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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    My Dad

    Thank you guys.. If it wasnt for all your post I would have felt completly alone yesterday..Its not that I wanted any hoopla in my (real world) because I really didnt..I just wanted my dad remembered, because he was truly a gentle man..Thanks for pulling me through... Ginny, My mom hasnt been the same since, I know shes trying but shes just not happy at all...She's in florida right now and I called her yesteday but she wasnt at her condo, its just as well hopefully she was out with friends..
  2. Been there done that, I'm not a good typist so I know how frustrating it is...You can still join us, just do your story when you're up to it...I still dont have mine (my dads) done..
  3. cathy

    Fay A update

    Dear Fay, I am sending prayers your way right now.. I know your trying to get well, you have traveled a very bumpy road on your LC journey,and its time for you to catch a break, so I'm saying extra prayers for you.. XO
  4. cathy

    My Dad

    Tomorrow will be 2 years ...I am not exactly sure what I want to say..There is a tremendous void in my life without him..He is still in my thoughts every hour of every day.... When I am around my mom nothing seems balanced any more, everything seems out of wack... I suppose its the "new normal" that I need to get use to... I thank God everyday for my husband and 2 children and to keep them safe and healthy..There is Lung Cancer on both sides, so needless to say I worry..Cancer taught me that you know, it taught me how to be neurotic and I hate that, however it also has taught me somethings that I wouldnt understand unless I experienced them firsthand.. Thanks everyone for helping me through the roughest days of my life.. Thank you Katie and Rick XO
  5. Thinking and praying for you sweet Rachel..
  6. cathy

    Year #1

    Dear Ginny, Hope tomorrow passes for you with happy memories of your dear Duke.. How blessed you are to have so many loved ones in your life, loved ones who would not let you spend tomorrow alone are priceless..
  7. We all know Lucie is a trooper, and has been fighting hard since day one..She absolutely has my prayers that the new treatment works...
  8. Sorry Andrea I havent been on line for a couple days, but I would absolutely love to help, let me know..Keeping you and your mom in my thoughts this week..I am praying for a quick and painless recovery...
  9. cathy

    DavidC's birthday

    Becky, I hope today is better for you..Its so hard getting through all the first and anniversaries and all those important dates.. I love your picture with David, your love shines right through it...
  10. cathy

    This past week

    Have a peaceful weekend Joanie..
  11. I always thought that my dad would be here forever, there is so much that has happened in my family that he would be sooo proud of: His little princess grandaughter becoming a teacher.. His grandson (who always made him chuckle when he would tease grandma) in his 2nd year of law school and doing so well.. His son in law(whom he adored) reaching goals in his career that he and my dad always shared and dreamed of... He would be smiling with such pride... Thanks Ann for letting me share that...
  12. I remember seeing a program on tv shortly after my dad passed..It was a new procedure they were doing here in Michigan.. It was done on a tumor that was blocking the patients windpipe, he walked into the hospital using oxygen and walked out without it..It looked very promising..At one time there was info on their website..The hospital is Henry Ford in Detroit I believe... Good Luck
  13. Dear Dean, Sending good thoughts and prayers your way..Everytime I sit in my backyard and really listen to the birds, I think of you and your couragous fight with this disease.. XO
  14. My dad quit smoking 7 years prior to his diagnosis. He also worked around white gas(I dont even know what that is) All his doctor seemed to hear was that he was a smoker and told him he quit 50 years too late.. His doctor looked right in my eyes and asked if I keep up on my mammagrams because cancer is genetic.. Sorry I think I am off track, I just respond by telling people its not only a smokers disease, they dont believe me so why bother...
  15. Ellie, My prayers are with you and your family during this devasting time..Hospice will take really good care of your dear mom..
  16. Thank you Lisa, I read that article this morning and was outraged as well..The 100% preventable part is what got me, unbelievable
  17. Welcome bettysgirl, I want to welcome you to a place where nobody really wants to be, but grateful that it exists..I know your pain, and am so sorry for your losses, I lost my wonderful father to LC almost 2 years ago.. This website is very user friendly, and as you can tell your message was posted.. There are different forums that you can post on depending on your subject, but dont worry too much about that..You will be a pro at it in no time.. We also have a grieving forum if you need to vent and a shoulder to cry on...Many times believe it or not someone may post something there that makes you smile and feel so comforted... Glad you're here
  18. Get Better quick Becky..
  19. Happy Belated Birthday Shirley
  20. Happy Birthday Dear Connie
  21. I know Joanie, you're not alone
  22. cathy

    Sponge Bob

    sweet story Kathi
  23. Please add me as well.. I am going to keep my Tv on abc and see if they rebroadcast it..
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