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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    Mom is with Jesus

    Kim, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear mom..Your post brought me to tears, it sounds like she was an angel on earth..Praying right now for you and your family..
  2. cathy

    Missing My Dad

    Jean, I know your feelings exactly..The anniversary is so hard, I think the anticipation is even worse, we relive those last days over and over in our minds..I'm glad you can find peace in talking about your dad, for me its easier not to talk about him because it makes it all to real. I can tell by your post that you adored your dad as I did mine..I will keep you and your family in my prayers and hope one more prayer will help you through the day..
  3. Oh Shelly, I think you and your family have been through enough already, I hope this is the last hardship you have to face..You are in my thoughts always...
  4. Paddy, will pray that the Iressa works for David..I so glad your family was able to enjoy each other despite the setbacks...
  5. cathy

    I am lost

    Charlette, I'm sorry, so so sorry..I dont know what to say so I'll say a prayer for you and your family
  6. cathy

    Big John

    Cindy, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear brother, those anniversaries are so hard..It sounds like he was a beautiful soul...
  7. David, So sorry to hear this ...Please rest and I pray you will be on the mend soon..
  8. Hi Chantal, Welcome to our group..Everyone here can understand the anger we have all been there, it takes a couple weeks for the initial shock to wear off..If your family is looking for some survivor stories you are in right place..We have many members here who are living with late stage lc and I know they will be responding to your post..Copy their stories and let your family read them, it will help with the fight your FIL has ahead of him.. There is so much knowledge and experience here all you have to do is ask and remember there is HOPE.
  9. Welcome back Ginny..What a blessing to have a such a thoughtful family...It sounds like they really do care about you..
  10. You are an amazing man Mr. Dean Carl and one of a kind...God Bless You.
  11. cathy

    CT Results

    I am so happy for you Joe! Gina and your family must be thrilled.. CONGRATULATIONS!!
  12. Happy Anniversary Joanie!!
  13. Karel, Just wanted to let you know the doc is out of town until Sunday, he posted that he wasnt sure if he would have internet access...
  14. Ginny, Have a good time, sounds like fun..
  15. cathy

    Mental Being

    Beautiful message Don.. Very inspiring...
  16. cathy

    Dad's doing well

    Rachel I'm glad to hear your dad is doing good..Dads are so special..
  17. Beautiful story Paddy..Hoping for good results with the Iressa..
  18. cathy

    FDA Campaign

    Just did it Tina, very user friendly
  19. Just wanted to wish Heather good luck today with her interview..I know you will do fine..You have the passion to be heard so dont be nervous..That passion is what will guide you...
  20. Dear Angie, I am so sorry for what is happening to your family, I wanted to respond earlier but couldnt put the words together, I knew what I felt but couldnt seem to express it to you..Katie said it perfectly, your dads love is what will carry you through..God Bless you and your family.
  21. CONGRATULATIONS DAVE Your story brings hope to many who otherwise didnt have any....I remember searching the internet when my dear dad was first diagnosed and couldnt find anything until I stumbled on to your story..Although my dad lost his battle, having hope is what made the fight bearable for him...
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