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Everything posted by Elaine

  1. Heather: Glad to hear you are "driving into your future"--and sounds like you have a pretty nice ride to do it in. Enjoy!! Elaine
  2. Also, since your mom is stage 3a, have the drs. talked to you about the possibility of surgery? If not, maybe you should ask them, or push them toward that goal. Elaine
  3. Thanks Heather for the update. Keep us posted and come back often. There are people here who have been on your and your mom's path and they can help you along. You are in my thoughts and the thoughts of many Elaine
  4. Elaine


    BeckyG: Dang. I'm so sorry to hear your latest news, but still hoping for better news this afternoon or as soon as possible for you. I know there have been thousands of calls about the vaccine, so you are doing something right to have been contacted. Let us know. Elaine
  5. Nice one David Elaine
  6. First, I am so sorry to hear your grandmother is not doing well. I will keep her and the rest of your family in my thoughts. The hospice in our area will also serve patients who are in nursing homes. You might want to check with your local hospice(s). Also one of the hospices has a 10 bed unit for patients who can not or do not want to be at home during their final days. You might want to check into that too. Hope this helps in some way. Elaine
  7. Just saw this and am laughing wayyyyy out loud. Elaine
  8. Elaine


    So llike sleeping with the lights on is a cancer risk?
  9. That is a great site. Thanks
  10. Elaine

    Combo Kid

    Mo: Well don't know what to say except keep on keeping on. Did the Dr say it was unusual to have both? I have seen several people on "board" who have more than one primary --of different types I guess. Maybe John can do some research and find if there is some "standard" or experimental treatment for this "combo." You seem to be strong, so that's what matters today. Thinking of you Elaine
  11. Lung Cancer in the News
  12. Elaine

    Update on my Dad

    Cheri I am sad to hear your father is having pain, and I will keep good thoughts going your family's way about the tests next week. SOmetimes I think there's got to be a better way. Elaine
  13. Thank you for replying, BeckyG. And you sure clarified something for me: the difference between being anti-smoking and anti-smoker. I don't think anyone in their right mind would be out promoting people to be "smokers."--hey, I guess that means cigerette companies aren't in their right minds. It's just that I take offense at being somehow defined by just one of the things I did--smoke. I was smart enough not to do it, but did it anyway just as millions of "smart enough" people do. It goes beyond an intellectual level, like all addictions. And I am sure that the person who posted the comment, is also a good person and shouldn't be "judged" by one comment. Elaine
  14. Hope you all read the wonderful article that BeckyGs college newspaper did on her. There is also a place to add comments. I don't mean to pick on a specific person, who is obviously close to BeckyG and her family, so I hope BeckyG won't take this personally. But anyway, one of the commenters talked about his own mother who died of lc and who was also a non-smoker. And then he says that she, like Becky, lived a good "clean life." Sheesh, that always bothers me--what else do some people think smokers are doing--worshipping the devil, selling xxxo to kids?????? Ok I admit in the physical, smoking is dirty, like ashes etc., but there seems to be other connotations to what is said. Ok--I maybe only have ONE more rant in me for the day--lol Elaine
  15. Elaine


    I think it was approved for colon cancer, but some Drs could go off label (is that the right term) on it--but not sure if Ins companies will pay.
  16. Becky, Great article, picture of you and your office sign and nice message for the students on many levels. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts. Elaine
  17. Elaine

    MRI Question

    Thank you, both for the information and the chuckle I got from your last line. Elaine
  18. Glad you're home and doing so well. I have been meaning to write and tell you how happy it always makes me to see your avatar--you with your grandson and those matching, IDENTICAL smiles. Love it. elaine
  19. Elaine

    T-Bone's Scans

    Your mother, Martha, must be so proud. And she must be one strong woman, with a lot of love and a big warm smile. You guys are great. We, too expect, cake--lol. Elaine
  20. Mr Berry: There is a lot for me to think about here. And think, I will do. Been doing a lot of that lately. Maybe you already know, but English is one of the only, if not the only language wherein the first person singular pronoun is always capitalized. Our egos may be larger than those of other cultures, but I think it is human for us to leave room for our egoes in the whole mystery of things. Thank-you for your post. Elaine
  21. Ok then if there are others sneaking in-- I am too! I sure hope mama doesn't mind too much! Love you all. And thinking nothing but good for you all Elaine
  22. Elaine

    Hello All

    I am sorry I missed this post--but I want to welcome you also. There are many people who can help--they have helped me. I am new here too, and just wanted to encourage you to return. Elaine
  23. Elaine

    T-Bone's Scans

    Prayers for all things good to come your family's way. Elaine
  24. Wonderful news!! Empty heads are great! And I somehow missed congratualting you on your wedding, so I am doing it now. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts for all things good. Elaine
  25. Lately, I have read a couple posts about people questioning their decisions to have had chemo or some other treatment or not. I just remembered this poem that I hadn't thought of in quite some time. It always seemed a little corny when I was younger. But it does say several things. One is that we can never know the answer to what would have happened had we taken a different road. And the end of the poems may seem like it is saying that to be different is better or something, but I dont see it that way now. I see it as saying that we all take a road less travelled--and whatever road we take, if we take it by choice, makes all the difference. None of us would choose to be on the lc road, but once on it, we have choices and I thank all of you for helping us newbies to make wise and considered choices. Thank-you Elaine The Road Not Taken TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; 5 Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, 10 And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. 15 I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. 20
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