yest, said she talked to the dr, and she is worried I have a blood clot and she wants me to go for a painful arterial blood gas test on Mon. I told this to my nurse at work and my close doctor friend and they both say that sounds NUTS. I know my neurosis is getting better b/c I have not researchced blood clots And trust me, I normally research every ache or pain and of course relate it to cancer. I just am sitting here doing anything I can not to go to sleep tonight because I am afraid of the cancer nightmares!!!!! Ok, fine, maybe my neurosis is not 100% better. I am going on Brian's health insurance and I had to make him look up to see if my mom's oncologist accepts in just in case in the future g-d forbid kind of thing I am done whining. Sorry for rambling But hey, that is what LCSC is all about, allowing us to share fears, whine and vent.
  7. Nina, Lungevity is the organization Heather (Hebbie) is very involved with.
  8. I am dittoing what Snowflake said. As a doctor once said, once cancer hits, every ache and pain is assumed to be cancer, but you can get normal stuff to. Have you had a urinalysis? Pain in the kidney area could be a simple kidney infection. I had pain for over a week recently in the kidney area and it also hurt on the side and right under the breast bone where the bra is. Turned out to be an infection. Also, you could have pulled a muscle. Hopefully you can get peace of mind after scans. I would ask for an abdominal ct scan in aaddition to the chest b/c it shows the kidney area, maybe you have a stone in there too. Personally I LOVE my kidney stones, they are just painful, but rarely serious. Maryanne--PCP is primary care practioner
  9. Curtis that was beautiful!
  10. Ginny--I am sorry this was such a tough week. The firsts are always the hardest. I wish you the best with the new house and I hope you can find some peace
  11. Awesome! I hope after next scan he joins the Fay A club of NED
  12. Hi! Please check out the activism forum if you would like to participate in some fundraisers, particulary the COOKBOOK we want to do! Also there are some postings for people doing walks Check it out!!
  13. Amy, It is GREAT that they caught it if it is a PE. My mom had one found routinely when she was on chemo and got a ct scan and I FREAKED OUT. But it turns out, it was no big deal, it is common, she got blood thinners and a filter put in. The biggest joke was thank goodness all her CT showed was a blood clot in her lung. Keep me posted
  14. I am really interested in doing a LUNG CANCER walk/rally this year for LCSC instead of dedicating time to Relay for Life like I did last year. Planning an event takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but the results are worth it! At this point, before I can even get somthing going, I am in need of a CO-CHIEF Ie, someone to "head" the event with me instead of it being me solo in charge of getting everything done, recruiting volunteers, organizing, etc. At this point I am not seeking volunteers to help with the walk since I am not sure the walk I want to do is feasible yet without a cohort :) Please PM me or e-mail me at andreascheff@cox.net
  15. Angie I am so sorry to hear about your uncle. Not sure if you remember, but I had a family friend with an almost identical diagnosis of your uncle a few weeks before your uncle got sick and our friend passed away in the exact same fashion as your uncle, same time frame too. Thankfully there was no s uffering. Have a wonderful trip!!! I can't wait to hear all about it. You were missed when you didn't post
  16. I am so sorry to hear that Prayers goign out
  17. Hi Karen, Hopefully they will find the right antibiotic and it will put you back on track! Sorry you have to feel so icky, but glad dave is feeling a bit better!
  18. MANY MANY MANY MANY more anniversaries!!!!! I hope you post EXCELLENT NEWS tomorrow. I am giong to be checking on you from work and I hope in the good news forum!!!
  19. I love it! The website looks very professional (which it is of course) and just really great. I hope it attracts lots of new members
  20. Personally i HATE the test of alcohol. SO make mine a brownie drink. Or vanilla cake with buttercreme frosting. Thank you
  21. Great news! No wonder you didnt come on last night, you were partying, well deserved
  22. I didnt get a chance to write yest Peggy, but I loved the picture! And your hubby did not look sick at all to me. If I didn't know I would just say he was a tall slim man.
  23. Andrea


    Wow!!!! What wonderful news!!!!!! How did your doctors react? That is sooooooo awesome!!! I imagine the whole office cheering
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