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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    My mom is at peace...

    I am so so sorry Pier for the loss of your dear mom..How hard this must be for you..
  2. I like that Lily..Beautifully written as always
  3. cathy

    Having a bad day...

    Thanks Anais It all makes perfect sense to me now...
  4. cathy


    I am sooo happy for you Fay
  5. cathy

    My Dad, My Hero

    I am so sorry..The loss of someone so dear is devasting..I pray that you can find some peace somehow through all this...
  6. Shannon I am so sorry for your pain, it comes through in your post...I've been where you are and I know the devastion of having your heart break in a million pieces..Everything is still so new and raw for you..I am not going to say it gets easier because I am not sure it does..You just learn how to adjust to your very different world and I know you have heard it a million times but time passing does help.. Your heart will begin to heal somewhat in time and you will find peace..In the meantime there are many here who can hold you up when you need to be held...
  7. Just did Shelly..Please let me know how it goes.
  8. cathy


    Just did Ry
  9. I am so sorry Rosegarden..I know you are so devasted right now, stay with us if it helps at all..
  10. Thanks TAnn I will pass the info to my friend..
  11. Ginny, I wish you the very best of luck in your new home..Its beautiful..I wish my mom would move, its hard going to her house...XO
  12. Fabulous Jim Imagine someone just joining, searching frantically for some hope. You just gave them a wonderful gift...
  13. Thanks everyone My first thought was MD Anderson..Anderson, Anderton awfully close dont you think..I am going to tell her what I found out unless someone else knows different..
  14. I have a friend whos brother is living in Hong Kong and was diagnosed with colon cancer..He is coming back to the states for his chemo..She tells me he is going to be treated at Anderton hospital and was curious if I had heard of it, just wondering if any of you from Texas know of it, I guess its in Houston..I know there is Md Anderson however I dont know if its in Texas..Thanks in advance
  15. Don and Lucie, You are in my thoughts always..I am so glad Lucie is able to take a break...XO
  16. cathy

    The dying process

    That is exactly what this website is all about... Thank you Katie and Rick..
  17. Wonderful news Jen.. Wouldnt it be great if results always came that fast..
  18. cathy

    The dying process

    Dear Sharon, This was a hard post for me to read because I have the had the same feelings for almost 17 months, however I know we are here to help each other...I dont know where the guilt comes from because I have it still too...Maybe because we were completely helpless during the whole process and we thought they would be coming home... I think we had hope until their last breath, I know I did..I still say to myself everyday "what happened Dad, where are you" I always wonder if the doctors did the right thing because it did happen so fast..Without getting into too much detail, I too wonder about the morphine.. What I really want to tell you is dont blame yourself, nothing is your fault..THe guilt will tear you up inside if you let it, dont do this to yourself..Your dad loved you so much he would hate knowing that you are feeling this...
  19. David, Sending prayers your way..
  20. cathy


    Great news Cindy...
  21. Donna, I know how you feel about bringing them to the hospital and thinking they woud be coming home..Its so heartbreaking..I just wanted to let you know I know your pain and am so sorry for it...You must have felt so proud at the funeral and blessed to have such a beautiful mom..
  22. ((((Cheryl)))) I will keep you in my prayers..I know so many here have had good results with wbr as I am sure you will too..It probably isnt a bad idea to take something to help ease those racing thoughts and get some rest...Let us know how everything goes...
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