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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Cathy, I am thinking positive thoughts too and keeping you in my prayers..
  2. cathy

    I am so sad & angry

    I am sorry that you have to go through this..Grieving is hard enough on its own..Unfortunately many times illness can separate a family rather than bring them together..It seems like your stepmother is not taking any one elses feeling into consideration during this difficult time.. She needs to realize she is not the only one who is devasted over this loss.. I hope you can find peace in time..
  3. cathy

    I'm 65 today

    Have a happy birthday and good day
  4. cathy

    Six months

    Poeny, We had a post a while back, someone had wrote that they just wanted someone to take care of them while they were grieving, just to do the little things they had no desire to do... I know I felt the exact same way..I did what I really had to do and let the rest go..Its been 20 months since I lost my dad and I am still looking for my new normal, maybe looking for my new normal is my new normal.. Losing a parent is very traumatic, its so hard, especially if they play a big role in your life... We're here for you if you need us..
  5. cathy

    Test Time for Me

    Good Luck Sandy.. Sending prayers your way..
  6. Thanks Cindy.. Thinking of you Betty..
  7. Kasey, It gives me chills to think what if you listened to those doctors in the beginning of your journey.. Your story about finding us brought tears to my eyes..Please dont be shy, you have sooo much to offer, most of all HOPE..
  8. Welcome Marilyn, I dont know the answer to your question however I am sure someone here knows..You may want to post your question in the "ask the experts" forums as well..I know they will have the answers for you.. In the meantime welcome to our community...
  9. Praying real hard right now for you Cathy..
  10. Thanks Ry, I was so excited when I heard this was going to be on the local news the other night, but fell asleep before it aired..I will be emailing them and sending this out to family and friends..
  11. Cathy, Sending prayers your way..
  12. I am so so sorry..Grandpas are so special..Praying that you may find some peace in time..
  13. cathy

    To Betplace

    Dear sweet Betty, You will be in my thoughts and prayers every day.It amazes me even though you are fighting sooo hard right now, you still find energy to support and inspire others here..I will continue to pray for your miracle every day..XO
  14. Dear Betty, I am so saddened to read this, you are truly one of our angels, I am praying for you and your miracle and for strength to get through whatever God has in his plans for you..XO
  15. cathy

    Mom has passed away

    I am so so sorry Tess...
  16. Good luck Bill and Jan..Hoping for a speedy recovery and get better soon...
  17. Welcome Starry, Will absolutely say a prayer for your mom...I am glad you decided to join our group, if there is anything you need to know just ask, there will likely be someone here who can answer your question and there is also the "ask the experts" forums... We are also here to support you through this. If you need to vent we're here for you..
  18. Keeping you in my prayers Beth that there is a easy solution to this..Waiting to hear how it goes..
  19. I agree with the others Margaret.. You do what you are comfortable doing, there are no rules like there use to be, unless you come from a culture that has specifics about mourning..Everything is still so raw and new for you, it takes a while for life to make sense again,praying that you may find some peace and healing down the road...
  20. Welcome back Frank, You certainly have had your share, now its time to really rest and get better soon...
  21. Heather, Saying a prayer for your sister right now..
  22. cathy

    Still a NERD!

    Wonderful news Fay, sooo happy for you
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