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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    Lucie and Don

    Don and Lucie Keeping you both as always in my thoughts and prayers..
  2. Love it!! Beautiful job Rick and Katie..
  3. Jana, Sounds like a wonderful opportunity, and I am sure you will be great at it...
  4. Shelly, I too dont know what to say, know I am here for you anytime....
  5. cathy


    Shirley, I am so so sorry, keeping you and your family in my prayers..
  6. cathy

    Update on my mom

    (((Andrea,))) Yes you do have a full plate right now, praying everything works out for mom and you too...
  7. I am so so sorry for the loss of your dear mother..I know how you feel, my precious dad lost his battle with LC because of radiation pneumonitis.. His radiologist would not discontinue his treatment because he said there was no way he could have pneumonitis because it usually doesnt occur until weeks or months after treatment..Well, he was wrong my dad developed it during treatment, my dad stopped his treatment on his own against the doctors wishes.. What I really wanted to say is I know the devastation this is bringing to you, its hard so hard to think over and over in our heads what could or should have been done differently, our thoughts take us to places we would rather not be... I struggle still every day accepting what happened to my dad, time has helped a bit however the wound is still there.. When I was reading your post I could feel the pain you are in and just want you to know I understand and hope you can find some peace and somehow begin to heal.....
  8. Welcome back Linda, We're still here for you..Unfortunately many of us know your pain and you're right it doesnt get better, we just learn how to adjust to our differeent lives...
  9. Happy Anniversary Bruce, love your post...
  10. cathy

    3 years and counting!

    Congratulations Tiny, you are such an inspiration to others who may not have hope and I too think you will be an awesome mentor..
  11. cathy

    Mom, I'll miss you.

    Patti, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear mother, I can tell by your post you loved her dearly...
  12. cathy


    Hi Joanie, I would probably not give her a gift either..Its a little ironic that a so called christian woman seems to have no compassion, maybe after her baby is born she will begin to understand the love between a mother and child and learn not to say such ridiculous things...Who does this "Christian Woman" think she is standing in judgement of others.. I'm sorry that you have to go through this, I dont know your pain first hand I cant even imagine the depth of it, just know I am thinking of you and praying you can begin to heal and find some peace...
  13. Angie, I am so so sorry..Will keep your family in my prayers and ask for strength to get through these difficult days to come....XO
  14. Happy Birthday Sweet Lucie
  15. Patti, Thanks for the update, hoping by the time you read this Frank is home and doing better..
  16. Lori, I know exactly what you are talking about, you sort of go through the motions but everything seems foggy..That awful fog will lift and you will start to go through your day like you did before lung cancer came into your life, it takes a while though and everybody works through it different.. As far as someone taking care of you, absolutely yes..When my dad passed my husband was awesome, tried to do everything and anything to help me..It was so comforting to have him... Dont worry about taking up space, this is why we're here..Hang in there I know how hard it is..
  17. cathy

    Recipe update

    Andrea, I wrote an email to my family and friends, it took me about 40 minutes to type it all out, somehow when I clicked send it disappeared into cyber space and nobody received it...So I have to retype and you know what a fast typist I am , just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten...
  18. Stable is good news Charlie...Celebrate.....
  19. cathy

    Sad news

    Rosemary, I am so very sorry, you and your family will be in my prayers..
  20. cathy

    Mom's Birthday

    I'm sorry Denise..I am still trying to figure it out too..Wish I had the words to help you get through today...I'll send some prayers your way and hope you feel better tomorrow...The firsts are so hard..XO
  21. Dean, So glad to see you
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