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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    Prayers - non cancer

    Very sad..I will pray for a miracle..
  2. Wonderful news..Good to hear
  3. I'm sorry Andrea..I just said a prayer, its so sad..
  4. Have a wonderful time Frank
  5. cathy

    Hall Pass Please..

    Have a safe trip Nell
  6. Have a great time Karen..Sure sounds exciting..
  7. Cindy, Hoping everything is ruled out when you get the test results back and good luck with your interview, my husband tought a college class for the first time in the spring a thoroughly enjoyed it..
  8. Shelly I will be praying they do get it all and everything goes smoothly..Your mom and dad will both be there guiding the surgeon...
  9. Stable is great news..Like Tiny said if you're happy then we're happy.
  10. cathy

    New puppy

    Hi Mary A, It is so nice to meet you...Now I can tell you personally how sorry I am..David was so loved here and we miss him so much..I hope you can stick around and let us help you if we can..Great name for the puppy...
  11. Connie, What a miracle this new devise is..I have heard of it also..Let us know how everthing goes
  12. Cheryl, Praying you are soon feeling better..You could sure use a break..
  13. cathy


    Kim, another way to test for dehydration is to lightly pinch the top part of your hand(the opposite side of the palm) if the skin doesnt go back down, then theres a chance your dehydrated..Let us know
  14. cathy

    Hall pass please

    Have a good time Jane
  15. Absolutely will say a prayer Sharon..
  16. cathy

    Denise (niececola)

    praying for Denise and her family..
  17. cathy

    Estelle Danner

    Will say a prayer for her family, thanks Connie
  18. Hi Missy, Absolutely go to the doctor, its the only way of knowing for sure..We will be here if you need us, hopefully you wont..Please let us know..
  19. cathy

    Earl's Memorial

    Oh Ginny, Sounds so beautiful..
  20. Happy to meet you again Shelly..
  21. Dear Becky, I am so sorry you are feeling this..I can understand it though..I for one will miss you and your posts..Take a little break and come back soon, dont leave us for good...I want you to know I care, and sorry if anyone has hurt you..
  22. I am so sorry to hear of Dans passing..I always looked forward to reading his post..He was so intelligent and had such a kind face...He will be missed..
  23. Joni, I didnt lose my spouse, I lost my dad, however I have that fear everyday..I am afraid for everyone I love especially my children even though they are young adults..I am sure it all has to do with the trauma of it all, none the less it feels awful, I know..
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