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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Thank you for sharing! Congrats on making it to the 25 years of clean
  2. Hi all, The beast struck again, this time the husband of a dear dear dear dear dear friend. It appears to be LC with mets to brain and they have Kaiser. Just wondering if anyone in the So Cal area has a Kaiser dr they like. My friend is really my second Jewish mother, a lovely class act. She was my secretary at my old job, a true Russian Jewish mother--always made me tea with apples when I had a cold and just took care of me. She even cut up my fruit when I was eating healthy My mom and I adore her so much and quite naturally were devestated when we got the e-mail this morning. Thanks!
  3. Shelly, I am soooo sorry I think it is wonderful however that you are buying the house. I know I am in the minority opinion, but I was telling my mother in law last week that I personally don't like the holidays anymore b/c they do nothing but depress a certain sector of the population, whether it be because of illness, loss, divorce, just being alone, etc. Hang in there and know what we are all thinking of you!
  4. THank you for the update. Lucie is an amazing woman!
  5. Bumping up. SOOOOO embarassed, have not done this yet, just got the recipes ready. Was theere a deadline? Is it passed?
  6. Ken, Welcome to the club no one wants to join I am guessing that you will get blood tests on Monday at your pre-op. I think it is great that you are a surgical candidate and they are going right in fast! We have people on this board who are one lungers and doing just fine! Please keep us posted! The only thing I would suggest would be to call the oncologist ASAP on Monday and let him/her know what the surgeon plans to do.
  7. Randi, Don't give up hope b/c you just never know!!! I am so sorry you have to go through this, I wish I had magic words I love the pic, your baby is so cute!
  8. Karen thank you so much for posting!! SOOOOOO glad to hear that the recovery is going well!!!
  9. Oh my goodness, I am shocked! How overwhelming for you!!! I hope Part II has some better news. Did you consider calling Sloan Kettering in NY? They shuld not be too far from you
  10. Kate, In addition to calling American Cancer Society, call the hospital your dad is getting treatment at and ask if they know of a transport service for hire. Is your dad being treated at Sloan Kettering by any chance? I believe from years and years back when my aunt was being treated, they had a list of businesses that help with the transporting. You can also call them and ask for caregiver agencies and call those angencies to see if you can hire someone. Good luck!
  11. Awesome!!! Thank you!!!! The dr mentioned Tarceva as a possibilty for "maintence" of NED in my mom since Iressa had too many side effects. It will be interesting to see if he prescribes it. Also I LOVE that website you linked too, I never saw it. Very informative with the latest news. Thank you for posting
  12. I agree with Katie, Cathy please go. I understand your fear, believe me. I get nervous and cranky around my yearly, but it is so important to prevent anything serious. Think about it, ok? And PM if me you want to talk about paranoia, i know it well I am back from the Dr who thinks I am nuts. He thinks I have bronchitis. I asked if he heard it in my lungs or if he just thinks it. I asked that twice, never got a straight answer. I said that's nice if itis bronchitis, but chest xray please. He said he is sure I am fine. I said that's nice, chest xray please, my mom has lung cancer and I know plenty of people in their 30s with lung cancer who never smoked from my website. He said that I am only looking at a small sample of the entire population. I said that's nice, chest xray please So he wrote the script for a chest xray and I went across the street and got it done. I then asked when I can expect a call, he said next week, or if there is something they call him right away. I said I expect you will call me. He said it depends, if it is just a small pnemonia no call bc I am giving you antibiotics. I said "Isn't it true that you cannot distinguish a pnemonia from a cancer on a chest xray?". He said sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. I could tell he was trying not to laugh, but I got my chest xray He also said sometimes a little knowledge can be a bad thing. I DID admit FULLY that I know I sounded crazy He also talked about how you dont want too many xrays b/c that increaes your risk of cancer. I said actually there are studies now that that is not really true and I just heard someone speak at Cedars and the FDA considers for people working in the medical field radiation the equivlanet of at least 10 xrays a year (I think that was the #, i could not remember exactly) and that studies are underway and in the next few years everyone may be getting chest ct scans along with their yearly mamograms. Even the tech looked at me wierd, but oh well Better to be safe and not regret it thinking back "Darn, I should havepushed"
  13. I wish I were pregnant I haven't even had a shot yet!! Maybe next month I'll have a possible chance I will see what the dr says. Realistically the odds are low of it being cancer, but being so involved with this website and knowing the dangers can kind of skew your view and really make you seem crazy at the physician's office Of course if everyone who coughed had a chestxray as my husband argues, hmmmm
  14. Well here is what is interesting to me, in NY (or at least the drs my parents went to), a chest xray was given every year routinely. Here in California, the doctors dont give it routinely. I will ask and see what he says tomorrow
  15. Hi. I was wondering how often you all get routine chest xrays for screening. It came up today b/c I found out where I get my neurosis from--my dad!! I was in the pulmonologist office today for my mom and my dad noticed my cough (it started Sunday). My internist is in that building and my dad decided to go make me an appt for tomorrow and wants me to ask the internist to send me for a chest xray. I realize how insane I will sound tomorrow--"Hi, I am 32, non smoker, I have had a dry cough since Sunday and my chest hurts a little, please send me for a chest xray".......but then I realized it has been 2 years and I meant to get one at least every 2 years anyway Better to be safe than sorry. Just curious how often you all go
  16. We saw the pulmonologist today, she had a chest xray and breathed into something. Turns out her lung capacity is 50% that of a "normal" person and expected from her lobectomy is 80%. She has some radiation neumitis (not sure on spelling) and they are doing further breathing tests, low level stress test, and an echocardiogram. That's all
  17. Andrea


    Heather, I LOVE the picture!!!! Please post about the wrist bands when you find out
  18. Angela, That was such a sweet post. I think the feeling is mutual from everyone here, thank you for your support!!!
  19. I mentioned selenium to my mom's oncologist and he looked at me like I had two heads He said it comes naturally in I forgot what, certain foods. I guess it cannot hurt to look into it further.
  20. Suck a duck, just what the Chapmans need I am sending tons of prayers!
  21. Well majorities are not always right, after all, years and years ago, a majority of the people didn't want women or blacks to even vote. An easy solution---have us Jewish government workers deliever the mail on Christmas and Easter. Afterall, it gets pretty boring sitting home with everything closed those days and the movies can be pretty crowded. And then give the Jews off for Yom Kippur, Rosh Hoshanah, etc, without requiring them to take a paid vacation day. It would work for everyone and we'd get the services we need all year round
  22. Thank you for posting Dean. I admire you and your words!
  23. Andrea

    feelin sad...

    I think a lot of people get depressed on their b-day and reflect back. Try to have a happy birthday and more important, try to just have happy days. You deserve it!
  24. Andrea

    New sponsor

    Awesome job Rick! You are getting so many sponsors, soon you might need to do a link to them all on a page called "LCSC sponsors" instead of having them on top or the website will be all cluttered Thanks for the hard work.
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