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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Charlie is tough, he will do great! I hope to hear only good things
  2. Aaawww, that is so cute Can she be cloned so I can have one too? Just kidding, but she is really cute, so not such a bad idea
  3. Andrea

    Fay A update

    I spoke with Fay A just now. She is still in ICU but hopes to be moved to a regular room shortly. Unfortunately she had complications with the biopsy--extensive bleeding and her lung collaposed 25%. Her biopsy results were inconclusive so she is not too pleased b/c she has had false negatives befores. However she did sound like her upbeat on-line personna, so that is good Here is to a speedy recovery!
  4. May you have a stressless worry free day!
  5. I like this idea Ann! Well today was hospital attire---I wear the LCSC t-shirt in hopes of attracting people's attention. I do that often on weekends, although at times it gets on my mom's nerves. Then I had on a necklace that had a diamond from my grandma to watch over my mom; a gold bracelet from my aunt to watch over my mmom; my "HOPE" silver lung cancer bracelet; and of course what I wear EVERY DAY--Andrea B's beautiful lung cancer bracelet. I also had on my good luck GUESS ring. On a typical work day, typical boring work clothing--suits, or pants and a nice shirt if I don't feel like wearing a suit even though I think I am supposed to
  6. Well she is out of ICU, but still so miserable, it breaks my heart. She said this is the worst she has been through. Potential problems--she cannot do the breathing exercise machine you gte in the hospital, she is wheezing and has fluid on her lung, so they might drain it. She is taking major major baby baby steps which is ok, I just wnt her to keep taking them. We will see what tomorrow brings!
  7. A zillion thanks to everyone. She is still in ICU, but off the ventilator. However she has not been too responsive today, the only words she said were ice chips and hello and go home when she decided we shoud leave for the night THey said her chest xray was not teh greatest, her lungs are not expanding and seh can't get the ball moving in the breathing thing. If it does not pick up tomorrow they may have to vent her again. That';s about it. No real update. More tomorrow
  8. I am sorry for the news But hopefully Lucie will take to this new treatment like the previous ones!
  9. Thanks everyone! A quick update: She is still on a ventilator in ICU. She did acknowledge we were there by squeezing our hand. She has been in and out of awakedness all day, mostly out.They will evaluate tomorrow if she can come off of ventilator. After this fiasco, we have another problem, she is losing red blood cells, so in a few weeks will need an endoscopy to check for source of lost of blood. I pray it is not serious.
  10. OK, I got my proofers THANK YOU for the quick responses!!!!!!!! If we need more, I will post again.
  11. Thanks everyone! Ginny and Tina---they way it wrks on line, you dont know whose is whose till you go into it. So I am getting proof readers to break up the different recipe parts.
  12. I asked awhile back, but people's situation may have changed. The awesome volunteers got the recipes in--we have over 300!!!!! I just have a few more to input that I received tonight. Who has time to help proof-read? Please let me know so I can get you the information as I will be somewhat out of it/gone next week with my mom's bypass. If you want to help, please PM me your e-mail address and full name so I can list you as a committee member in the book. THANK YOU!!!!!
  13. I also suggest Emory Hospital. I went to law school at Emory and Emory Hospital has a good reputation. It cannot hurt to get a second opinion in case another doctor is willing to be more agressive.......even a second opinion from someone else at Emory is a good idea since you are giong to a branch how. For my mom, at first they were not sure about surgery, moving too slow, so I got her into somewhere else (affiliated with same hospital) and they were more agressive and she acheived remission.
  14. You are awesome!!!!!!! And THANK YOU for still hanging around here 5 years out. You were a huge help to me when my mom had her surgery over a year ago.
  15. Andrea


    Elaine, My close friend's sister had that tumor like 5 years ago, she had surgery at Sloan Kettering in NY and she is just 100% fine now! I wish the same for your daugther
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2005/HEALTH/conditio ... index.html It says that nonsmokers get it, i saw headline on cnn.com
  17. I just say yes, but she quit 25 years ago. I can understand people asking b/c I used to be naive and think it was mostly a smokers disease, and probably would have asked the same question. There are lots of stigmas, like for my mom's bypass, the obvious question--is she chubby, high cholesterol, etc
  18. We have to write to that lately. What nerve. And it is a pretty visible article. I have my "home page" set to MSN which I think a lot of comptuers also do. It is one of the top links on that page today!! I am giong to send her a message now
  19. Tina sending lots and lots and lots of love and prayers to you and Charlie!!
  20. Karen, I am in awe and inspired by your positive attitude. Thank you for the uplifting post and lots of love to you and Faith! And congrats on the weight loss. I will e-mail you later
  21. Keep checking, Katie had said in a previous post it was replayed by her and my mom said she saw it this morning on ABC here. Lisa if you see this, my mom was moved to tears by your story. She did not realize I "know" you from the website when she told me what she saw on the news. She said you were beautiful!
  22. http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/Health/story? ... 929&page=1
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