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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Checking in...

    THanks for the update Carleen! We have all been wondering about you. I am so sorry that you are going through all of this You are so strong! Please take care of yourself.
  2. Oy vey! Just what you need another setback. But I admire your fighting attitude!!! You are awesome!
  3. Joyce, You did an AMAZING job! Especially with the little time that you had!!!! I am in awe!!!! I agree with the rep, next year the square will be filled!!!!! You will be able to start earlier, get the word out, and people will flood the area!!!!! I wanted to come fly up North but I had a wedding I already rsvpd to the day after and would not have made it back in time. Keep up the excellent work! You are an inspiration!
  4. Tee Tee, Every case is different, but with my mom IIIA, her timeline was as follows: Nov 2003 Diagnosis Nov 2003 Chemo March 2004 surgery May 2004 radiation Currently---NED which means No Evidence of Disease; just waiting and watching and wondering as someone else here who is wise puts it.
  5. Andrea

    Dean Carl?

    Has anyone heard from Dean Carl? His last post was Oct 9. It dawned on me that I have not seen anything from him lately. Also wondering about Carleen and Keith.
  6. Paddy that was beautiful, my eyes are overflowing with tears. My deepest condolences on your loss.
  7. Thanks! She does exercise, she does the treadmill at 2.7 speed and 2.5 incline. But she has not increased it ina long while which she needs to do. Hopefully it is nothing serious and the onc is just being super cautious. I just hate when you go for what you think is a "nothing" visit and then it turns into "something"
  8. Teresa, My dad has been worked up for blood in the urine a few times. He had a cystascope and it turned out to be from an enlarged prostate and he took some meds and no big deal. I hope it is something similar for your dad!
  9. Heather, Welcome, but I am so sorry you had to find us. You will find this website full of wonderful people and you will get lots of support and information! Don't give up on your mom, she is a fighter and there are lots of treatments out there. This journey is soooo scary, especially when you embark on it. However, you will find lot of people on this board with small cell lung cancer and brain mets who are doing just fine! Please take care of yourself b/c itis so easy to run yourself down with worry.
  10. We saw the oncologist today for what I thought was going to be a routine "you're doing great" visit. Turns out, he actually got angry at one point b/c he was frustrated! He is NOT happy with my mom's progress he said We said we were fine with her quality of life as it is, I mean she has a life, so who cares if she is more tired. He said that is fine, but I am not happy! It was almost funny. He is concerned and wants to investigate. The problem is that she is still very weak--she cannot lift a gallon of water. She huffs and puffs walking upstairs at the house and then has to sit down. She cannot walk up inclines around her development. She is fatigued a lot. Short of breath. And now even wheezing a bit. We thought that was all normal. I mean we can do the mall together He set her up with a pulmonologist next Thurs to evaluate her . The onc is calling the pulmonologist to discuss her. I don't want the cancer to be back!!!! He said if her scans and PET were not just done in August he would think the cancer might be back, but her blood work is all good and he is fairly confident it is ok. The next chest ct scan will be mid Dec, but she is getting a chest xray on Thurs for the pulmonoloist. Depending on what the pulmonary tests show, after that she needs to see a cardiovascular specialist and already got a script for an echocardiogram. Never a dull moment
  11. Hi. I like to do my shopping early I am trying to decide if we should get the oncologist a holiday gift, and if so, what. Does anyone have any suggestions on what they are doing? We are giving the physician assistant a gift certificate to the mall. Females are so much easier than men I was tyring to find a lung cancer tie or something on line. No luck yet. Thanks in advance for suggestions on what ya'll are doing. ( I spent 4 years in Georgia, the ya'll comes out at times )
  12. Cheryl, You hit the nail on the head, the SYSTEM IS BROKEN!!!!! This may not relate to you, but just in general, I get sooooooo frustrated when people need lawyers for IMPORTANT matters like dealing with disability, health insurance, related employment issues, even fights with mortgage cmpanies, etc, and they cannot get a lawyer b/c it costs too much to pay for someone to help them and lawyers are greedy and dont want to take a case unless it means something to them. It is a vicious cycle! I am so sorry that you have to deal with all of this, it truly is unfair. As for your superiors, I really hope that what goes around comesaround.
  13. Elaine, sorry, I missed this before you had your appt. I dont think I ever brought an article, but I say the info I read. I do thinkm it is a good idea to bring in the article. I always preface doing such things as "I am so sorry, I make myself crazy, I am neurotic, I read things and I read this and I was wondering about it". That way they cannot take offense
  14. Cheryl, I ditto Di I also would recommend getting a consultation with an attorney who specializes in employment law and disability discrimination and who does work with FMLA, ERISA, etc, on a daily basis b/c he/she might know many other tricks to help you out faster. It is such a highly specialized field.
  15. I posted this in Early Stage b/c I forgot about this forum http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=12291
  16. Hi. I picked up a flyer at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles for a "Phase III Chemoprevention Randomized Trial of Selenium Supplementation in Persons with Resected Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer." It says "a study to evaluate whether Selenium yeast tablet can prevent new lung cancers in people with surgically removed non-small cell lung cancer as compared to patietns taking a placebo yeast" It further reads "Selenium is a trace element that occrs naturally in the human body with little or no known toxicity when taken as a supplement and has shown promiing results in preventing the incidence of cancer in labratory animals." "If you have stage I non-small cell lung cancer which has been surgically removed within the last 3 to 36 months and you are currently disease-free, you may be eligible to join the study" "To find out more about the study or to sign up, please contact Donato Kusuanco at 310-423-1850 or Ronald Legaspi a 310-423-5038
  17. Andrea

    Hey Hebbie

    Here is a link that talked about the walk. Go Heather!! What an amazing person! http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=12189
  18. Andrea

    It Took 2 minutes...

    Thanks Katie. Now I can try to beat Ry and do it under 2 minutes heehee. Ry---thank you for the reminder to send stuff out!!!!! Sometimes it is easy to forget the simple things we can do
  19. http://www.alcase.org/storefront/catalog/index.html
  20. Ry if you find what you did, i would love to send it also!
  21. Paula, I went to a seminar of sorts last week and the doctors said for Stage I when they do surgery, chemo should start 4-6 weeks later. Keep up the good recovery!
  22. Thanks! This is a litlte eerie, I just got an e-mail from my mom's boss who is a sweetheart. The mom of another employee just got diagnosed Stage III last week and she wanted the name of this website. It is almost eerie b/c it is like a yearly thing for that office now, a tradition which MUST be broken
  23. I just saw this. Karen your mom is a trooper! Saying lots of prayers for your entire family
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