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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Wonderful news Betty and so happy to hear it
  2. I will one day Lilly, cant seem to do it yet
  3. cathy

    The Michigan Bash!

    I thought about contacting the local newspaper too..My husband knows someone in my county(different than ry's)What do you think Ry and John? Deb, Again I'll say it wish you could come too
  4. Hi Lori, As a mom with grown children, who always ask me "what do you want for your birthday" I tell them all the time just a card, I think you expressing your feelings to your mom will make her so happy..If you want to get her something special how about a mothers ring. I have one and wear it with pride everyday..Good luck let us know how it goes..
  5. My 2 cents.. The thought of that makes my stomach a little queezy..
  6. Hi Ben, First of all welcome to a place nobody really wants to be..My son is your age also so I know how your mom feels..She doesnt want you and your other siblings to worry about her...She really wants your family to continue to be normal like it was before you found out about the cancer..I dont have cancer but I am a mom and I know thats how I would want it.. As far as how your mom will feel everyone is different, some continue to work, while some have a more difficult time..Chemo has a come along way since the earlier days.. Tell your mom dont give up hope, there are many that are beating this monster that are in the late stages of LC, many on this board who are LIVING proof as you will soon see, watch as the responses pour in.
  7. cathy


    Sharkats, My dad did develop pneumonitis during treatment..Please beware because my dads radiologists insisted there was no way he could have it because he was sure symptoms only appeared months after therapy..My dad stopped treatment on his own, if it was up to his radiologist he would have still gone, even after complaining about severe shortness of breath. After walking out on one of his appointments he went to see his pulm and after an xray it was confirmed radiation pneumonitis..Dads pulm told him that it as a good thing he walked out of that appt.. I dont want to scare you, but I couldnt ignore this, and so you know pneumonitis can get better without any permanent damage, my dads case was just very unfortunate to say the least and the fault of a doctor who wasnt listening to him..Hope this helps
  8. cathy

    chat night, 7/20

    I'll try to make it David. I have only been once or twice
  9. cathy

    Shoulder Pain

    Rachel, Dont have any answers just want you to know I am praying that it gets better for you..I know you are looking forward to coming here..If there is anything you think I can do from this end please let me know..
  10. cathy


    I agree with John its not too late, You can get in on those last minute deals for airfare...
  11. Hi Katie, Just another welcome, I also wanted to add my 2 cents and tell you that I have a couple of family members that have beaten breast cancer as well, one imparticlar just celebrated her 5 year anniversary..
  12. Ginny, You really had a couple of bad days, glad you and Earl are doing better...
  13. Sounds like good news Cat..At least better than what those other so called specialist were telling you Did you fire your other onc. team?
  14. cathy


    Berisa, I know, its going to be another first and very hard to get through but you will.. That was so sweet what Shelly said your dear dad will be kissing you on your cheek.. Kris, It will be okay..I am here for you
  15. Elaine It worked for me.. David I think its funny, just glad I set my coffee down before..
  16. Susann, Hope your dad is doing better today and that you and your mom were able to get some rest..
  17. Gayle, I am so sorry you lost your dear mom..Its so sad, I know
  18. cathy

    The Michigan Bash!

    Wish you could too Deb
  19. Praying for Keith right now..
  20. Beautiful spirit David..
  21. Great news Cindy Soooo happy for you Didnt you just get a brand spanking new computer
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