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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy


    Rachel, Praying that everything turns out ok and whatever is going on is fixable..XO
  2. Karen, My dad was on oxygen and it works just like you said..Praying for your family and hoping your dear dad gets relief soon...
  3. Donna, I am so sorry for the loss of such a dear friend...Good friends are hard to come by, she sounds like she was a gem...
  4. Very inspiring article Heather, and a beautiful picture of you...
  5. Beth, I read your post yesterday and tried to respond but couldnt think of the words to help ease your pain, I knew others would say it so much better..Instead of words here's a hug ((((BETH))))
  6. cathy

    What I read lately.

    I feel like that most of the time , however, I feel like I will heal and it will get better one day..
  7. I hear you KC and understand
  8. I am so sorry to hear this..Bonnie's family will be in my prayers..
  9. Elaine, I am sooo sorry..Praying that you and your family may find peace and strength in the days ahead...
  10. JC, I hope you're okay and the surgery is something routine... Wishing you a speedy recovery in advance
  11. Connie, I can feel so much pride and gratitude in your post..What a miracle for sweet Austin..
  12. Sending prayers your way David..
  13. cathy

    Why not my mom

    Kim, What a beautiful dream..Now I am jealous
  14. Oh Angie, I am so sorry, so very sorry...
  15. David, So glad you are on the mend..I'll remember your advice next time I am on a ladder..
  16. cathy

    Missing My Dad

    Jean, I just wanted to add, before I lost my dad I would never go into the grieving forum because I couldnt bare the sadness, honest I never went in once at least I dont think I did.. After he passed I remember telling Katie "grieving" and "for those who have lost a loved one" were the only places I felt comfortable..Now, losing a special dad I know how that feels..I really only respond were I think I can somehow ease someones pain if only for a minute and at this point all I know is grieving... My point is please dont take it that nobody cares, sometimes we just dont know what to say.. I am glad your day was ok or as well as can be expected..I couldnt wait until my dads anniversary day was over..
  17. Great news Don.. I think Lucy is a miracle, I really do..
  18. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your mom's way Laurie...
  19. cathy


    Sounds like Jim was a wonderful father to have such a beautiful tribute in his honor..
  20. cathy

    October 13th 2003

    (((JC))) You and Mike were a very blessed couple to have had such a beautiful love..I too hope today passes softly for you...
  21. cathy

    Tribute Movie

    Curtis, If you look at the top right hand side of your page you will see a tribute link..Rick has made a beautiful tribute to all of our fallen angels...I havent been there in a while though, its very beautiful but hard for me..I know many find comfort there.. Rick, I am not sure how much you are going to change, just wanted to make sure that you were keeping all the originals, or do we have to let you know if we want our loved one there? Thanks Rick I appreciate all you do!
  22. (((Stephanie,))) Is sooo hard I know and its okay if you need to joke, whatever helps to get you through..Tomorrow will be better, the birthdays and all the other special days are the hardest...
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