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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Ry our m inds work alike. I am annoyed at my friends, I sent out an e-mail about the cookbooks, I of course mentioned it two more times in updates about my mom, and not as many as I hoped will b uy. Since I NEVER cook, the fact that I am cooking something maybe will get someone to say "wow, that is good" and I will get to say YES THE COOKBOOK!!!!! Did you all know that corningware tells you the sizse of the dish on the bottom? This way I knew what 1 quart was :)
  2. I am making it on Sat :) And I NEVER cook, but it looks good.
  3. Anyone want to order a cookbook? I know it is getting annoying, but each time I do a fresh post so far I have gotten at least two orders!!! I am heading to post office on monday to mail some holiday gifts and one order I have, so if you want to order, go to the top of General Forum for information. If you are mailing me your order instead, please e-mail me at andrea@lchelp.org or PM me with your order information so I can do it this weekend . Thanks!!!!!
  4. What an inspiration you are! So happy to near the news
  5. I am so sorry Keep us posted!
  6. Leslie, I am sooooo sorry you have to go through this Like others said, many have survived it!!!!! I believe our Karen535 had successful treatment done. Here is to safe prayers for your hubby's return home.
  7. Andrea


    Praying for good news. It is encouraging that the tests were inconclusive. It means they are just making 100% sure and I hope to hear good news soon
  8. Jen, at the top of the General Forum is an announcement on how to order
  9. Ry how brilliant, the office grab bag, I should have thought of that!!! What a great way to show off the book some more and make my co-workers feel guilty that they have not ordered it! (well 1 did). I have a copy on display in the lunchroom.
  10. Don't mean to be a pest, but I have not gotten any orders in a week, so I am all ready for more :) Some self centered reasons for you to order: 1. I need an excuse to go to the post office to get boxes b/c I was dumb and purchased some odd size holiday gifts to send to my friend's children in NY. 2. I am going for my pregnancy test (which I am 90% certain is negative) on Sunday. So I will need something to keep me occupied when I come home and wait for the phone call. Hence I can process orders and pack books. 3. If it is a big order, my dad has to carry the boxes to the post office for me and he can use the exercise. 4. Brian is doing the "I told you so" now that sales have slowed down, and I love nothing more than to prove him wrong. 5. I can brag that I sold however many books and maybe get more sales out of that. Nothing like casually mentioning to a friend "oh I sold about 200 of those books" to get them to remeber to order If you are ordering by snail mail instead of paypal, feel free to e-mail me at andrea@lchelp.org so I can pre-package for faster receiving
  11. That is so sweet, thank you for posting that.
  12. Andrea


    Congratulations POst a picture w hen you have one
  13. Sending love and good thoughts her way. Thank you so much for the update. Tell her to hurry back
  14. Hi Cindi, I don't know much about congestive heart failure, but when my mom has the acture respiratory distress after her anyerusm procedure, her heart enzymes were high also and they said it was possibly congestive heart failure which is treatable. Turned out she did not have CHF, but they did say it was treatable when they thought it was
  15. Oh Karen, I am so sorry to hear the news. It is just so unfair. You have more than any one person should have to bear in a lifetime. If you ever need to talk or vent, I am here
  16. I've learned to be grateful for every day Ann--no plans for a second cookbook just yet, still need to sell more of the first But we can perhaps do inserts for the cookbooks since it is a binder
  17. Andrea

    Ok My Turn...

    I am out of bed I am housebound till Wed morning still though. I just processed the outstanding orders (only 4), and hopefully Brian can box them for me, so my dad can mail them tomorrow since I won't be lifting yet Ry--don't worry if you have extra books. Whatever you are left with, you can just send back to me, or I can have you send them directly to people who order. We will figure it out
  18. Awesome news I know what you mean, how ironic to be so excited to have part of a lung removed!
  19. Sending tons of hugs and love your way dear Peggy
  20. Andrea

    Heather is a star!

    I can understand your frustration about editing. Just FYI Heather, what I got out of it was a story on how no one is immune from the disease, and how it is on the rise in young women who never smoked, and how women need to pay attention b/c there are no warning signs. I am so inspired by you!
  21. Andrea

    Heather is a star!

    I just saw the video. Wow Heather, you did wonderful.
  22. Look on the LCSC Store Forum, you wil lsee it
  23. Andrea

    Blessing ABC's .......

    I is for Ice Cream. Ice Cream is good for fighting the blues of LC. Ice Cream is also good for celebrating when you get good news. So basically no matter what, there is always a place for ice cream.
  24. Well you all may know how much I LOVE the Andrea B bracelets ( www.creativegirldesigns.com ) I wear mine daily Now I have go give a rave review to the baseball jersey t-shirts from cafe press. I ordered a few for my dad and he loves them and wears them all the time to roam around in. The shirts are comfy, and it is advertising LC awareness As for me, I got the license plate frame for both the front and back of my car and they look GREAT! Much better than the tacky frame that came with the car which I was sporting for 5 years. (I also have the LC magnet on my car now too) That's it, just wanted to give a review heehee
  25. Go Addie, Go Addie, Go Addie as we visualize her running back to LCSC to the tune of Rocky
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