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Everything posted by BeckyCW

  1. BeckyCW

    Taking a stand

    Heather, GOOD FOR YOU!!! BeckyCW
  2. BeckyCW


    Andrea, I'm so sorry, I've been "missing in action" for awhile, here. Things with my job are heating up, and I've been travelling, too. In any case, please accept my apologies for not being around to be of any help lately! I am reading many posts for the first time today, and this is one of them. Have you gotten any more offers of help? Please count me in. I see you have other ideas, so if the walk is not on the horizon, I would love to help you with the other project(s). (I'm thinking of the mailing.) Your enthusiasm and dedication are incredible. I see you are on a mini-vacation this weekend, and I hope you're having a wonderful time, getting away from all worries and relaxing with the new husband. You deserve it! BeckyCW
  3. Curtis, I am so very sorry for your tremendous loss. I thought so highly of Becky and am just so shocked at how quickly this happened. She has enriched so many lives here on this message board, and I can only imagine how many she touched in her daily life. I know her students will be devastated at the loss, too. You and your family will be in my prayers. I hate this disease. BeckyCW
  4. Norme, you crack me up. Fay, actually, word has it that Faith is headed for a career in directing films, if she chooses not to be Secretary of State, that is. Dean, you're right -- they are very special people in anyone's book! (And no, I'm NOT biased! ) BeckyCW
  5. Mr. Ry, Please tell Ms. Ry that she has no business leaving us like this, and that people are running amok without her here to monitor things. She simply must feel better and come back soon. It's not like her to shirk her responsibilities like this! Also, tell her what my friend says -- Watch out for people there at the hospital who take your temperature; they never give it back. Seriously, I am glad the doctor listened to her, glad she was smart enough to get herself into the hospital to get taken care of, and I'm praying she will be good as new very soon. I miss her! BeckyCW P.S. Love the new photo.
  6. Good one, TBone! You know, my husband and I were driving a couple of weeks ago down a busy street in Anaheim, right smack in the middle of town, and -- I kid you not -- a chicken CROSSED THE ROAD right in front of us. This is a mile or so from Disneyland, mind you, in a place where no chicken had a right to be. The mystery, as my husband pointed out, was not that the chicken was THERE, but... WHY it crossed the road! (Maybe it was heading for Fay's house.) BeckyCW
  7. Your sister sounds great! I'd like to do some research myself, to see who gives how much for lung cancer research, specifically. I haven't done it yet, but here's some info that will help when you have organizations to consider. Very smart to be sure they put 75% or more of their funds to work for the cause, as opposed to fundraising and administration. Also, she might ask, in advance, if there's a way to "designate" any gifts to lung cancer research, specifically, if she picks an organization that also does other things. There are several websites you can use to look up info on charities: The best one, I think, is: http://www.charitynavigator.org/ There's also the Better Business Bureau's charity info service: http://www.give.org/reports/index.asp And there's another one: http://www.guidestar.org/ The American Institute of Philanthropy has a rating guide, but you have to order it for $3. However, they do list the "top-rated" charities on the web: http://www.charitywatch.org/toprated.html I hope this is helpful! BeckyCW
  8. BeckyCW

    What a day!

