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Everything posted by lindseysmom

  1. lindseysmom


    Beth, Hope you are doing ok. You are in my daily thoughts. Best Wishes, Dee
  2. Thank you Connie and to all that posted. Connie I can't wait until I'm at your 10 year mark. Best Wishes, Dee
  3. Congratulations!!! Here's to many more. Best Wishes, Dee
  4. Way to go Connie. Your story will give so many of us hope. I am a three year survivor today also. Here's to many, many more. Best Wishes, Dee
  5. I will light a candle here in Virginia at 8:00 for Cathy. Best Wishes, Dee
  6. Nice story. Ginny thanks for sharing. Best Wishes, Dee
  7. I am so sorry for your loss. Cathy was such a nice person. She always had something nice and uplifting to say. Cathy will be deeply missed. Best Wishes, Dee
  8. Heather, Just read you post. This is really good news. Thank-you so much for sharing. Best Wishes, Dee
  9. lindseysmom


    Oh Val, I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my sincere condolences. Best Wishes, Dee
  10. Cindi, Have a really good time. Best Wishes, Dee
  11. Leslie, Really nice idea. Thank-you Best Wishes, Dee
  12. Kurt, Tell Beth my thoughts and prayers are with her. Best Wishes, Dee
  13. lindseysmom


    Oh Brandy, I am so sorry for your loss. Best wishes, Dee
  14. Way to go Rich. What a great post. Love your attitude. Best Wishes, Dee
  15. Hi Beth, Wishing you all the luck today. I hope you have a speedy recovery. Best Wishes, Dee
  16. Beth, Good Luck on the surgery. Get well soon so you can get that treatment going again. Best Wishes, Dee
  17. I know I am a little late in posting this but just wanted to put my 2cents in. As Eveyone has said throw those numbers right out the window. They are outdated. The 25th of this month will be my three year mark. I feel great, and work everyday. If I had believed the statistics or what the drs. said, I would not be writing this now. I stayed positive and, I told myself everyday, I'm gonna beat this. Best Wishes, Dee
  18. TAnn, So Sorry that you a having such a bad time. I can't even begin to imagine what you are feeling. I hope you feel better soon. Best Wishes, Dee
  19. lindseysmom

    Rich 2000

    Way to go Rich. Best Wishes, Dee
  20. Oh Goodness Dean, Wishing you a speedy recovery. Best Wishes, Dee
  21. lindseysmom

    Too much pain

    TAnn, I hope the meds will help with the pain and not knock you out. Well at least maybe it will help until the Alimta starts to work. Best Wishes, Dee
  22. Hi Brandy, Please keep us posted on your Dad. I hope your dad's treatment goes well. Best Wishes, Dee
  23. Hi Uncle Doug, As always very entertaining. I wish I had your wonderful talent. Have a wonderful 4th. Best Wishes, Dee
  24. Hi Beth, Sorry to read that you are having such a rough time. Hopefully as Addie said you will improve as she did. Best Wishes, Dee
  25. TAnn, I am so sorry to read of this. Dang gone it. I hope and pray the Altima will do the trick for you. Best Wishes, Dee
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