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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,14871,00.html Who ever knew that removing lung cancer can seem as easy as removing a splinter. A little nip and zip zam zoop, you too can get back t making tv shows withut any worry and call yourself "all clear" Or so the article leads you to believe. Publicists are amazing Sometimes you gotta laugh at Hollywood and make believe;)
  2. How funny! I can just envision myself doign the same thing :)
  3. Angie, I don;t have any advice to share and I hope the Iressa makes it all go away. I do have a funny to share regarding snoopy daugthers. My dad caught on to me that I snoop, so when I went over a couple of months ago, I saw pieces of paper that w ould say "Andrea do not look under here" and of course I would look and others would be a piece of paper face down wth a sticky on it whch said "remove paper before Andrea comes over". He was playing with me. It was really funny :) Anyway I am glad the pain has lessened.
  4. Andrea

    Ray's Surgery

    Thank you so much for posting!!!!!!!!! That is such wonderful news! I can't wait to hear when he comes home from the hospital!
  5. I hope it is clean clean clean!
  6. I also have heard only wonderful things about City of Hope, but never have been. I had an appt there for my mom, but didn't need it b/c we found a closer onc who we love. Just to throw it out there, in Southern California, we adore my mom's oncologist at Hoag Hospital at Newport Beach. He has people from all over come see him.
  7. Paddy thanks for the update. I am so glad that he did not have to stay in the hospital and I am so sorry that you have to through all of this dog poop Please keep usposted
  8. Cheryl, I know it is much easier said than done to say hang in there. At least hte plueral effusion cleared! I am sending big hugs your way.
  9. I hope it is at the earliest stage possible! Please keep us posted with how you are doing
  10. Thank you so much everyone! I printed out this thread to show my parents
  11. Happy Birthday Faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of love to the entire family!!!
  12. Donna good job and AWESEOME NEWS with no change. Yay!
  13. I am praying for all of you in FLorida. And I have to say I have chills at all of the offers of the Georgia folks to hose members from this board. Talk about how we are a family!
  14. I hope next year is even more wonderful!
  15. When it rains it pours--prayers going out!
  16. Thanks Maryann--my mom knows about that beer truck all too well, that is literally how her father died when she was 12. He was walking across the street and boom. Sometimes I lose sight of that and dwell on cancer too much instead of other real life things too
  17. I was not sure where to post this, so since it is a "caregiver" issue in a way, I figured here. Lately I noticed sooo many posts about people getting doggies. My parents NEVER had a dog, they were NOT animal people, my mom did dog bites for Allstate as a claims adjuster, etc. Suddenly they realize my mom could use a dog It can keep my mom company and my dad can have someone to play ball with. My dad's concern is his hardwood floors and he does not want the dog pottying all around the house (he is so anal about the house, although no one comes into it). I am getting mixed responses from people, so here is my question: Has anyone gotten a dog already potty trained or sent the dog out for potty training? If they get one, they want to get one from a shelter instead of a breeder, not even sure what kind of dog yet. They want a smallish dog that is friendly, won't tear the house apart, etc. Thank you
  18. Hi. I could just as easily e-mail Snowflake as we correspond often, but in case this information could help others searching on Iressa--- How long do the poopy problems take to resolve once off the drug? Thank you
  19. Happy birthday! You both have reason to celebrate
  20. Curtis, an important point to remember is that both of yuo have such busy lives, filled with your kids, etc, so if it were not something special, neither of you would make time for the other :) Please keep us updated.
  21. Fay, How did you hurt your toes? I hope the pain is gone! I just called my mom b/c I forgot. Her burn took just a couple of weeks to go away. It staretd healing almost immediately she said.
  22. Andrea

    Happy again

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