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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    Ray's Surgery

    Thank you Aggie, I have tears of happiness right now..Great News..What a relief
  2. cathy


    Thinking of you right now((((RAY)))) and praying for the best.
  3. Lois Welcome and glad you found us, you're right it is a great website..I can certainly relate to the guilt part too..
  5. cathy

    Happy again

    Wonderful news Ray..
  6. Karen, I would go for it and enjoy as long as Dave is in agreement, think about for a while and make sure it will not strap you financially...
  7. Will keep you in my prayers Cat, be safe...
  8. Great picture David..You look great..
  9. cathy

    My mom...

    Dear Denise, I am so sorry...I know how unbearable the pain is right now, it breaks my heart to see what this beast is doing to our loved ones..Please do stay with us, it helps when you can express how you feel and someone really knows what you and your beautiful family have been through...God Bless
  10. Ray, Will be praying for option 1 for you and hoping its exactly what ginny said. XO
  11. Thanks Connie for the update..This must be such an exciting time for your family
  12. Dear Dean, I hope you know how special you are..I remember when you first signed on, I was in awe of you then and adore you even more now..XO
  13. Annjael, Nothing like a beautiful baby...Congratulations...
  14. Joanie, I am so happy for you..I think your beautiful angel in heaven is smiling right now
  15. Good to hear from you David.. I wish I had half of your dedication and 1/4 of your energy..Let us know how the race turns out..
  16. cathy

    Make-up Question

    Jane I love bare minerals..I've been using it for a couple years..I feel safe using it, but you never know, no you have me wondering..
  17. cathy


    Ray Its so good to hear from you..I can completely understand your apprehension, I will be saying extra prayers on Sept.. 3 for you..Hang in there my look a like brother..XO
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