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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Prayers - non cancer

    oh my gosh, how tragic Prayers coming
  2. Nandie, One more thing to add. I admittedly may be one of the most neurotic people in the world. Others here can back me up on that I am so close to my mom, I literally cried every day after her diagnosis and would not stop. She is in remission now and I still cry daily. I now think every day I have cancer with every ache and pain, just not normal. When my mom got diagnosed, I was so distraught that when I got gas for my car, I drove away with the pump inside and ripped the hose off Pretty embarassing needless to say. I went to work afterwards and I told my boss I was not competent to do anything serious that day. It is like would you want an attorney who forgot to take the gas pump out????? I still am shocked at myself for being that dumb to this day. With that said, I NEVER thought I could have a good day. Well, I was wrong. My wedding was wonderful!!!!! My mom was radiant and let me tell you, she held up better than me during the Horah and she was the one with the lung cancer I am sure your wedding will be grand too!
  3. Nandie, I wish I was having a baby right now But I can help on the wedding thing. We became engaged in August 2003. I said to Brian something bad is going to happen, I am too happy. November 2003 my mom finally gets a chest xray for the tiniest of coughs. Yup, Lung Cancer. By that time our Feb 2004 wedding was already paid for, dress picked, flowers done, music done, photographer done, video, etc. I did not know my mom's prognosis in Nov, so on the suggestion of my mother in law, we got married the following week in a private casual ceremony. However, we still went forward with the Feb wedding. I didn't really want the wedding oftentimes. I was like who the heck cares about a wedding and a big party when my mom is fighting cancer. I wanted to punch brides who got all stressed out over linen vs cloth or little small issues. Even now when people get married and I hear 'oh how stressful, i need to do this or that', I am like who cares, it is GOOD stuff My weddign was Feb 22, my mom had finished chemo and surgeon appt was on Feb 23 to decide if she could have surgery. All I wanted to know was if she could have surgery, it was so hard. I was very over protective and had insert mades for my wedding program which said something along the lines of the bride's mother is batttling lung cancer, don't get insulted that she cannot shake hands or hug you, stand back or you will get punched. Well, it was classier than that, but that was teh gist I dedicated Wind Beneath Your Wings to my mom and we danced and there was not a dry eye in the house. It was really hard to have my wedding, but on the other hand, I wanted normalcy for my mom.
  4. Joni itsounds like Alex is a wonderful little boy. He can cry and play and let it all out and also be normal. You and Robert did a wonderful job with him!!!!
  5. I wish I knew too, we just had to huge weddings, mine in Feb and my brother in laws in July!!!!! We both went through weddingchannel.com. GOsh darn it!
  6. Robert is giving up his fight, he is ready to go. They are holding a family meeting now. Please say a prayer for this very young man.
  7. http://www.shahinassil.com/index.htm There will be a bone marrow drive in LA on Sunday. It is simple, they just do a cotton swab test. If you live in the area, come on down! Not only will you help someone, but g-d forbid you ever need it, you info is already in the database.
  8. Gosh darn it, why didn't they have this 6 months ago????? If you register at www.weddingchannel.com and pick a charity, they will donate a portion of all your gifts purchased to your charity of choice. Pass this along to anyone you know getting married http://wedding10.weddingchannel.com/cha ... Tag=submit
  9. My mommy had the shots, Ansepol or something like that, her blood count was done and she is on Iressa too. Her diarehea has also been very severe.
  10. Maryann, I now say "aaawwww, how cute" to all stories that are told about kids being devilish. And then I get the standard reply "wait till they are yours ;" Heehee. So until I have my own (g-d willing knock on wood sooner than later since I am getting up there in age), I can eewww and aaaahhh. Then when my own come along I can say "HELP!!!!!! What do I do with it "
  11. Andrea

    Bad week

    Ginny sending you lots of love and hoping for some peace for you.
  12. Curtis, how did the dinner and movie go last night?
  13. Ok Karen, I can understand the list of wants except for the grocery store thing. Heehee. Thanks so much for the update. It sounds like you have a busy week ahead of you. As for the adoption thing, it sounds like worse case scenario you hire a translator to interpret the birth certificiate if no one can read chinese And really, does anyone backtrack vital statistics? I hope the radiation zonks it right out! And of course I hope that your mom has a speedy recovery. I admire your strength so much! Keep hanging in there and please know how loved you all are.
  14. Hi Karen. I have seen posts from you and Dave, but no "updates" on how things are lately. So if you would not mind, please let us know how you are doing, how Dave is, how your mom is, how your bosses are treating you, and of course what is going on with the mean adoption lady. Boy can I understand how tired you are, I am tired from typing all of that Seriously, thinking of you and I know we all want to hear how things are going.
  15. November, LC awareness month, is rapidly approaching. Lets brainstorm--what can we do? All ideas are welcome, ranging from ideas for letter writing to fundraisers (even low key ones). Idea #1---does someone have a letter they have sent to their congressperson? If so, would you share it? We can have people from each state send the letter to their respective congresspeople.
  16. Elaine, You can use the Activism forum for that.
  17. I cant wait for you to let us know how he reacts to the sound. YAY!
  18. Andrea

    Denise (niececola)

    Dearest Denise, I am soooooooooooo sorry my friend. I cannot type right now, too many tears, I am going to e-mail you n ow
  19. Oh geez How unfair, I am sorry
  20. Andrea

    moving on?

    Curtis, I cannot tell you how happy I was to hear about Alisa. You are not "simply moving on". You are doing what you need to do to survive and of course take care of Katie. I will be honest with you, remember that PM i sent you when I was so excited to see that you were getting your feet wet with on line dating? I have been contemplating a few times sending you a follow up to see how it was going but I did not want to be nosey. So THANK you for sharing!!! My mom's dad got killed when she was 12, he got hit by a car. My grandmother remarried when my mom was 19, so Papa Joe was the only grandfather I knew. However, my mom's father's memory lives on--I am named after him; my engagement ring diamond is the diamond he gave my grandmother. You have such strength and courage, it is to be admired
  21. Cheryl I am hoping for a good scan! It is worth feeling sick in the long run :)
  22. Andrea

    Earl's Memorial

    Ginny it sounded beautiful. Earl was smiling down from above
  23. Jamie my mom didn't do taxatore, but i remember it was cyclical how she felt, predictable after two rounds what days would be better than others. Tell your dad to hang in there!!! You also have to take into account that your dad is still tired frm srugery also. I love the picture of the dog!
  24. Jamie my mom didn't do taxatore, but i remember it was cyclical how she felt, predictable after two rounds what days would be better than others. Tell your dad to hang in there!!! You also have to take into account that your dad is still tired frm srugery also. I love the picture of the dog!
  25. Jamie my mom didn't do taxatore, but i remember it was cyclical how she felt, predictable after two rounds what days would be better than others. Tell your dad to hang in there!!! You also have to take into account that your dad is still tired frm srugery also. I love the picture of the dog!
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