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  1. ViVi

    Tbone has died

    Please see post under General
  2. ViVi

    TBone has died.

    Dear Friends, Terry (TBone) died 3 hours ago - at 11:35 p.m. Friday.We had all had opportunities to be with him and share memories of happier times over the past few days. Fittingly, it was TeeTaa (Katha) who was holding his hand when he took his last breath. Ann had just stepped out the door to take a shower. We want you all to know that he died peacefully, although he fought his enemy to the very end and he was determined to take every single breath that he could take of this mortal life. And we also want you to know that, as sad as we are tonight because we already miss him so much, we all feel a very real sense of peace because we know he has found ultimate peace. Please know that we and TBone love each of you very much. Love, Ginger (ViVi)
  3. Good Morning Terry (TBone) had a restful night last night in his own recliner in his own living room. Katha (TeeTaa) called from Mama's house and woke them up at 9:00 this morning. She plans to visit with him for a while today before returning to Atlanta for her 4-year-old's tonsilectomy/addenoidectomy (is that what it's called?) in the morning. I, too, will be visting with him shortly so I'll try to post again as soon as I get home. FYI - Mama, Terry's family, my family, another brother's family and another sister's family all live within 2 miles of each other so we're all within 'yelling' distance. Terry's siblings and his kids and neices and nephews spent a good part of last week fixing him up a back porch area and working in his back yard so that he can sit outside and enjoy the birds and wildlife. We moved in a big picnic table and will add the grill today. It's very hot here but we have fans we'll rig up because we want him to enjoy the outdoors he dearly loves. I'll try to post more in a little while. I hope the bash was much fun - Katha was at my house last night for a while and we 'talked about' y'all! Ginger
  4. Dear Shelly, I am so, so sorry this load has been added to your burden but, hey, you've already proven you're strong - very strong. Keep the faith, try to stay positive, and read and re-read all these posts by and about breast cancer SURVIVORS. Love, ViVi
  5. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, Mary Ann! We'll celebrate yours as well as TBone's Sunday. Love, ViVi
  6. To clarify: I DID mean "fry", as opposed to "roast", because it's so hot here, we'll all be "frying" anyway! And, yes, we'd love to accommodate all 1000+. You wouldn't believe what we CAN do when we set our minds to it. As a matter of fact, this is the first summer in many years that we have not entertained for a really big event (wedding, school reunion, etc.). Last spring/summer we had 2 biggies and we got it down so pat that the 'sisters' and 'sisters-in-law" even considered opening a catering/entertaining business. I'll admit that 1000 is a bit bigger than what we've handled but I HAVE planned and prepared Low Country Stew for 450. That was a lot of shrimp, corn, potatoes, sausage and onions! The kids (the cuzins, as we call them) all help, too. Besides helping 'get ready', they are in charge of directing the parking up in the field by the highway and bringing the guests who can't or don't want to walk to the yard on golf carts (or Red Neck Humvees). One thing we've noticed, however, is that a lot of the ones who 'can't' or 'don't want to' walk TO the party find a way to walk BACK to the car. Could it possibly have anything to do with how the cuzins take the curves in the very winding drive? Sorry y'all all can't make it but I appreciate the feedback and good wishes for TBone . I know it's a busy wknd for everybody too. Maybe we can get together a southern party like the one in Michigan (?). We'll host, plan and arrange if anyone is serious about pursuing it. (Notice how I am so good at volunteering everyone in the family - hey, and I'm not even the "Queen"!) ViVi ViVi
  7. ViVi

