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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. Jerrye, Glad you took the bull by the horns -- Looks like you did the right thing, huh!? You go, girl! BeckyCW
  2. Shelly, What can I say? Your poor father -- and what a fright for you, on top of everything else. I will keep him in my prayers, and I do hope his pain goes away quickly and that all goes well with recovery from this. Hang in there, Shelly. BeckyCW
  3. Berisa, I am so sorry for the emptiness you feel. It seems only natural. I hope that getting away with your mom and brother will help you all to heal a little more each day. I hope you will begin to see more of your father in your mom, your brother and yourself, too -- because no doubt he is there. He must have been such a wonderful man. I just hurt for you. Please know that you are in my prayers and that I think of you so often. I'm sure happiness is hard to find right now, but you know your father would want you to find it, as best you can. I have heard that our loved ones sometimes send us a smile through the wings of a butterfly. I wish you many butterflies. Praying for you, BeckyCW
  4. Ginny, You and The Duke of Earl and all your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope the love you see here will help in some way. ((((hugs to you, Ginny)))) BeckyCW
  5. This cannot be my brother. Very frightening, indeed! I fear my niece may be permanently damaged by this. But I hope the coffers of LCSC are getting richer by the hour... BeckyCW
  6. BeckyCW

    An Update.

    Dean, Just want you to know that I agree with everyone else here -- You are an extraordinary man, and your posts mean so much to all of us. You are teaching me to live every hour -- or at least I'm trying harder. It's a lesson that is important for all of us. You and Gay are in my prayers and will stay there. BeckyCW
  7. Addie, What a great message and update -- Way to go!!! If you haven't seen him yet, take a look at my crazy brother DavidC, who was diagnosed with SCLC in 3/2003. Does he look sick to you? (well, don't answer that - ha!) Anyway, you're in my prayers. Keep the faith!!! BeckyCW
  8. BeckyCW

    Organ Donations

    Debbie, I am so sorry about the loss of your husband. What a wonderful thing that someone may be able to see because of the organ transplant you authorized. Mr. Ry, your story about the singer gave me the chills! I have a very good friend who is alive today because of a kidney transplant. It really is the most generous thing for a person to donate organs -- truly saves lives. Bless you! BeckyCW
  9. Andrea, Sounds like we have an overwhelming agreement here... Stress makes us sick -- especially the stress of someone we love having cancer. The day David was diagnosed was the day everything shifted... From that point on, I woke up every morning with this new hideous visitor, lung cancer. Sometimes I feel guilty -- Why him, why not me? I'm older. I don't have a child. Etc., etc. This is my LITTLE BROTHER... He's not supposed to have anything wrong with him!!! How dare cancer come into our family, and especially to HIM? Especially NOW? Etc., etc. It's like a constant weight around my shoulders. (Like I need any more weight?! ) Sometimes I physically feel it there in my shoulders, sometimes in my neck, my back (major pain, not just a little) -- or my stomach, my breathing, etc. And then I think -- You wimp -- YOU don't have cancer! What must HE be feeling, and of course this just makes me feel worse, still... and wimpier, still... etc. Since David completed treatment last fall, my stress (and therefore the illnesses) have decreased, but as you all know, it doesn't go away. So every morning I wake up and "it's still there" -- even though he's cancer-free. (Of course this week it's, "When will we get those results from the scans? They WILL be clear, won't they?") Then, of course, I have stress about other things (job, etc.), and that just adds to it all -- And I feel like, "What right do I have to stress about things so insignificant, in comparison?" But, of course, I do. I wake up with headaches or an upset stomach. I come home from work with asthma. (I used to get horrid, vicodin-requiring sore throats, but some major medical intervention has taken care of that, to an extent.) I've been in physical therapy for the muscle/back aches, but I know that letting the stress go is the main thing I should do. But how?! I'm taking care of some of the stressors, but how do you make lung cancer just "go away" (or better yet, how do you make it never have shown up, to begin with)? Anybody come up with a magic wand, yet? I also highly recommend yoga... So why don't I go to yoga class? It's SO good for me... and in a twisted way, maybe that's why I don't go? Ugh. Somebody wanna go with me? I know a good place in Pasadena BeckyCW
  10. Hey, I just saw this and thought I'd pass is along... Big research study to promote early detection (and smoking cessation). I haven't read it very carefully yet... http://fdncenter.org/pnd/news/story.jhtml?id=68300011 BeckyCW
  11. Kelly, Good one! BeckyCW
  12. Well, as you can tell from the fact that Karen posted on April 29th and I'm answering on May 3rd... not doing anything real fast kinda runs in our family! But otherwise, we're real lovable folks. BeckyCW P.S. David, it IS getting to be rather a long time since all those donations were pledged. Time to get out the nylons and high heels, bro!
  13. Well, as you can tell from the fact that Karen posted on April 29th and I'm answering on May 3rd... not doing anything real fast kinda runs in our family! But otherwise, we're real lovable folks. BeckyCW P.S. David, it IS getting to be rather a long time since all those donations were pledged. Time to get out the nylons and high heels, bro!
  14. Jane, I think a big, long happy-dance is in order!!! Tell your dad "way-to-go" from me, too. And as far as my crazy brother goes... Well, tell your dad that dressing in drag is NOT a side effect of PCI. BeckyCW
  15. I'm so very sorry. It sounds like your mom was a very special woman. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. BeckyCW
  16. Mary, I'm sorry you have to be here, but glad you found us. Your attitude is great, and it sounds like you're really doing well. Come back often -- We can all use your positive spirit, and there are lots of people here who love to help in any way they can. BeckyCW
  17. Debbie, I'm sorry to hear about your husband, and will be keeping you both in my prayers. BeckyCW
  18. Margaret, From one sibling to another, welcome. My younger brother (DavidC) is fighting small cell lung cancer. I'm sorry your sister is fighting lung cancer, and will keep her in my prayers. I'm sure you will get a lot of support and good info from the folks here. Sorry you have to be here, but welcome. BeckyCW
  19. BeckyCW

