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Everything posted by slinaresholz

  1. Hi and sorry to hear about your Mom. My friend at times was short of oxygen to the brain and would act wierd. I also remember my father when he was very ill with cancer got violent. Maybe the cancer had gone to his brain. A hospice nurse had to come out and give him thorazine.Maybe something is obstructing the oxygen to the brain. A failing heart caused an older man I know to start acting very nasty. His doctor said he wasn't getting enough oxygen to the brain. Hope your Mom will be okay. Sharon
  2. Ginny, Sending prayers and hugs your way. Sorry to hear Earl isn't feeling up to par. Sharon
  3. Hello Tia and I'm very sorry about your Mom. Did she go to Metro Hospital for help? My dear friend Bill just passed away last Monday at Malachi House. Maybe you saw him in the Plain Dealer the day before Memorial Day. It was in the Metro section. This past Sunday he was mentioned again in the Metro section of the Sunday Plain Dealer. I sure miss him. Again, I'm very sorry about your Mom. Is she at Holy Cross? My mother is there. She's been gone for 21 years, also my Dad died in '93. They both died of cancer. Prayers and hugs! Sharon
  4. Katester, I'm so glad your scan was negative. The tumor probably wouldn't be any bigger in that short of a time period. At least mine wasn't. I have Nsclc which grows more slowly. Maybe small cell would grow that fast. Unfortunately, mine was malignant and I had to have surgery. Here's hoping you have the best of luck! Prayers! Sharon
  5. I believe they remove all the thoracic lymph nodes during surgery. They did to me. Does anyone know if that would include the chest nodes? Hopefully they removed your Mom's, then sent them away for the pathology check. Sharon
  6. Dear Mgee, I had a pet scan before surgery and my chest did light up, but the medianoscopy they did a week before surgery did not show lymph node involvement. They said they found it in one lymph node in the chest besides the tumor they removed in the lobectomy on the right lower side. I am a stage III A so your Mom is better off than me, but I am feeling good nearly five months after surgery except for the pain in my side when I walk and a sore chest when I do cough. I guess the pain is from nerve endings or something. I guess they have to spread your ribs apart to get to the lung. I'm glad your Mom is doing well and hope she continues to do so. I didn't know they would recommend chemo if your a stage II but maybe they're hoping it will help. I refused additional treatment but that is my choice. Best wishes! Sharon
  7. Hi Jamie, I'm happy your Dad will be able to have surgery. Best of luck to him! I remember I had to have someone stay with me for a week after surgery. I remember having a hard time getting in and out of bed by myself and the only way it was comfortable to sleep at the time was on my back. If he has to take percocet for pain when he gets home, tell him to be sure to take his colace. Percocet causes constipation. The fact that he can have surgery sounds very hopeful. God bless him! Sharon
  8. Thank you very much for your condolences and good wishes. I really appreciate them. Its hard to believe Friday Bill was happy and eating little candy bars and Monday he died. On the lighter side, he was chasing women right up till the end. He was flirting with all the caregivers and volunteers in the hospice and they got a kick out of him. I was thinking today about some of the funny tricks he pulled. He used to have a nurse pick him up in a van to take him to the clinic for chemo and radiation. She always called before she came out. Every so often, he wouldn't answer the phone. Instead he would stay home and drink beer and treat himself in his own way. Later he would pull the same trick on the VNA homehealth aide and his nurse until I told them to just come on out anyway even if he didn't answer. Another time they were advising him to do something and I was agreeing with them and he said he had two words for me and they weren't "Bless You". We all laughed. Thought you might get a smile out of this. Sharon
  9. Dear Amy, Welcome to the site and I'm very sorry to hear your mother's cancer has come back. You will have lots of support here. Hope your mother is out enjoying herself! Sometimes that's the best medicine! Sharon
  10. Hello and I hope your scan is fine. I was also nervous about my first chest x ray after surgery and it was fine. Do you still have pain in the side when you walk since surgery. That is my biggest complaint and I notice when I first lay on my back I cough, I don't know why. Best wishes. Sharon
  11. slinaresholz