    New Photo

    Paddy, The beach is Mexico Beach, FL., about 30 miles E of Panama City. Bobby, GiGi and I spent last week at PC and you have never seen such beautiful green/blue water! The Gulf Coast along the panhandle (the Emerald Coast), though becoming crowded, is just unbelievably beautiful. There are still some nice isolated beaches, if you know where to find them. Panama City is definitely not one of them, but, hey, I have a 13-year-old daughter, so guess who chose our vacation destination this year!! We love Mexico Beach, which is very laid back and not crowded, but "we" had to have a little more action last week, as GiGi had just returned from the Mexico Beach trip with TBone's and Tee Taa's families. So this weekend we will be playing at the Gypsy Woods Pond Beach. Tee Taa is bringing one of those 12' diameter water trampolines, which should be a blast. We'll try to keep TBone from overdoing it, but it IS his 50th birthday party, you know, so there's no telling what he might try. ViVi P. S. I like the changing photos, too. Maybe 'someone' will be kind enough this weekend to take one that I can use in place of the "family in black" one I now display. Actually, maybe this weekend we'll be able to get all of us (or at least most of us) in one 'wad' (as MeMa puts it) so we can take a picture and let you see the whole crazy bunch of us.
  8. I think adherence to the Privacy Act has to play a part in here somewhere, even though you have probably signed all kinds of 'releases'. Can a dr. really just give permission for his PARTNER to have his BROTHER run tests at another lab (on the sly at that!)? From what I understand, medical records are so protected that theyare not even supposed to be faxed. ViVi
  9. Hey, All You Wonderful Folks, here's the scoop on TBone's belated 50th birthday party: FIRST and FOREMOST: YOU ARE INVITED! And you don't even have to let us know you're coming unless you just want to or want directions. Don't worry - there will be plenty of vittles! We can even make sleeping arrangements if you need/like. WHEN: Sunday, July 4, 2004. The party begins when the first guest arrives - could be 7:00 a. m. or 2:00 p.m. or Fri. evening (most probably) WHERE: Gypsy Woods (Bobby, Ginger "ViVI" and GiGi's home) about 1 1/2 miles north of Buena Vista, GA (near Columbus) ENTERTAINMENT: Eating, talking, eating, swimming, eating, fishing, eating, talking, eating, cranking the ice cream freezer, eating, playing, eating, fanning gnats, eating, frying TBone, eating, laughing, eating, laughing, eating, laughing. WHAT YOU NEED TO BRING: Nothing but your beautiful selves! We would absolutely LOVE to have any, or preferably, ALL 1000+ (and your families) of y'all! Much, much love to you all! ViVi
  10. I wish I could explain why I haven't posted lately, but I just can't. I'm sorry if you don't understand, but I imagine that most of you do understand. Now - the update - the trip to the beach must have been REALLY nice. I didn't go, but Tee-Taa and GiGi kept me very well informed. I'm going to let TBone and/or Tee Taa tell and/or show you what they "accomplished" (Dean Carl, eat your heart out!) I'm sure they will be posting soon. We've all needed a break and I think this break was exactly what TBone needed, but then NOBODY speaks for TBone except TBone so I'll let him tell you about it. I think about every single one of you every single day. My not posting is not a reflection of my concern and love for each of you. Please know that. ViVi
  11. Our Relay for Life was this past weekend and our family named our team "I Scream for a Cure" and we made and sold 15 freezers of home-made ice cream(I'm still sticky!) all day Sat. (our relay went from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.) With donations we collected and ice cream proceeds, our family team contributed $3,025 to the total of $23,000. That's not bad at all for a community our size (entire county population is about 7,000; town is about 2500). Our slogans were: "Churning for a cause; Yearning for a cure", "I Sceam, You Scream, We all Scream for a Cure!" Because we are a small, closeknit community, the opening remarks by a survivor(who is himself going through a very rough time with chemo right now) included a special prayer for TBone and his family. Then we had the Survivors' Lap around the courthouse square and TBone walked (with his kids as escorts) all the way around! The teams at their camps scattered all around on the courthouse lawn cheered the survivors all the way around. It was emotionally almost all I could take but it was such a wonderful day of being reminded of how much we are loved by our friends and neighbors. The day culminated with the lighting of the luminarias outlining the entire path around the square. There were many purchased in TBone's honor and I purchased one in honor of lchelp.com. (maybe Tee Taa will send a photo of it). I had each one of you in my thoughts all day long. ViVi
  12. ViVi


    Hey, y'all, I just have to tell you at least one critter story on TBone, as he has MANY. When he was a child in elementary school, he was very, very solemn (one man in town called him Alfred Hitchcock!) but he was a smooth one! He must have been in the 3rd or 4th grade when he went to District 4-H Competition in Entomology. Mama had been after him to work on his project, an insect collection, all year but he hadn't collected a single bug so she took him to the competition sans collection but with a short little speech. Well, he was last to 'perform' and they had sat through an entire day of speeches and demonstrations. Terry got on stage and made his speech, never cracking a smile or showing any emotion. At the end of his speech he made this announcement, "I would have brought my insect collection for you to see today but my cat ate them all last night." Mama almost fainted. Terry sat down, solemn as ever, and then they called out the winners and he won FIRST PLACE! One more - Terry collected worms, as in fish bait. He dug for them all the time, leaving the yard pockmarked with his holes. Sometimes he named his new pets. One of the biggest traumas of his childhood was when he left a big jar full of them on the back steps and it rained and drowned them all. ViVi TBone - I'm glad you were feeling a little better today so maybe you won't be so mad at me for telling these little stories!
  13. ViVi


    Glad to hear from you, cuz! Just kidding! But I really do feel like we're related -- if not by blood, then by heart. Please continue to insist on what's right but remember that little niceties go a long way. You might try baking (or taking) them a cake or something- it works 'down here'. Seriously, please stay in touch and know that we are thinking about you. Your soul buddy, ViVi
  14. Hi, Margaret and Jim, Welcome to the family! I want to say 'wish you weren't here' but you know that already so I'll just proceed to say that we welcome you with open arms-- arms that will help lift you up when you need to rise, hold you up when you need to stand, and embrace you when you need a hug. Love, ViVi
  15. I am so, so sorry. What more can be said? ViVi
  16. ViVi


