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Everything posted by slinaresholz

  1. Best wishes for you and your brother. Prayers and hugs for both of you. I have been worried about my cancer spreading to my brain every time I have a headache. It may be from my blood pressure pills. It seems to happen as soon as I take them. Within twenty minutes I get the headache. I'm glad they're doing something to help your brother. Hope the new treatment helps. Sharon
  2. Very sorry to hear about your Mom! I know you will miss her terribly. Sharon
  3. Yes, people are very nasty about it even some of the doctors. I'm sorry for their attitude toward your husband's cancer. You know, an archivist in our city said that tobacco smoking was very prevelant in our city's history and yet their was no lung cancer or many resperatory problems like now. Do you notice so many people seem to get it these days. It makes me wonder about all the pollution from factories etc. Prayers for you both, Sharon
  4. Does anyone know how Melanie LR is doing? Sharon
  5. That is great news! Wishing you all the best!! Sharon
  6. Sometimes the oxygen level drops too low and your Mom may not be getting enough oxygen to her brain. This happened several times with a friend of mine with lung cancer. They may have to raise her level of oxygen. Hope she is okay! Sharon
  7. Happy Birthday and I'm glad you're doing okay! Sharon
  8. Happy Birthday and I'm glad you're doing okay! Sharon
  9. Praying that it is good news for a change! Sharon
  10. Cindy, Praying that they can help you and you will be feeling better. Take care! SHARON
  11. That is true. Sometimes results will come even after completing radiation. That was true with a friend of mine with lc. They were trying to shrink a large tumor on his chest. It did finally shrink. Hoping the same happens for your Mom. Sharon
  12. So glad to hear your news! Have one for me! Sharon
  13. Praying everything turns out okay for you! Best of luck! Sharon
  14. Happy your Dad made five years and hope he has many more! Sharon
  15. Very sorry to hear about Jamie's Dad. Glad he is at peace now. Sharon
  16. slinaresholz


    Very sorry to hear about Beth. She was very courageous. Sharon
  17. Jimben, Wish you the best of luck with the new medicine! Hang tough! Sharon
  18. Sandra, Praying all goes fine for you. I have a bad gall bladder too but it doesn't seem to be bothering me. Sorry yours is giving you trouble. Sharon
  19. Praying spots turn out to be nothing. Wishing you both the best of luck! Sharon
  20. Kelly, Best wishes for your Mom and best of luck no matter what she chooses to do. Prayers and hugs! Sharon
  21. Very happy to hear Lucie is doing better. Keep it up, Lucie! Sharon
  22. Very sorry to hear about your Mom. She will probably be happier in her own home with help. Hope they are keeping her comfortable. Sharon
  23. Hi Darci! Sorry your father in law is down in the dumps. It is a big pill to swallow all at once but things will get better! He can drive six to eight weeks after surgery and start being his old independent self again. I felt like eating after surgery, that's about all I did for awhile. I had surgery almost a year and eight months ago and I'm doing as much as I can. I had half of the right lung removed also. I'm still here after nearly two years so tell him not to give up! Best of luck to him, you, and his wife! Sharon
  24. Hope you enjoy yourself in Thailand! Hope you get good news next time! Sharon
  25. Hope you enjoy yourself in Thailand! Hope you get good news next time! Sharon
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