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Everything posted by slinaresholz

  1. hello and I'm sorry to hear about your mother. Hope the Iressa will help her. Prayers and hugs for both of you! Sharon
  2. Hi Denise, I too had some fluid on my lungs and the surgeon says it is normal after lung surgery. I probably still have it. My chest xray was basically the same as the one taken two weeks after surgery. Hope everything will be fine. Sharon
  3. Sure glad Steve is doing better! Hope he gets better and better! Enjoy the icecream! Sharon
  4. Hi Jamie, I'm sure glad your Dad is feeling better today. Just tell him to take care of himself and get plenty of rest so he can heal. I tried to rush things a little and it wasn't good. I cheated on my driving. I snuck out in the car a week before I was supposed to and I was a little too weak yet. Boy did I hurt. Best wishes. Sharon
  5. slinaresholz


    Hope everything turns out okay for you. Sending lots of prayers your way. Sharon
  6. gayle, Very sorry to hear about your Mom. Glad her pain is gone and I know you will miss her. Prayers for you and your family! Sharon
  7. Hi Jamie. Sorry your Dad is not feeling good this week. I hope everything works out for him. Do you think he could have damage from Chemo and radiation. Someone I know had cancer of the esophagus and they damaged his throat with treatments and he couldn't even eat. They had to surgically stretch his throat so he could eat. Maybe your Dad didn't have radiation close to his windpipe. Could they have damaged it doing a broncoscopy? Some people have bad effects, most just have a sore throat. Praying for him. Sharon
  8. Hi Kelly, I'm glad your Mom might be able to have surgery. I guess that is her best hope for a cure. Was her tumor small? I unfortunately had a mediastcopy and it looked fine, then when they did surgery the following week found it had spread, one lymph node in the mediasum that the mediastocopy didn't find. But I'm glad I had the surgery. I'm still alive, still with pain in the side from surgery, numbness and swelling, but it is tolerable. I'm not taking any pain meds. I get tired at times but I'm still able to drive and enjoy little day trips. Hope your Mom will be lucky! I think I've read of people in stage 3B or even 4 who have had surgery and were doing well! Mine was a Stage 3A and the tumor on my lung was in the back 1.8 cm. They did a lobectomy on the lower right lobe. I'm nearly six months out of surgery and my chest x=ray was okay. Good luck! Sharon
  9. Hi Cheryl, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. My aunt had pericardial effusion, but she does not have cancer. She has bad asthma and more troubles than me with the lung cancer. Hope everything is okay with you. Hugs and prayers for you! Sharon
  10. A friend of mine had radiation on a huge chest tumor from lung cancer. He went everyday for six or eight weeks and it was awhile after he stopped that the tumor finally shrunk. It did finally shrink though and he lived almost three years after diagnosis. Sharon
  11. Jamie, I remember my Dad after an operation for an abdominal aneurysim had a lot of air that got in and he had terrible gas pains for awhile. I guess they have to be real careful when air gets into the lungs. Sharon P.S. I'm sorry the poor guy has to have surgery again so soon after all he's been through.
  12. Hi Jamie, I still had a little fluid in my chest and the surgeon said a little is normal after that type of surgery. I had an air leak after surgery but it sealed itself and I was able to go home on time. Maybe they're afraid of an air embolism or collapse of the lung or something. Hope Dad will be okay and the second surgery is not too hard on him. All my prayers and good wishes for him! Sharon
  13. Hello Lindseysmom, I had a 1.8 cm tumor in my lung and the chest x-ray tipped them off. They said they saw a spot on my lung so I was sent for a cat scan. So I guess the chest x-ray was of some benefit. I had the lobe removed and nearly four months after surgery, the chest x-ray showed no change. So I don't know if I should be too confident after reading all the answers to your post. Hope you are okay, S haron
  14. Beth, I'm very sorry to hear about your husband. My deepest sympathy to you and your family. Hope you all are doing okay. Sharon
  15. Tee Taa, I'm happy that T-Bone is not in pain. Hope they can keep him comfortable. My prayers are with him and the family. Sharon
  16. Best of luck to you, Shelley! Hope everything turns out okay for you!Prayers and hugs for you! Sharon
  17. Amelie posted under her original topic tht she thought her Mom might have lung cancer. Nobody may see it as she posted it as a reply to her own topic. She says her Mom still won't see a doctor and is having a lot of pain in her arm and back and she doesn't know what to do for the pain besides a heating pad. You can try Motrin over the counter or extra strength tylenol. I guess you can buy pain pills over the web but they are expensive and I wouldn't know which one was good for pain. Amelie says her Mom is sleeping alot. Fatigue is a sign of cancer or some people sleep alot when they have an infection. Maybe someone else can give you some better ideas. I'm sorry your Mom is in pain. Sometimes lung cancer will cause pain in the back. It did with a friend of mine who had it. The hospice gave him percocet for his pain. Prayers for you and your Mom! Sharon
  18. Very sorry to hear about your daughter. Prayers for all of you! Sharon
  19. Sorry to hear Robert is not well. My prayers are with you. Sharon
  20. I've been kind of worried lately because the side I had surgery on seems a little swollen. Its not red or anything and I did mention it to my regular doctor but she just sort of blew it off. I have been laying on my sore side in bed at times> Does anyone remember having a little swelling? My surgery was at the end of January, a good five months ago. Thanks. Sharon
  21. Glad Cheryl is doing well. Hope she continues to feel better and better. They neglected to tell me a lot of things I had too. I had small cysts on my liver, spots on my other lung, etc., etc. I guess if the spots are small, they're not sure if they are cancer. Sharon
  22. Hello, I know they sometimes do a bone scan after radiation to see if cancer has spread to the bone. They did to a friend of mine who had lung cancer and also my dad who had cancer of the prostate. They said that since his bones were already involved his cancer in the prostate was too advanced so they could not give him anymore treatments. I have had the pain in the knee joints for years but it is arthritis and now degenerative bone disease. Hopefully thats all it is for your Mom too. Will keep my fingers crossed for you. Sharon
  23. Dave, I'm very sorry you're having troubles. Sure hope the chemo helps you. Will be praying for you! Sharon
  24. T Ann. I'm very happy for you! Take a break, you deserve it, Hope you keep on having good luck! Sharon
  25. Great News! Hope you enjoy your fishing and hope you live to enjoy many more years. Best wishes. Sharon
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