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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Fay, You are in my thoughts daily.. xo
  2. cathy

    My Little Boy

  3. cathy

    Memories of Dad

    Denise, I am soo sorry for your pain, your dads sounds like a wonderful man.. I remember one time when visiting my dad in the hospital, he apologized for having cancer and hated what it was doing to us..I told him its okay, thats what happens when you love someone and I wouldnt trade his love for anything..
  4. Darci, I surely can relate to what you are going through..You are an awesome daughter in law, as much as I care and love my sisters in law(3 total) they never would have stepped up to the plate as you have..
  5. cathy

    5 years ago today

    Kathy, I hope today is better for you..I really hate those anniversaries..It was 2 years for me last month and I know it wont be any easier 3 years from now..Its funny Frank Sinatra reminds me of my dad too...
  6. Great Great News Becky. I am so happy for you.. xo
  7. cathy


    Dear Berisa, I know how bad it feels, I ache for my sweet dad everyday..Its soo hard at times to shake off those awful memories but we know we must try..I pray that we can all someday find peace and heal from this..
  8. Jen, Sure wish you had better news, praying that the new treatment whatever it is works for you...
  9. cathy


    Jim, Its so good to hear from you..I will never forget Ada, I think of her often..She sent me a very touching pm soon after I lost my dad I copied it at keep it next to my dads picture..She was a very special angel to me...I hope you are able to find some peace at least knowing Ada left her mark on so many... XO
  10. cathy

    What a great day!!

    That is great news Jamie, and for your friend as well..
  11. ((Patty)) I know your pain and my heart breaks for you .. I'm so sorry that you and your family have to go through this..Praying for your mom right now..
  12. Happy 1 year Kasey.. I hope you are celebrating
  13. cathy

    Dare I say this?

    Good for you Beth, take the afternoon off and go enjoy your husband
  14. Peggy, You are not alone in thinking those thoughts and I am so glad you asked..I think about it all the time, I have even tried to put myself where my dad was during his last days, its like I need to know how he felt.. Its very hard watching a loved one go through cancer, and ultimately lose the battle..I have to say I never thought anythinng could hurt so bad.. I try to put myself in my moms place and cant imagine the devastation of losing the love of your life, my heart goes out to you Peggy..
  15. cathy

    Update for Fay A.

    Thanks for the update Fay..Keeping you in my thoughts daily and praying you are going to get well XO
  16. I am so so sorry..Your love and sadness comes through so clearly in your post..Praying that you may find some peace and healing...
  17. Kim, I couldnt imagine what you are going through...My mom is just the opposite, besides things like my dads cloths, everything is still the same at her house and thats how she wants it.. I know everyone handles grief in their own way, as for me I very seldom will go in my moms house, its really hard being there without my dad, like Beckys grandma I expect my dad to be there and I cant seem to get pass that.. It sounds like you find comfort being at your moms house, so maybe you should just bring memories of your mom to your house..I have a few special things of my dads at my house, when I look at them and hold them it makes me smile and remember the days when he wasnt suffering.. I know you know your mom will never be gone, she will stay in your heart forever..Also you are approaching her anniversary and that alone can put you in an emotional roller coaster..I hope you can find some peace through all this, we're here if you need us.....
  18. You certainly are worthy of it Heather CONGRATULATIONS
  19. Pat, I dont know what to say to make you feel better..Your pain comes across so clear in your post..I'll pray that your dear hubby has better days ahead and I will keep you and your precious family in my prayers..
  20. Have a wonderful birthday Heather..
  21. Fay, I am so happy to hear you are coming along, you're in my thought daily.. XO
  22. Sounds like a wonderful time Susan..
  23. cathy

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Thinking of you Fay and hoping you are doing good and will recover quickly and painless... XO
  24. Rest In Peace Dear Dean Carl I am so so sorry Gay...
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