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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Thank everyone Connie it leaves mommy with the difficult choice of deciding whether she wants to stick with Iressa or get off of it. Decisions decisions!
  2. Sweet Ginny, My dear lady, I am so sorry for your loss Earl was a wonderful man and you are such an amazing corageous person who inspires not just me, but so many here. My deepest sympathies to you and your family
  3. Pam I am so sorry for your loss
  4. Oh Ginny, I am so sorry, so so sorry Earl fought a brave fight. I am at a loss right now, I don't knw what to say just yet, but please know how much we all love you.
  5. Kitty I second the idea for a second opinion. I am so sorr ythat you are going through this LA has a lot of fine doctors, it can't hurt to go to someone else just to see.
  6. COnnie, They said that her reaction is abnormal. Which is good news for everyone else on Iressa
  7. Elaine, I dont think this should be in Path Less Travelled only b/c my mom is actively being treated, but like you described one day she is great, perfect, next day sicker than a dog. Then normal. THen n ot. Sometimes all in one day
  8. Karen I am sure the attorney will be on top of it when she returns. THe person at the agency could just be having a bad day, sometimes people get like that and are just plane old mean! Get this in your head LOUD AND CLEAR. YOU ARE NOT A DISAPPOINTMENT to anyone!!!! You have SO much going on, my goodness, it is a wonder you have not been having anxiety attacks!!! You are diong GREAT. On a side note--how is your mom doing?
  9. Jamie, My mom did better on chemo than Iressa, so hopefully your dad will feel ok too Just a question, did they mention Iressa to your dad? I like that they are doing extra chemo on your dad, I wish they would do that on my mom too.
  10. It is like a downward spiral with this little golden pill (I say golden because of the price ) Dry skin, tummy problems, fatigue, blah blah. Well now it seems her potty problems and vomitting are so bad that she is not going to attend the Relay for Life this weekend, which she wanted to do because I am going to be reading a poem and saying names in the luminaria ceremony She did say that thankfully she had scans two weeks ago which showed NED or she would be convinced she had stomach cancer. Poor thing. Looks like at the next visit we will be evaluating whether Iressa really is worth it all.
  11. Karen you would be abnormal if you were not lethargic. You have too much going on right now you poor thing Do you have an attorney handlign your case with the adoption agency? I want to punch that woman and your boss. Maybe you can just line them all up for me so I can get a swing?
  12. Heather, known as Hebbie here, has a NJ walk planned alread! Look for her posts here or PM her directly
  13. Karen, The following posts should clue you in. I was away too and pieced it together. Here is David's last post. http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.p ... ght=#90321 And then Ry posted: http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=9997 And then here: http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=10005
  14. Dede, Iam so sorry you had to fund us. Your brother was so important to all of us here. His death was such a tragic shock to everyone. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
  15. Welcome Sandy!!!!! We all love Ginny and the Duke so much. I am sorry you had to come here, but welcome!
  16. Steph, Where are you? How are you?
  17. Andrea

    Tote bags

    I was going through my things to get ready for another Relay for Life next weekend. I am an idiot, I agreed to read names during the lumanaria. My husband reminded me I don't know how to speak about cancer without crying, so luckily I have a friend helping me now. Anyway, I have lots of tote bags left which mimic the t-shirts on this website "Lung cancer may be only a breath away even if you never smoked" and has this website on it. Does anyone want a tote bag to schlep stuff around? If so, please PM me or e-mail me, andreascheff@cox.net, with your address. Tote bags are free for awareness, only requirement is to have made a donation to this website in the past or plans to do so in the future Thanks.
  18. Cat, I agree. I moved old stickies to normal postings (I have acess to do that as moderator). This way new and upcoming events will be shown better. I shoujld have thought about that sooner
  19. Andrea

    Iressa poll

    Terry;s mom--taht sounds like good news! Hopefully the radiation and Iressa will bump him right into remission!
  20. Andrea

    David A

    I am in such a state of shock, I don;t know what to say. I cannot believe it. David A was such a kind, gentle, sweet man who always lifted our spirits. My deepest condolences.
  21. I am wearing my yellow Lance Armstorng Live Strong bracelet right now as I leave for my trip
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