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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Readers Digest

    What a beautiful artcile. I found it on line http://www.rd.com/content/openContent.d ... ntId=27536
  2. For those newcomers, we published a cookbook with proceeds to benefit LCSC. You can see the picture in the second announcement on top of this forum. I am in the final sale stages. I sent Katie $2,500 so far and will be sending another $500 shortly from proceeds. For those who want to order, please PM me with your address and order, or e-mail me at andreascheff@adelphia.net (my lchelp.org e-mail is temporarily down). The books are $12 each. You can order through payapl sending payment to andrea@lchelp.org when you log onto paypal; or you can mail me your check (I will provide the mailing address in a PM or e-mail) The remaining books thereafter will be sent out as donations to various events, per some members requests Thanks!
  3. I am so sorry for your loss Please tell your dad that we are all thinking of him
  4. Andrea

    Three Years

    I am so happy for you!!!!!!! You are an inspiration to all. You also made someone laugh today--a co-worker's mom was not sure if she got a bad read from the ultrasound tech (follow up on breast mamogram which showed something). I told the story of you and the pen and my friend loved it
  5. My mom's, a blonde I picked my mom up for a few errands on Sun, brought her back to my house, my dad was coming over later. My mom wondered where he was, picked up the "phone" to call and said "How does this work?". She kept trying. I could not stop laughing...... It was the Tivo remote, not the phone
  6. It sounds like a good idea, especially if your hair is long. However, just FYI, my mom only lost 1/2 of her hair with the Gemzar/Carbo combination and never needed a wig or anything. You may want to ask the oncologist if the treatment will make you lose your hair, sometimes they don't know, sometimes th ey can tell you if it is a chemo that won't effect it too much.
  7. It truly is not fair, it defies logic and just is not right I am so sorry for all that you are going through The right words escape me right now, not sure what to say other than sending you both lots of love and prayer.
  8. I hope NED sticks around forever! Thansk for teh update
  9. Andrea

    4000 O'H

    That is a lot of posts! Thanks for all you do
  10. Andrea

    TAnn at Peace

    She will be missed.
  11. ztweb--don't worry, the itching is usually very very intense with lymphoma and it has no relation to where lymph nodes are. I just got paranoid as usual I haven't used anything new, it could be stress and allergies and hormeons or whatever. I hate worrying. I am trying REALLY hard to listen to Peggy
  12. Nancy, let us know how the PET goes. Try not to panic yet. Just FYI, I had a spinal MRI in March for some tingling and it showed "mild cervical adenopathy, most likely reactive or post inflamatory in the absence of malignancy". The largest was 1.3. Naturally I freaked out, called my mom's oncologist, he looked at the films and said they look normal, often lymph nodes are a litlte enlarged when they are working. He then followed up by manually feeling my neck at my mom's appointment in April and felt nothing to worry about.
  13. Oh Carleen, I am soooo sorry. My heart goes out to you and I am sending you lots and lots of love. It is so unfair
  14. Snowflake--you can relax, b/c typically there are other symptoms associated with it like a gigantic swelling in your neck, weight loss, night sweats and fevers. It was one of those things where it was "unlikely" but I get SO FREAKED OUT. And as the dr said today, a chest xray is not completely diagnostic of it anyway, but whatever, the allergist said it is done to rule out so I got it. The amoutn of radiation in a chest xray is very small anyway. I hate that crawling sensation! I will just have to learn to live with it. A friend of a friend was literally diagnosed with it just from a shoulder ache. SHe had a MRI which showed a fracture which was from it. All of those types of stories are just horrible for me b/c of who I naturally am, a worry wart! I MUST CALM DOWN and not always think the worse.
  15. I just wanted to share for those who are "out of the closet" and "in the closet" with anxiety problems. I have been itchy severely, all over itching, on and off for months. I actually know it started years ago, b/c I remember takign Aveeno baths and starting that stuff. But lately it has been worse Well as you may know, itching can be a lymphoma symptom and I get freaked out. I saw my allergist on Fri for my general 6 month visit and he said normally if someone in their 30s itches a lot, he orders a chest xray to rule out lymphoma, but since mine was giong on for years he is sure it is just allergies and anxiety. All weekend I was harping on my itching. I could not take it. I went to the urgent care part of my dr office and asked for a chest xray. Who else would do that???????? Loon alert!
  16. Hi. Thank you all soooooooo much for the thoughts!!! Here is hopefully a final update: Dr Hatch had me repeat the blood work today to be sure. As you may know, HCG MUST double every 48 hours. It went from 15 to 26 in 72 in hours; it needed to be at least 40 today. So it is over. I am to stop all meds. HOPEFULLY I will get my period within the week. If I don't, I go to her on Friday for more blood work. If there is any HCG it means it is a tubal pregnancy (it happens in 5% of IVF) and then we will deal with that.
  17. Andrea


    Happy Birthday Miss Katie!
  18. Your family has gone through too much Sending lots of love and prayers
  19. Andrea


    Thanks. It is a failed pregnancy. Waitign to hear from the dr as to when to stop meds and stuff.
  20. It is a lost pregnancy, so onward we go, not the worst thing in the world as we all know. Thanks for the good wishes and prayers!
  21. Thanks everyone Still in shock that I have the ability to get pregnant even if it does not work out. Kasey--in early pregnancy, HCG needs to double every 48 hours, so even when you get really high, it still needs to double, I forgot until when. So I will be going back to her for blood every 2 days for awhile.
  22. Well the numbers doubled, I am now at a 15. Of course won't be out of the woods for awhile as miscarriages are so common; and even more so common with my condition. But for now I can say I am pregnant I go back on Thurs again. Thanks for the good thoughts!
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