    I know what you mean, Debbie. I was very upset with one of my sisters for blabbing about my lung cancer. She told her friends, cousin I haven't seen for forty years and many others. I feel its my personal business and I'll share it with who I wish to. I can tell just by the way some of them look at me that they know about it. I just want to be treated like anybody else. I don't want pity.Hugs and best wishes! Sharon
  12. Gail, Thats wonderful! May you enjoy many, many, many more years with your family! Sharon
  13. Hi Arlene! That is wonderful news. That gives us all hope. Hope you stay well. I know you will. Best of luck! Sharon
  14. Hello Phyllis, Very sorry you're not doing well. Sure hope they can find something to help you. Prayers and hugs! Sharon
  15. Hi Elaine, I guess I feel the same as you do about the Chemo and Radiation. I refused it too. I feel half decent now. I had lung surgery in January. I am eating alot and gaining weight. At least I have some energy. Why should I get so sick with Chemo that I can't even eat and it hurts my good health! No thanks! They aren't going to kill me off faster with that stuff and my quality of life will be poor.My Gp threatens me that the Cancer might come back if I don't take Chemo. Look at all the poor folks that took it and it came back. But that is just my opinion. Everyone does what they feel is best. A friend of mine didn't want surgery so he took the Chemo and radiation. It was rough on him. They fried him with radiation to where a big sheet of skin came off and the flesh was oozing water. They told him he had to go to six weeks of chemo and radiation at the same time. After the six weeks were up they didn't say a word, they just kept treating him. He must have gone for 8 or 9 weeks until he quit. Are they that money hungry? and this guy was skin and bones and elderly. Somtimes I wonder! Take care! These are my thoughts. I hope I haven't offended anyone on the site> Sharon
  16. Thanks everyone for all your prayers. Bill passed away yesterday June 7 at 3:30 PM. He fought lung cancer for nearly three years and was always cheerful. Everyone liked him. He never complained even during all his weeks of Chemo and Radiation. I will sure miss him. He gave me a lot of hope for my own lung cancer. God bless you all! Sharon
  17. Thanks everyone! Your prayers must have helped some as Bill is still hanging in there like a real trooper. He can't communicate, but you can tell he can hear me. He seems to settle down a little. He has been very restless. They are keeping him comfortable and keeping his pain under control. Thank you for your prayers! Sharon
  18. Please pray for a dear friend of mine with Stage Four NSCLC. He is now in a coma tonight and has been fighting this for nearly three years. Hope God is easy on him! I know this will be a long and sad night for me! Thanks! Sharon
  19. Hope Alan holds his own and stays out of the hospital. Hope everything goes well! Prayers and hugs! Sharon
  20. Hello Fay, I'm sure glad Nancy's surgery went well. Best of luck to her and I'll be praying for good results! Sharon
  21. Hi Pat, The fact that you have been well for so many years is wonderful. It gives all of us hope. I wish you the best of luck on your scan. Think positive. I thought if you have gone over five years, they consider you cured. Prayers and hugs! Sharon
  22. Welcome to the site and I'm sorry your Mom has to be sick. We learn a lot from all the posts and everyone is very supportive. Hope your Mom will do well. Enjoy the holiday! Sharon
  23. Hello, I did have wheezing before diagnosis especially when I laid down in bed at night. The wheezing is still there not too bad, but now I found out I have asthma and copd as well as emphysema and the cancer. I didn't have much of a cough. They gave me advair as an inhalator now and I have albuterol inhalers as well. After surgery i had some wheezing that was caused by a little fluid on the lungs as a result of surgery. Best wishes and have a nice holiday. Sharon
  24. Hello jcwork! I remember having a lot of trouble sleeping before I knew I had cancer. I lost some weight but didn't think too much of it. I didn't really know I was sick but before the needle biopsy I started having a throbbing pain in my chest. I never had much of a cough. I did feel a little shaky sometimes. Hope you'll do okay. I had surgery but I didn't take chemo or radiation. Sharon
  25. Hello Claris and welcome to the site. I am glad you are doing well and will continue to do so. Try to have a little fun and take your mind off of things for a while. Best of luck with your tests and have a lovely Memorial Day! Sharon
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