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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    My new picture

    The red dress goes beautifully with the auburn hair :)
  2. Wow, that is so great! I hope her recovery is speedy and easy
  3. I hope to see apost in the good news forum!
  4. Andrea


    Praying for nothing more than tension headaches! Let us know when you get the results
  5. Karen, Thanks for the update. I was about to e-mail you to see how you were doing. I am glad that you are able to go back to work! I hope now that chemo is over, Dave will bounce back and that the gamma knife can be done quickly just to get it all over with so he can heal. Please write on Fri after the apt to let us know how it went.
  6. I hope his recovery is smooth and easy!
  7. Andrea


    That is awesome!!!!!! Did you work with the mouth or did you do something else?
  8. Why don't you have your daugther post here under grieving section? I unfortunately (unfortunate in that they are grieving) know a few girls in the same age range on this website going through the same issues, I am sure your daughter can get a lot of support right here.
  9. How old is your daugther? I came across this which is for kids http://www.kidskonnected.org/
  10. What a great website!!!! I saw our Connie B. listed as a survivor!
  11. I ditto Becky, actually both Becky's. Next month I will report. I hope
  12. Andrea

    I'm still around

    AMy it was nice to see you post Hope to see more of you soon and hope to only hear good things!
  13. Beth, I am glad that you are getting through your challenges I can't wait to hear that you are doing great on a lower dose of Tarceva!
  14. Karen, Hi. First, how are you feeling? I have not seen an update on you recently Second, I will share my opinion on why you don't see some people that you used to. Again, this is just my opinion--I think it has to do with the emotional aspect of the disease. I think that people all come here for different reasons, some for support; some for friendship; some for information, etc. I think whether someone posts as often or not as often just has to do with where they are in life and treatment. Some people with NED find it hard to be here at times and want to esacpe (like my mom, I don't think she would be able to mentally "handle" all the news here as well as she would like to) ; other people with NED enjoy posting and want to encourage hope to others. On the flip side, some people undergoing treatment may or may not want to always post depending on how they are feeling, etc. And those who lost a loved one may find it too hard to post. Others find it soothing. I personally am in touch with some people who I love dearly and who don't post as often as they used to just because of where they are in life. Hopefully that makes sense ANd again, I am speculating, but that's my opinion Be well
  15. Andrea

    Diabetic Cat

    To jump in, my best friend's cat was just diagnosed with diabetes two weeks ago. So your cat has lots of company
  16. Checking in quicvkly from my inlaws---I am worried about her too, I sent her a PM on Tues and it still shows in my outbox
  17. Cheryl, I am so sorry But don't be discouraged, very often the brain mets can be treated and just zapped away and then you will go back to the clinical trial. When do you start treatment? I am praying for strength for you and Jack. You are strong, you can do it! We all love you very much
  18. Joni I wish you and Alex a peaceful day. I am so glad that you are going to be busy, that should help. Hang strong, you are in my thoughts.
  19. I almost think it is a human reaction to ask if someone smoked. I am getting tired of it too, but I can't get too upset b/c I myself was ignorant and would have asked the same question about smoking before I knew better. Although I wish I never had this education, sometimes ignorance is bliss For fun twice recentlydoctors (my own doctors, not my moms) asked me if my mom was a smoker and I said NO and saw the shock on their face. In reality she DID smoke but quit 25+ years ago. However I did not feel like sharing that b/c many never smoked. As for wanting to talk aobut it, I usually do want to, but my mom doesn't as much, so go figure, we can't even get it in sync in the family Just shows taht we all handle things differently
  20. Looking forward to an update!
  21. Fay---I can only imagine how hard the waiting is. I am hoping and praying that it is nothing serious and just a scare. It is pot calling the kettle black, but try not to get too worked up u ntil you know more. Sometimes lesions can be nothing, they found one on my dad's spine within the past year and it turned out to be a begnin bone island. Also, my close friend's brother, he is 34, suffered a seizure and they saw a lesion and sent him all over, lots of neurosurgeons, then after further tests and more scans, it just disappeared and he is fine. And my college roomate's younger sister, age 22, had a seizure, there was a tumor, she had it removed, it was not cancer, totally bengin, and she is perfectly fine 2 years later. Let us know as soon as you hear something
  22. Laurie, It was so good to see you post! I am so happy that your mom is doing well. I hope you get your medical situation under control. Sometimes TLC from our parents does us a world of good. Hang in there!
  23. 180 does not sound too bad, my mom is diabetic. One thing I know from my mom's treatment is that cancer treatment can make your sugar go out of control. My mom was not on insulin before and now she is. Something especially in the anti-nausea meds they gave her made it go extra out of whack and the drip too. The good news is that with the insulin, her diabetes has never been better, her diabetes number is perfect for the first time in long while. I am editing to add one thing since the issue of eating came up---my mom eats what she wants. She eats cookies and cake. She cut back on carbs by not eating a bagel each morning. However her lunch often is Famous Amos cookies and tea and for the first time her numbers are good diabetes wise, I think it is just moderation, at least for her. The diabetes dr could not be more pleased with how under control she got it.
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