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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Matt, Welcome even though I am sorry you had to find us. This is a wonderful place for support. Tell your family to visit us and they will get tons of support and love, especially in the Familymembers forum
  2. Aims, So sorry you had to find us. What did the doctors say? Did they send him for follow up and he refuses to go? Maybe try some tough love and "threaten" him to get his butt back to the dr. Keep us posted!
  3. I ditto also. You are just so young. Please promise you will report to us that you are no longer a member, ok? I am praying for no cancer!
  4. Count me in. I am like the heaviest person on earth these days.
  5. I cannot sleep, i was catching up on posts, reading newcomers, etc, and something dawned on me-----it seems that our memebers are becoming younger and younger and there are just so many diagnosed in the 30s and 40s. It makes me wonder if more young people are getting diagnosed; or if those in that age frame are just more computer savy than say my mom at age 58 (she would never have found this website). Just sad and scary whatever the reason. And another reason to remember to cherish each day. Off to bed.
  6. Joni it makes sense. Perfect sense. My boss's husband is in a coma for over a year now, she has a 5 year old and she never said why and I never asked, but she had two dogs. One was a tiny dog and she gave him away to a good loving home. Just the other week, she got a rotweiler (I cannot spell it), she has a trainer come to the houose once a week to train it.........it doesn't take a genious to figure out why she got that dog and it just makes sense that she feels that way and that you are scared.
  7. Andrea


    Curtis, you made my day. I am happy that you are realizing how much love you have to give and possibly found someone to be potentially serious with
  8. How funny this was posted, my mom says she is pregnant (total joke) b/c the smell of chicken makes her sick, yet suddenly she had a craving for whtie fish and now her biggest newest craving is for something called Borscht. Borscht is found in the aisle of Jewish food and is basically like a beet soup and you add sour cream
  9. Bruce please come back soon
  10. Yay! Here is another website http://www.alimta.com/treatment/alimta.jsp?reqNavId=2.1
  11. Yikes, glad you are home safe. I assume you are talking about Northern California? We flew home from Tahoe on August 11 and noticed a fire down below. So scary.
  12. Andrea

    MY WHY !!!

    Anyone watch Last Comic Standing? I don't think that there was one group left untouched
  13. Ellen, My mom, IIIA also, had the chemo, then surgery, and then radiation. They told us it was pretty common now to get that because they want to make suer there are no floating cells and focus on the area. Radiation was not too bad for my mom. It is the type of thing that was 5 weeks and got much worse at the end, and when she it bottom, it was done. Side effects aafter a few weeks for her were trouble swallowing, esophagus pain and fatigure.
  14. Yikes! I am glad the benadryl did the trick.
  15. If I were given a Standard Association Test, I would be insitituionalized immediately
  16. Ok Peggy now I am cracking up, HE wore pink pants???? I can just envision Brian in Pink
  17. We had our weekly calender meeting at work (it is a law office). Someone asked "is anyone knwowledgable about Iressa and disability"? Well OF COURSE I said I know all about Iressa and started to explain about it..........Everyone is looking at me like I am crazy What he meant was "ERISA", the Employee Retirement Income Security Act". There was some new ruling recently dealing with disability from work and ERISA In my defense, ERISA is pronounced just like IRESSA and the firm does do a lot of medical malpractice work, so I thought it was logical. Everyone else just thinks I am mental Heehee
  18. Mandy, Greetings from one former Long Islander to another Long Islander I had kidney stones a few times and blood in urine is a major indicator of stones. It is good taht the ultrasond and CT scan did nto shw anything. It is probably a coincidence with the cancer. Have you thought about going to Sloan Kettering in the city?
  19. Joni, How is Alex coping? I know y ou are being so strong and brave for him and I am so proud of you. Thinking of you all the time even though I was negligent in my writing
  20. I found Alimta in case anyone is interested. http://www.fda.gov/cder/drug/infopage/a ... imtaQA.htm
  21. Traveca! BIngo. I was doign Travocera and got zilch. Thanks!
  22. Here I was thinking I knew it all about LC and ready to open up my own advice line (Just kidding, but fun to think back to Nov when I freaked out over low platelets. Isn't it common knowledge that is nothign to worry about? Wait, no, it is not b/c I worried too way back when. Heehee). Low and behold, the beautiful Connie alerted me to the fact that there is a sister drug to Iressa. Who knew? Not me Does anyone happen to know the name? I searched actually last week to see if there were any Iressa alternatives and found nothing. I also searched for a new drug also I heard was coming out soon which is similar to Iressa, but I thought it was called Travocera and I could not find that either. Thanks
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