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Everything posted by cathy

  2. Just did it Thanks tee taa
  3. cathy

    Scans :(

    ((Shar)) Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers that the second line of chemo kicks butt..Its very possible, the doc said so..Dont lose hope..
  4. To this day I am so grateful that my dad did protect me..I am not saying I didnt know what was happening... I was with him everyday and I did see alot, more than I care to mention or remember and I am haunted by so much of it..I think as parents thats what we do, protect our children, whether they're 10, 20, 30, 40 and so on and thats what my dad was doing or at least trying to do, protect me..Until his very last breath...
  5. Sweet Fay, My dad was just like you..Never ever would he have let me know how bad he felt..I will never forget him telling me that he hated what his illness was doing to me, imagine that, worried about me, he was awesome and so are you..XO
  6. Amy, That is wonderful news...You and your family are so blessed...
  7. cathy

    Scans :(

    Shar, Just said a prayer, that it is like Becky said..
  8. Oh Deb, Beautifully written..Isnt it funny how we know our dads favorite foods...My dad loved these cupcakes they use to call banana flips and jim jams..Every single time I see them in the store I want to cry, you dont see them too often so when I do or when I did I would pick them up for my dad, his beautiful eyes would light up, you would think I brought him a million dollars..I use to love to cook my dads favorite meals and have him and my mom over, boy do I miss him and his unconditional love I hear you dear friend, enjoy your Mallowmars..
  9. cathy

    Full Circle

    What a beautiful day Sean
  10. Thanks Karen, I am going to check it out right now..
  11. Oh Denise, Its so hard I know..As time goes on it wont be so painful every waking moment of everyday, you will find some happiness again I promise...Its been 13 months for me and not a moment goes by when I dont think of that CRAPPY DISEASE and how it took my dear dad, however instead of being sooo sad all the time I have moments of sadness during the day, and then I get back to whatever. I know one day I will be okay and I know you will too, one day...
  12. Amy, You certainly do have a full plate..Is there any other siblings that could help out? If so call a family meeting without mom and tell them how you feel..In the meantime vent to us all you need if that helps you we're here......(((AMY)))
  13. LOL Katie and you are right
  14. David, I just know you are one of those teachers every child hopes to get as their teacher..Love the hair...
  15. Oh Fay If you only knew how much you have have touched my life and made a difference, you really have.. I am sorry you are down wish I could lift you up a bit...XO
  16. Charolette, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear husband. Praying that you can find strength to get through these devasting times..
  17. cathy

    Hall Pass

    Have a good time in Nashville Tina...Great town
  18. cathy

    My surgery

    Hi Ray, It is sooo good to see you..I am so glad everything seems to have gone well for you..3 weeks and back to work,amazing . You are certainly an inspiration..Keep fighting brother XO
  19. Wendy, Glad you decided to post, as you know there is so much information here and most important support..Its always comforting to know someone understands exactly what you are going through..Welcome!
  20. Have a great time with your dear mom, Kel..
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