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Everything posted by cathy

  1. My prayers are with you.
  2. cathy


    I always tell myself to go with my instincts..Let me tell you about my instincts.. Before Iressa was FDA approved I asked my dads doctor if we could maybe see what it was all about, this was before it was ever mentioned on the boards, it was just a little research I was doing, you know those times searching and searching the internet until we could find something to give us hope..His response was "well I dont think it is going to be the silver bullet everyone thinks it is" I remember thinking maybe its not the CURE but it sure has shown much promise, that was just one of many dumb things that he said.. When we went to U of Mich.. I was hoping somehow to at least see the doctor that was working on a drug to reduce copper in the cancer patient, when I mentioned it to the onc that we were seeing he chuckled a little and "oh you mean the copper man" Alrighty then, another glimmer of hope these "doctors" just shot down. Last night I watched a beautiful story on HBO about the doctor who did the first heart surgery and he was laughed at too well maybe not laughed at but they didnt believe it was possible..All I kept thinking the whole movie was what about the treatments dad could of had especially the copper one..No one was listening.. Just wanted to tell you to listen to your inner voice if you are ever in doubt..I dont even know if this post makes any sense..I think I just wanted someone to listen, and of course somewhere to vent... Have a good weekend everyone..
  4. Oh Julie, I too feel your pain. Its so hard, I know. The good news is your moms tumor has DECREASED in size..Take one day at a time and taking a few deep breaths always helps..We are here for you, so you can vent all you want, we're use to it and we wont leave...
  5. Have a good time Ry and Mr. Ry,Caitlin and the rest of the gang...
  6. Spray painted an old lamp Went shoppng to find a lamp shade because the old one looked old Worst of all cleaned windows Took pictures from the foyer to the living room and visa versa.. I hate the way everything looks so now its all back to where it started.. My hubby says I have way too much time on my hands... Glad everything is back to normal.. Good topic Becky P:S dont like the lamp either
  7. Hi Fay I am so glad you are feeling a little bit more like yourself, you certainly have had a rough go of it lately..Here's a hug hope it helps a bit.. ((((((((((FAY)))))))))
  8. cathy

    John Edward

    Thats exactly what I wanted to say Cat , but couldnt put the words together..Good Job..
  9. cathy


    Tina, I have no idea, I sent my picture to Rick, I just wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful family..
  10. Great news Dave..Your story is truly inspiring..Keep up the fight..
  11. cathy

    Missing Makwa 04

    Makwa, Thinking of you and really hoping you get some relief soon..Just said a prayer for you..
  12. Cat, My philosophy in life is to go with your instincts, your instincts are telling you that your doctor may not know what he should, I agree with Fay..Dont be scared to switch doctors, just think it could be the best thing for you...
  13. Ginny, I am so glad to hear they are at least giving Earl other options. I have to admit that I was wondering why they originally were not going to continue with any treatment...What a fighter your Duke is
  14. cathy

    John Edward

    Berisa, I agree with Rochelle..I tend to lean a little more to the fake side...I use to watch his show every now and then until my dad passed...
  15. Kelly I am so sorry you lost your dear sister..If you need us we're here..
  16. cathy

    Question for all

    Jane, My brother in law had polyps at one time too. The procedure was pretty much like everyone else, and he is doing fine...Tell hubby he really should be wearing a mask when breathing in all that dust, you never know what poisons are under that barn, he could damage his lungs permanently....
  17. cathy

    My PET/CT test

    Dear Cat, I feel like I have no business posting this, because I am not in your shoes, I just want you to know I care and there has to be other options for you, wait and see what the doctor says, meanwhile I am saying a prayer for you right now, for God to put his arms around you and comfort you...
  18. Sounds like good news Nina, so glad to hear it
  19. No need to apologize Rick,we completely understand..
  20. Dear Ginny, I dont know what to say, so instead I just said a prayer for Earl....
  21. Happy Happy Birthday Tbone
  22. Miss and love you Fay
  23. cathy

    Missing Makwa 04

    I was checking the memberlist and wondering too...
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