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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Hall pass.....

    I would take one pedal on a mountain bike, break out in a sweat and fall over. So instead I;ll happily sit on a jet ski on the lake and have it to do the work for me. Heeheee I know, I am taking too many hall places. Sending in my fine to Katie right now through the donation link
  2. My mom;'s only symptom before diagnosis was a dry minor cough. The cough worsened during chemo. The oncology staff said that was actually a side effect of the chemo.
  3. I hope they can remove the pesky gland!
  4. Andrea

    Hall pass.....

    Yeah I have been a hog with little weekend get aways here and there This is funny, my mom just told me that she got a call at 10:30am from the imaging center and they asked her which lobe was removed I can ONLY hope they were reading the PET scan at that time and wanted to make sure slight uptake was scar tissue
  5. Andrea

    Hall pass.....

    leaving for Tahoe on Sunday, returning Wed night. Onc office called, preliminary reading of today's scans show NED. However, still need to wait for offocial report and they need to investigate why my mom throws up every day. Have a good weekend! Thanks for the good thoughts.
  6. My mom had that too, it sounds like the esophagus swelling thing that is common
  7. Welcoem back. My prayers are withyou and your sweet Alex. Where did you go?
  8. i like the watered down version, it all just depends on thes pin you put on things. I wish i had better advice, it is ia tough situation
  9. Have an extra special day!
  10. Thanks so much for that information!!!! I encourage everyone who gets information like that to share because it really does help. I will be honest, the main reason I came here was to gain knowledge. Through the process I was fortunate and blessed to have met so many people So the support and love and new famiy is just the icing on the cake. Hearing information and learning from other people's experiences makes me feel better informed. So a big tahnk you!
  11. Denise I am so glad she is home. Please tlel your mom that anytime she wants to talk, she has a former Long Islander here in California rooting for her and happy to talk to her at any tine. I love you so much Denise and my heart goes out to you and your dear mom
  12. Andrea

    Doing well

    I am so glad that you are home and that youhave a wonderful boyfriend and a great sister for support!
  13. You may go ONLY on the condition that you show some pictures!!!!! What right do I have to demand that? None whatsoever, but I felt like saying it b/c we want to see the family photos Are David's parents going too?
  14. Andrea


    Fay, Women can be, well you know, b-t-h's. Big time. Just ignore them and enjoy having a handsome man on your arm! My mother in law has a single woman who is desperate to find a man and my mom said to me "just watch, when _____ meets your father, she is going to flirt as if i am already in the grave.". And yup, it happened. Of course my dad had no clue. We laugh about it now
  15. Andrea


    Fay, Women can be, well you know, b-t-h's. Big time. Just ignore them and enjoy having a handsome man on your arm! My mother in law has a single woman who is desperate to find a man and my mom said to me "just watch, when _____ meets your father, she is going to flirt as if i am already in the grave.". And yup, it happened. Of course my dad had no clue. We laugh about it now
  16. Don, I felt such real pain and frustration reading our post. My heart hurt for you. Please Don, I know you are angry now at losing your mother, but, in time, when you are calmer, make sure you realize and KNOW that there is NOTHING you could have done. You did so much for your mom, you are a wonderful son .As horrible and tragic as it is, there was nothing that could be done and your mom KNOWS how much you love her and she is watching over you
  17. I wonder if I felt in my body that it was a bad day for the boards. Last night at the Sabbath Service in Temple honoring my brother in law for his wedding today I lost it. I had not been to a temple service in awhile and at the end they do a prayer for the sick and read off a LONG list of names. My mom's name was on there, i was not prepared for it, and tears just came rolling down myeyes. I was SOOOO embarassed. I did not make a scene, it was silent c rying, but the bride switched seats with my brother in law and put her arm around me. And then my mother in law looked at me and almost lost it. In the middle of temple, i reached for my pill box and popped a xanax. I could tell a few peple were like what is that. It was just really emotional. Ok, i gotta stay away for the day, off for hair and makeup now. Even though i want to cry all day for everyone, my mom will NOT be happy with makeup running before pictures. She would say and will say when i speak to her soon "suck itup, cry AFTER the weding"
  18. Peggy, This is going to be short b/c I am literally out the door to get my hair done for my brother in laws wedding, but had ot check the board first. I had the exact conversation with the girls at the oncologist office on Wed. I was joking and telling them how crazy I am and how I read obsessively and check my cancer board every day. They said "why do you do that? That is not healthy for you.". I said b/c I love the people and feel real emotions, my body physically gets chills when I read certain posts, etc. They said "ok, but it is not good for you". So obviously there are two mindsets about coming to a board like this and i don;t think there is a right or wrong. I realize now I have no point to makme, except sharing what thet girls said. When I say girls I mean the nurses, phy sicaian assisant, and medical assistant. They are so nice
  19. Andrea

    TBone has died.

    I am speechless and heartbroken. I am so sorry for the loss of Tbone. I can't think of words right now.
  20. This family friend just took a t urn for the worse Please say good thoughts
  21. I am not sure, but funny you mentioned it, b/c I asked the oncologist on Wed about it. I said i read on my websit about whole brain radiation, he said that is for SCLC. I am not sure wny not for NSCLC, but maybe b/c they don't do surgery on small cell? Hmmm.
  22. I was flipping through the new ALCASE newsletter that came in the mail today and in the "Spotlight" Section they feature Renee and her Chicago Lung Cancer Walk! IT says she even wrote "Lung Cancer Walk: Yes, You Can Do It, One Step At A Time" and it is available through ALCASE. Boy do I feel like a loser that I was going to do one and coordinate it with Heather and Renee and flaked out. Maybe next year when I am a bit more mentally balanced Anyway, check it out. You can access it through ALCASE website too . And for more information on the Renee Chicago walk and the Heather New Jersey walk, check out the Activism forum
  23. Sending tons of good wishes to you and Shellie!
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