    Site outage.

    Ha! I'm guessing that anyone who wrote a hateful email is feeling pretty bad right now. Sounds like Rick deserves an apology, and let's all pledge to play nice from now on. (As a famous driver in So. Calif. once said, "Can't we all just get along?") Rick, thanks for having the expertise to keep this site UP and running over 99.99% of the time -- and for having the patience of Job. BeckyCW
  20. I'll be waiting for the good news!!! Lots of prayers, needless to say! BeckyCW
  21. Bruce, welcome! Like Betty said, your pictur makes me smile. And I'd love to see some of your photography. I'm glad you've joined us here and hope we'll hear from you often. Will be praying for your surgery to be successful and not too difficult. BeckyCW
  22. Beverly, Welcome to the place no one wants to be. My brother was diagnosed with SCLC at age 38, and has a 2-year-old daughter, so I can relate, also. I hope it comforts you some to know that my brother (the rather strange but terrific DavidC) was diagnosed over a year ago, and has been finished with treatment since last fall, with no sign of disease. That doesn't mean it's a walk in the park, of course, but like your sister, he's got a great attitude and is a fighter. They both have a lot to live for. I will keep your sister in my prayers. Please come back and visit here often and keep us posted. You are welcome to send me a PM if ever you need a fellow sibling to lean on. BeckyCW
  23. BeckyCW


    Berisa, Not only is God leading your father to a better place, He is also showing you what you need to know right now. I'm glad you have this comfort, and hope it keeps you strong in the days to come. You have been in my prayers and I pray especially now for your father to have less (or no) pain, and for you to be as much as peace as possible. (((hugs))) BeckyCW
  24. BeckyCW

    A quick Hello

    Mo, Pick up some inspiration for all of us there, would ya? We should be paying for your online time! BeckyCW
  25. Fay, Yikes... glad that's over with!!! I've had a couple of very severe eye abrasions, one where they just had to knock me out and I woke up 24 hours later with bandages on, and had to work up the courage to ask my mother if I was going to be blind. (I was 16.) So I know from eye pain... After that, when I had to put eye drops in, it took 2 people to hold me down and one to put the drops in. I couldn't stand EYE DROPS coming toward my eye... a needle? No thanks!!! (By the way, I later learned a neat trick for eye drops, if anyone out there has that particular phobia... I can do it like a pro, now.) Anyway, I'm so glad the tumor is gone, the needle is gone, and your eyesight is better. I hope the path report shows it's nothing to even be concerned about. And as far as visiting friends in this world when this body gives out... I'm sure you have some friends who are hoping for the same. But I hope you're all quite elderly when this occurs!!! BeckyCW
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