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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Hi Cheryl, Welcome back home . I bet you feel better already..Hospitals are no place to get better..We missed you..I heard you were coming home Monday, hope you're there..
  2. Hi Francine, Wanted to give you my good wishes too.. Sorry didnt know that you were in the hospital
  3. Shirley, Just wanted you to know I will keep you in my prayers and dont worry many woman fail their mammograms and it ends up being a benign sist.
  4. I for one have no idea what is going on . I have been gone for a couple of days and seems like a lot has happened. I agree with Peggy Cat, I enjoy your postings on spirituality so please dont stop posting..Hopefully what ever has happened here has mended itself and everyone is okay..
  5. cathy

    need some prayers

    absolutely will pray for you David.
  6. cathy


    Congratulations Jim Have a great time fishing..
  7. Thanks Jack Hoping your beautiful Cheryl is home with you soon..
  8. Good morning Fay, Hows the new job Hope you slept well.
  9. Dear Ginny, I just said a prayer for Earl and for you too.
  10. cathy

    Our Anniversary

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to a very special couple
  11. Now I wish we would have decided on NYC this weekend, but my son and daughter want to come when we go, so it will cost us double the expenses and we want to go when we have more than 2 days, thats why we decided on Toronto this week, however we are definately going to make the trip
  12. Deb, BEAUTIFUL! That had to be so hard to write, I could feel the love through your words..How blessed we are to have such wonderful dads and loving memories to cherish forever..XO
  13. Thanks for the update Jack..Please tell Cheryl I am thinking of her daily and look for updates on her..
  14. cathy

    July 5 2004

    Congratulations Ray
  15. Ginny, I'm sorry the Duke is not doing so well right now..Praying for you both, its so hard..
  16. cathy

    July 4th

    How true that is Debi. Have a wonderful day today with your precious son
  17. Cathy. Its so good to see you again..It sounds like you are feeling okay, probably as well as can be expected..Your trip sounds like its going to be fun..Love shopping!!
  18. Thanks Connie, I've been thinking about her all day and hoping she is ok..
  19. Good luck Nancy with the new job.. I am not saying my age, however I know about that mental pause
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