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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Why don't you consult an attorney and see what he/she says? Usually you can get a consult that wont cost you and you can then see if they have any suggestions.
  2. Andrea

    House , on Fox

    A little late....So my parents finally watched it last night (gotta love VCRs and Tivo).......my mom called me today and said " I can certainly understand why people from your website were upset, I did not like it, how dare he just dismiss her like that and not even try to help her.". I told her that it was a tv show and besides that, Dr House is a diagnostician, not oncologist, so after diagnosis, he is out of it and in real life she probably would have been sent to specialists She still did not like the attitude.
  3. Mine is interesting. Maybe someone can tell me if they ever heard my version. We have no idea if my dad made it up or not, Brian thinks he did. My dad used to always say: "Little rabbit foo foo, I don't like your attitude". (I forgot the rest). Brian said that was a spin-off of the real rabbit one, but I am not sure
  4. Fay so glad you are home!!! Yay!
  5. Had to respond b/c I am such a huge believer and fan of on line dating as I have had great experiences and made so many friends even before Brian. I met Brian on JDATE
  6. Yay!!!! So glad you posted. Everyone--Aceking is SO cool, such a nice person!!!! I've had the pleasure of corresponding with her ever since she gave me a recipe.
  7. Saturday is the really big day, it is HAIR color/cut day No Nordstroms afterwards though, something about it would tire her out too much Heeheee. I am a little concerned about the shampooing, but they will be extra gentle leaning her back in the bowl. And I will probably hover, I am REALLY REALLY good at being annoying and a nag. My mom would say it is my speciality
  8. Andrea

    House , on Fox

    I actually thought they did a good job. My view on it was the message that LC can strike anyone, does not disrciminate. This was a young girl, and no mention of smoking. I have had two people comment to me lately that they never knew certain facts about lung cancer (well they did, I told them, but I guess they ignored me). Both my boss and friend from NY mentioned within the last month that they are seeing more and more on the news that LC is so common, non smokers, etc. They told me they were shocked, and I think that was the message of House. Of course I have this view b/c I read this post before watching it, we had Tivod it and watched it tonight Brian's first comment was thank goodness I finally got the chest xray I was begging for this week (I have had a chronic cough for a month now), or I'd be up all night worrying and bothering him And when my dad watches it he maybe will see why I was concerned and take back the name calling
  9. Thanks for asking Maryanne, that was so sweet of you With all the bad news lately it is really hard for her to complain. She is doing ok, but in lots and lots of pain. Still unable to sleep in bed (EDITING POST TO ADD THIS QUESTION--She asked me yesterday actually how long some of you had to sleep in recliners after your surgery since it is a similar surgery) Labor Day weekend was the worst breathing wise. She said later she was afraid to go to ER b/c she did not want a ventilator. I yelled at her Drs said she was ok if she co uld catch her breath after 10 minutes of resting. Turned out she had bronchial spasms. She starts rehab ina few weeks. And meanwhile we have a new issue, she is VERY anemic, losing iron and is getting a 6 week course of an iron transfusion. This started before the bypass, so now we need to f igure out where the blood leak is. Also potassium is too high, so that is a new issue to resolve. Otherwise, she is plugging along. She FINALLY got her nails done yest, her toes turned orange from some of the meds Thanks again for asking. Sorry for babbling!
  10. Andrea

    Mouth Sore

    My mom was given something to rinse her mouth with all the time when she was on chemo to help prevent sores and infections. I just called and thtey don't remember the name, but someone else might.
  11. I would do a nice card letting her know how much she means to you, and if you are financially able, since you said she is struggling, I would get her a gift certificate to her favorite store or to a mall and tell her to have some fun
  12. I wish you a 100 more happy b-days!!!!
  13. Has your mom seen a cardiologist? My mom was also getting increasingly tired. She had a triple bypass. I am not sure if the two were related.
  14. Cool if I am home. Not cool if I have to be on the road
  15. Jamie, I am so glad you are keeping busy. Please post when you can. We miss you. And who knows, maybe if I see your name, I would remember to do the Tae Boe tapes. It has only been a year Take care of yourself!
  16. Ok, how freaky is it that Denise (niececola) and I went to the same college (Binghamton) at the same time and lived in the same dorm and had very similar majors and never met?????? Anyway: 1972-1990--Long Island NY 1990-1994--college at SUNY Binghamton (upstate NY) 1994-1998--law school in Atlanta Georgia 1998-2000--Burbank, CA 2000-2001--Beverly Hills, CA 2001-2003--Costa Mesa, CA 2003-2005--Irvine, CA As of 1 month ago-- Anaheim Hills, CA, my first home purchase
  17. Thank you for letting us know. Beth was such a sweet girl. Too young
  18. Devestating, tragic, and unfair
  19. Andrea

    Fay A

    Thanks for letting us know!! How long is she supposed to be in the hospital for?
  20. Oh Jamie I think of you often. I had been glad not to hear from you, thinking you were enjoying those beautiful children. My mom sends you her love, I told her, she immediately remembered you. I wish I had words of comfort. I am going to send you a private e-mail you later, but just wanted to post and let you know that you are loved and missed here.
  21. Peggy, My heart goes out to you. I also admire your attitude so much, you have no idea. Sending hugs and prayers
  22. Glad you find the website. I hope to hear good news from you soon. Before my mom was diagnosed, I had a LC scare, they found an infiltrate when I had a ct-scan for gallstones. I was followed up with scans in 3 months and it went away, but showed up in other lung, then both resolved. My dr said the GOOD NEWS is that lung cancer does not disappear and then reappear in different spots. I hope the same for you and it is a simple infection. Let us know
  23. Just FYI, I submitted "A Taste of Hope" to Morris Cookbooks today It takes about 40-60 days. I ordered 600 books. I will take pre-orders once I hear back from Morris that production has begun.
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