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Everything posted by cathy

  1. cathy

    I miss you Dad...

    Pam, Your post is so powerful, your pain reminds me of everything I want to tell my dad as well..I hope your day passed softly and today is better for you..
  2. Fay, Just want to throw in a word of support..You are and have always been an inspiration to this board..I dont know why someone would say something like that, especially to you.. You have been through so much and continue everyday to fight this beast..I really wish people would think before they talk, don't they realize how hurtful their words can be? You dont need to worry about this you have enough on your plate..Please dont give it anymore of your precious energy... XO
  3. Jana, I know exactly what you mean, it was 2 years in aug. that we lost my dad, and I still have a hard time wondering how life is going on without him..We have all lost a very dear loved one, nobody understands the depth of our sorrow unless they have been there, or if they have loved as strong as we have..I dont talk about my dad often its too painful, and thats how I cope but my mom talks about him in almost every sentence, I dont think 30 minutes can go by without her mentioning him.. You're not alone Jana, I know how important it is to know others feel the same way..It must be so hard right now for you every daughter needs their mom, especially after the birth of a beautiful baby..
  4. cathy

    A sad day

    Peggy, Just wanted to let you know my mom cried for days after she sold my dads car.. I know she felt like she was losing a part of him, it was a sad day for her as well, you're not alone ..
  5. cathy

    Journey's End

    Joyce, I am so very sorry, your post is so beautiful and a wonderful tribute to such a great man..
  6. cathy

    Lucie Update 10/21

    Thanks Don for the update on Lucie, she continues to amaze me everyday..If anyone can prove the statistics wrong our Lucie sure can.. xo
  7. cathy

    J.C. 2000

    So glad you stayed JC
  8. Karen, I am sure it was a bittersweet day for you, I hope you are getting along okay and your memories of Dave will one day make you smile, the sadness is so overwhelming..
  9. cathy

    CBS Interview

    Good Luck Heather, I know you will do just fine..
  10. cathy

    Prayers needed!!

    Jamie, Prayers being said right now for your family, I have a friend who had thyroid cancer, had it removed had the radioactive treatment as well and is doing fine, just another little bit of hope to pass your way...
  11. TAnn, Stable is good.. P:S everytime I see your picture with you and your son it reminds me of me and my son..You can really see the love in the picture...
  12. I am so so sorry Millie..
  13. cathy

    Missing Dad

    Its so hard, I know..
  14. Thanks Andrea, It does sound like a really fun thing to do..Take pictures and let us know how it goes...
  15. Val, Its good you can find some peace going there...Last week was so hard for you I wasnt sure you would go back...
  16. cathy

    Can You Stand It???

    SO glad to hear it Kasey
  17. Fay, I am soo glad they were finally located, thats one less thing for you to worry about..How devasting for them to lose everything like that, its amazing how something like an address book could be so important, we just dont think of the simple things until they are gone..
  18. Pam, I really know what you mean..When ths song came out it was around the time my dad passed and to this day still wont listen to it..I am not sure what the words are but I know it has to be heartbreaking.. I noticed the anniversary of your dear dads passing is coming up, these days leading up to it are so hard to get through, hope it passes softly for you...
  19. Kim, I'm sorry your mom is going through so much right now, I think you should try a new doctor..Nothing else matters when you cant breath, your poor mom should not have to deal with any of that nonsence from those uncaring doctors..
  20. cathy

    Fay 3000

    I dont know how I missed this.. Fay, I am so glad to know you.. XO
  21. Great news Leslie...Thanks for giving others hope as they fight this monster...
  22. cathy

    Need your prayers!

    Jamie, You certainly have had your share, I know you are wondering when enough will be enough..I wish I knew why awful things happen to good people..Saying a prayer right now that you and your family will have some good news..
  23. cathy

    Prayer Request

    Absolutely will Heather
  24. Welcome Nikki, I am glad you found us too...Like Katie said ask away, there are so many here that you will find have situations similar to yours..Everyone here is always more than willing to help out....They are a great bunch of people...
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