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Everything posted by slinaresholz

  1. Sorry, I guess your mother already had the surgery. Continued good health!
  2. Thank God your mother did not have advanced cancer. I'm glad she is healthy and happy! Sharon Best of luck on her surgery!
  3. Beth, That was hilarious! Remember the show "Maude"? Her husband, Arthur gave her a black eye. When questioned about it, she told her friends that she got the black eye from jumping rope without a bra! Hope everything is fine! Sharon
  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you Lisa and everyone on the site!Thank God we had another Thanksgiving with friends and love ones. Wishing you all many more! Sharon P.S.Please pray for me Wednesday. I have to get another dreaded chest x-ray!
  5. Paula, Glad to hear you are doing so well. Have a good rest and enjoy the holiday! Sharon
  6. Glad your Mom is doing well. Wish her the best of luck and am thinking of her! Sharon
  7. To be scared is very understandable and we all have been there. Praying that everything will turn out to be okay. Best wishes! Sharon
  8. Hello Craneman, I aso have stage 3A lung cancer and had a malignant lymph node. Had half of the right lung removed nine months ago and feel pretty good. I'm eating great and getting as fat as a pig. I didn't have any symptoms at first either. Hope you can have surgery and wish you the best of luck! Sharon
  9. Kdaru, Am praying for your Dad that the other nodules aren't cancer. Sometimes an old pneumonia or other infection shows up. I had a medianastinoscopy didn't show any thing in the mediastum, then when I had lung surgery, they did find a malignant node in the chest. I was so disappointed. But I am still feeling okay and it has been nine months since surgery. I was diagnosed at Stage IIIA. I have known several people who lived quite a long time with Stage IV so don't give up hope. I think that there were even some on the site who had treatment in that stage. Prayers and hugs for you and your Dad. Sharon
  10. Wishing you the best of luck on your surgery tomorrow. I had surgery in January and am recuperating pretty well. Prayers and hugs! Sharon
  11. Welcome Bev and I hope they can do something to help your Dad. There are people in stage 4 who are doing pretty well. Hospice will also be a great help to you. They were wonderful to my Dad and a friend of mine who died recently of lung cancer. Sending prayers your way. Sharon
  12. Very sorry to hear about your mother. Sounds like she was a very special lady. My mother's name was Marie too and she also died of cancer. It seems every person named Marie that I have ever met was very sweet. Prayers for you and your family. The rememberences were very nice. Sharon
  13. TAnn, Wishing you the best of luck! Glad you are all done. Prayers that the radiation did the trick. Hope you feel like your old self soom. Sharon
  14. Hope J has some good luck and starts feeling a little better. Prayers for both of you. Sharon
  15. Paddy, That was certainly a nice surprise for both of you. Wish you good luck on getting on the other program too. Sharon
  16. Very beautiful writing. Hope you are well and happy. Sharon
  17. Little Mo Congratulations and many more years ahead. Good for you! Sharon
  18. Laura Ann, You are very welcome here and you must be a very special person to take care of your Mom. I'm glad she is doing so well after her surgeries. God Bless you and prayers for your mother. Sharon
  19. That sure is good news, Rich. Hope you continue to improve. Look at the guy on this site that is a biciclyst. I guess he had his surgery over twenty years ago. Best of luck! Sharon
  20. Hello there! I had surgery eight months ago and the pain is still there and the swelling and wearing a bra does make it worse. Some have had surgery several years ago and still have the pain. The elastic on the bra seems to cut into the swollen area and make it worse. My chest hurts too in the center. Maybe that is where they removed the thoracic lymph nodes. It seems a little tender. Now the doctor wants me to have a routine mammogram. Ouch! I may have to cry uncle on that one! Best wishes! Sharon
  21. Laurie, I'm glad your mother is doing better. I didn't know you could get pneumonia from an inhaler. What kind was it? I have an albuterol inhaler and it doesn't do much. Maybe I should quit using it. I don't want to risk it. Best wishes! Sharon
  22. Paddy, Very sorry to hear about David's stroke. I know my blood pressure got worse since my surgery and I'm now on two blood pressure pills. Also, I guess percocet is bad for those with blood pressure problems. Sending prayers your way! Sharon
  23. Very sorry to hear about Kirby. You have my deepest sympathy. Sharon
  24. Very sorry to hear about your brother. Prayers and hugs! Sharon
  25. Very sorry to hear Rob is not doing well. Sure hope the hospital can help him feel better. Prayers for you and Rob! Sharon
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