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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Cat scan ?

    My mom seems to be getting hers every 4 months. In August she had a PET, Brain MRI, chest and abdominal CT scan. Next Monday she will be getting just a chest ct scan. I asked about another PET, he said if they did those every 4 months she'd glow in the dark
  2. Stressed, depressed, they even sound a like :)So they have to be similar Have a good time fixing up that new house!! Stay well my friend!
  3. Ry---what a blessing!!! Happy days to all of the kids
  4. Bumping as I FINALLY am printing out a couple of recipes today. Bad me!
  5. Andrea


    My mom is not as far out as you yet, but yeah, she gets all of those things!!! I want to say I am glad to know that my mom is not alone, but I am not glad that others feel that way.
  6. My mom is starting it too as soon as it can be found. We can compare notes and hopoefully they are all good!
  7. I refuse to answer on the grounds that my obgyn may kill me or stop treating me for my baby wish issue as I seemed to forget to lose weight recently. The only comment I will make is that Ry--I love the new pic!!! And Rick, awesome job on the weight loss! I know I am teetering on the edge of diabetes and gotta get with it too. Family history and all.
  8. Angie, I am crying so hard for you, I am so sorry, I dont know what to say. I hope they can zap the brain mets away. Sending love
  9. I am posting this for a dear family friend. Her husband was just diagnosed with both large and small cell carcinoma, mets to brain and liver. They were told this large and small cell combination is particularly difficult to treat. Is it common to have this combination and what about it makes it harder to treat than small or large cell alone? Thank you!
  10. Andrea

    Good scan

    Yay :) I love those type of reports!
  11. Karen I hope the doctor was able to help. You have every right to not be doing so well considering all of the stressors you have! Please let us know how it went today
  12. Well my mom was on Iresssa for maintence of remission, but had to stop per doctor orders due to "explosive" bathroom issues. The onc said he would try Tarceva once it was FDA approved. Well that time has come, so she will be starting Tarceva as soon as we locate a pharmacy that can get it and see if insurance covers it. Anyone on Tarceva? If so, how are you doing on it? I am not too optomistic b/c I heard that Tarceva and Iressa are like Coke and Pepsi, not much difference, so if Iressa side effects were intolerable for her, Tarceva is likely to be also. But you never know Sending hugs kisses and cancer cure wishes to ya'll!
  13. Treeby, I am sorry you are going through all of this. And being pregnant with all the hormones doesn't help. Just as an aside, I just read your prior post about your cough and going to the dr. I had a cough for a couple of weeks and read up on asthma and read that pregnancy often can induce asthma, giving you a chronic cough. One thing you can do is call your mom every day and it will make you feel like you are right there with her. The most important thing your mom wants you to concentrate on is that baby! Keep hanging tough
  14. Hi. I am writing on behalf of a dear wonderful family friend whose husband was diagnosed. His biopsy showed large and small cell combination, and he has mets to brain and liver. They were told that the large and small combination can be difficult to treat. The husband just started 10 days of brain radiation and they meet with the oncologist on Dec 8. Any stories, advice, knowledge, on the combination would be appreciated. I will send this link to them. Thank you!
  15. Andrea


    Can't wait for your 100th b-day! Happy 60th!
  16. Andrea

    what if I'm next?

    Kim, we all feel the paranoia that what if we are next, some more than others. I am one of the extreme neurotics, others are more sane but share the same fears Let me tell you a story--I had a cough that started Nov 16. I demanded a chest xray by Nov 19. Doctor thought I was nuts. Still coughign really bad, major chest pain--like ow!!! Went back to urgent care this past Sun and this time I did not ask, but they decided to do another chest xray to make sure it was not pnemonia. Sure enough, neurotic me was shaking again until I heard the all clear. Guess what, yesterday I got some steroids and asthma medicine and it stopped Point is, I am 32, never smoked, and share the same fears as you. You are not alone! And my husband too also thinks it is time for something for me
  17. This is a MUST READ for everyone!!!! I was so hooked, like an hour went by and I read all the way through Thank you!
  18. Andrea

    Sandy blew it!

    Sandy, Pot/kettle thing here too. Just want to let you know that I am sending good thoughts and I hope that this is nothing more than a scare! I hope the PET scan can give you peace of mind ASAP, like tomorrow would work
  19. Angie, I dont have the words to say anything. It really does stink to be an adult sometimes. I am inspired and in awe at how you are handling everything! Sending you love
  20. I am sorry for your loss
  21. Sarah, Chest xrays from what I understand are not 100%, but they can pick up some early cancers depending on the size. I was told it sort of was equated to an occult stool test where they check for blood in the stool---it is pretty accurate, but of course you can never know 100% unless you do a colonoscopy.
  22. Andrea

    Sad News

    Don I am sorry to hear the news. Sending lots of prayers yoru way!
  23. Joni, Sending lots of love and good thoughts to you and Alex at this difficult time. Alex is a brave strong little boy!
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