    Fay, I just read your message here and I have to say, "Duh!" Why didn't I think of that?! I'm going to find out about the smoking cessation programs near us and have that info handy for the times when I can't (or decide not to_ keep my mouth shut. Thank you very much for the idea!!! BeckyCW
  9. TeeTaa, Yes, sisters are SUPPOSED to embarrass their brothers -- It's part of the job description. Of course some of us have brothers who don't need that particular service, thank you very much -- They manage just fine on their own - ha! BeckyCW
  10. Berisa, Thank you for letting us know. I hope you are okay -- This is a lot for you and your dad to go through. I will keep your dad in my prayers, and hope the surgery is successful. BeckyCW
  11. TeeTaa, Tell TBone we'll be right here waiting for him... I'm SO glad to hear he's starting to feel better already! Thanks for letting us know. And yes, may it be a glorious spring for us all! (Here in So. Calif., it seems to be summer already...) BeckyCW
  12. Yeah, I would let you know if something was wrong and they couldn't! Sorry I was gone for a few days and just now saw this. Since David's already posted, though, you can see that he's doing good, other than that same old fatigue. And tomorrow is ONE YEAR since diagnosis. What a year... Thanks, everybody, for caring so much! BeckyCW
  13. Andrea, I'm so sorry you're facing this situation. You and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers. BeckyCW
  14. Everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if I can be of any help with advice or ideas. (I do fundraising for my "day job," for those of you who don't know.) While I have participated in walks, myself, the only walks I've helped organize are dog-walks - (See http://www.pawswalk.org/) Still, if I can be of any help, please feel free to PM me. As far as locations, try to see if your community has a publication that lists of all the fundraising events in the area (Ours in the LA area is called "LA Master Planner") and look to see where other organizations are having their walks. Or if there's a website or publication that promotes "walks" in your area, that's another good source. Then, like Andrea and Katie said, see what ideas you can get from others! Thanks especially to those who are considering making LCSC the recipient of the funds and awareness you'll be raising! BeckyCW
  15. TBone, I've been away from the message boards for a few days -- sorry this is late, but congatulations on finishing radiation!!! As for the weight gain strageties, I'm with the other Becky-- I'd give you a lot of mine if I could. I don't suppose biscuits and gravy sounds good? (That would be my first choice if I was in Georgia and in need of calories!) Better listen to Norme and buck up -- You sure don't want her siccing your family on you. Hope you caught some fish to celebrate. BeckyCW
  16. Ginny, I'm no help on the medical questions, as usual, but I did want to say how sorry I am to hear about you and the Duke having to say goodbye to your cat. I've lost one cat to illness, and one dog to an accident, and hope I'll be brave enough to do as you did when my remaining cat gets to that stage. It must have been an awful day for you and the Duke. My thoughts are with you! BeckyCW
  17. MO, I just returned from a 2-day trip and saw this. Add me to the l-o-n-g list of those praying for this new treatment to kick cancer butt. (And I don't mean kick SOME butt... I mean every last cancer cell. ) Hang in there! BeckyCW
  18. David, I have been thinking so much this week about your double-anniversary coming up tomorrow (both wedding and diagnosis). It has been a rough year, and yet -- It has BEEN a year, and I thank God you are doing so well! (and that you are my brother!) And I join you in thanking God that you had Karen to see you through, and Faith to love through it all. Everyone, I would just like to brag a little that David has raised more money than anyone else in Richmond, so far, for the St. Baldrick's event he's doing on Sunday at the Festival. I also love that this is the Festival they were supposed to be going to one year ago, on the day when Karen had to take David to the hospital instead (where he was diagnosed shortly thereafter)... and THIS YEAR they're going to the FESTIVAL. What a difference a year makes... BeckyCW
  19. Cary, Thanks for posting this -- How terribly appropriate for this message board! Words can mean so very much. I hope several people will participate in this. BeckyCW
  20. Oh, ViVi, Your message has me in tears. I wish so much you and your family could have all those things... right now! I hope you managed to have a good weekend together, despite the terrorist invading your family. My family had a camping expedition last summer, when David was in between treatments (finished chest radiation and chemo, but taking a break before PMI). It was great to be together in the hills of Virginia and to hear the crickets at night and have s'mores and all the rest. And we did have a very good time. But it hurt that David was not able to enjoy it all 100%. I know he did enjoy it, but it was a lot for someone who was so easily exhausted. Your message reminded me of this, and of how very, very, very much I want cancer to leave our family forever -- and how what I really want is for it never to have come in the first place. I want it to be the nightmare that you wake up and feel so relieved was just a bad dream. And every morning I wake up wishing that, still, almost a year later, and even though David is doing so well. I'm sorry -- I love all you folks, but I wish we'd never met like this. ViVi, you and TBone and the rest are in my prayers every day. BeckyCW
  21. BeckyCW

    I Win.....

    Fay, I loved this message!!! ED will lose to you every time. BeckyCW
  22. Howard, I'm so sorry to hear about your father passing away. It must hurt not to be able to go, but it sounds like the two of you have a great understanding. (I love the "leave the light on" thought.) I'm really glad your "children" had a chance to spend a nice long visit with you, too. I'm sure the time together meant so much to everyone, and isn't it great especially that you got to see the one son "clean and sober!" What a blessing. I'm amazed that you raised these kids as a single dad... but not really amazed, since it's clear you are a very caring and capable guy. Still, you're a rare bird, I think! If there are more like you in Guam, I'm thinking it would be worth the 20-hour trip to get there. I always love to read your messages. You're in my thoughts and prayers. BeckyCW
  23. Carleen, Wow -- Big changes for you! I'm glad you were able to get out of the stressful situation, and especially glad you found another position so quickly! That's terrific. I hope you will love it. We'll miss you on the boards for a few days, and look forward to hearing from you again when you get back. BeckyCW
  24. TBone, Tee Taa, ViVi and clan, I hope you all have a grand time fishin' and enjoying nature and each other this weekend. I echo the admiration of your family and how everyone rallies for TBone -- He's clearly a special guy, but you're all pretty special together. Love the idea of seeing photos from the fishing weekend... but I'd hate to see the "family in the woods" photos go away for long -- I just love them all. BeckyCW
  25. BeckyCW

    What a day!

    Funny, I just had a long conversation yesterday with a woman at work about how hard it's getting not to snap at the folks I see taking their smoking breaks outside our building, as I'm coming and going from the parking lot. (This was to the girlfriend of one of the guys who is ALWAYS out there... I'm not sure he ever works, to tell you the truth!) She said that he is just too totally addicted and won't consider trying to quit, no matter how obnoxious she gets about it. I know I've heard people here say it can be as addicting as cocaine for some people. I wonder if kids who are starting to smoke have ANY IDEA what they're setting themselves up for. They just can't, can they? Anyway, other than this guy (who I have a hard time understanding for other reasons!), the people I see out there are very likable folks, and I hate to say anything to make them feel bad, and certainly don't want to sound "high and mighty" or preachy... but I just sometimes SOOOOO want to snap at them!!! Glad to hear you decided to "go for it" with the kids. Yep, if even one person doesn't start the addiction, you've done quite the good deed. Ry, what happens if she writes the manifesto? BeckyCW
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