    Norme, Due to the change in seasons, we're presently moving from the gumbo mode into the fish fry/ low country boil mode. But we can always do gumbo if that's what you prefer! We built a 8 foot 'hog trough' (with a hole in one end for drainage) that we dump our low country boil (stew) into (shrimp, sausage, corn on cob, red potatoes, onions) and you go by an pick out your dinner. Actually we all usually end up standing around the trough picking, eating and talking! For appetizers we smoke a few oysters under wet croker sacks or eat them right out of the ice chest on the back of the pickup truck. Talkin' 'bout good......... ViVi
  17. Hi, Dusty, Welcome to both of TBone's families - the one here and the one 'back home'! We're here when you need us. ViVi
  18. ViVi

    My Loving Father Is Gone

    I am so very sorry. May your memories bring you peace. ViVi
  19. ViVi

    Judy B has passed

    So, so sorry. We have all lost a very precious member of the family. ViVi
  20. ViVi

    Lucie's Birthday

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Sorry I'm a bit late but I just read the post announcing your birthday of today! I'm afraid I was busy with packing for the TBone Fishing Trip and then unpacking from the TBone Fishing Trip. But, oh, was it worth it! Not a single fish but a good, good time. I wished for each and every member of this message board. Hey, that's an idea. Reckon we could organize a Message Board Fishing Trip? I volunteer the pond, the fish and the tackle and TBone's whole family will provide the food and the entertainment (as you could guess). All we would require of you is your presence. And even though we have no local hotel or motel, we could make arrangements for accommodations (yes, probably for all 800+ of you!). Y'all set a date and we'll start planning and cookin'. Happy Birthday, Dear Lucie, Happy Birthday to you! Love, ViVi
  21. I hope this did it! Dear Don, I, too, am sorry if I offended you. It certainly wasn't intentional, as I hope you realize. The problem seems to have come from the word CLOSE. I guess I expect everyone's primary definition of CLOSE to be the same as mine, which has absolutely nothing to do with proximity. My family can be scattered all over the U.S. but we are extremely CLOSE in mind, soul and spirit. And when one of us needs another (or ALL) of us CLOSE in proximity, we make a beeline for home or wherever we're needed, many times dropping that all-important project or making some other sacrifice to get there. Such was the case last month when" Ms. Chairperson of Everything" Tee Taa took off with us to M D Anderson two days before the tremendous school fund-raising art extravaganza on which she had been working for over a year. Such was the case when I faced a health crisis (which I tried to keep secret) three weeks before I was to host Tee Taa's wedding at my home. One of my 'secret' trips to the doctor was interrupted by a 'sibling conference call'. The first words spoken were, "Okay, where do you want us and when?" Before it was over, I had been offered 8 kidneys (5 siblings, Mama, Bobby, and even 4-yr-old GiGi). Thank goodness I didn't have to take them up on the offer but I realized later that if I had, he/she would have been left with only one kidney while I had two. What a sacrifice! What a definition of CLOSE! And speaking of CLOSE, I wish you all could feel the CLOSEness of this community in which we were all raised. It's a small town (pop. approx. 2500) in a rural county (pop. approx. 7,000) and there is no BIG money here - just lots of hard workers and loving folks. Besides all the food, gift certificates, cards, prayers, errands, and countless and varied other things that have been given TBone's family in the past 2 months, the community has also given in excess of $20,000 cash to help defray the cost of his medical treatment and incidental family expenses. Now, I know that money is certainly not everything but it has been a tremendous help and it has been given so lovingly. And the thing is, the community did the same thing for someone else last month, and for someone else the month before that, and the month before that........ It never seems to give out of love. TBone's bunch (all of us) is truly, truly blessed and we know it. And speaking for myself, no matter what trials and suffering I have faced or I face in the future, I know that I have already lived my heaven (at least a part of it!) here on earth. ViVi _________________ Tbone's older sister (by 2 years) pictured with my husband, Bobby, and our 13 year old daughter, GiGi. By the way, the family pics were made 01/03/04 at Gypsy Woods, our home. Any fishermen/women out there? COME ON DOWN!
  22. Berisa, I know you are anxious to get a reply to your post and you probably notice that I am the 12th to view it. So why hasn't someone replied? Probably because they are like me and think it best left up to someone who knows more about interpreting the medical language. Have patience, I'm sure someone will reply. ViVi
  23. Dear DBerry, I posted a reply to your response but I accidentally posted it under KatieB's subject line "Thought I'd share this with all of you" and now I can't figure out how to move it to this message, or even IF it can be moved. Tee Taa, can you help me? ViVi
  24. I only scored 73% southern but if you could hear my drawl, you would expect 173%! ViVi P.S. Actually, it's a "dialect", not a "drawl"!
  25. Oh, Ginny, I bleed for you and I cry with you. Sisters are SO special and it hurts SO badly when they are suffering. May your sisterly love (which is beyond explanation or comprehension) help get you through this unfair crisis. ViVi
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