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Everything posted by DianeR

  1. I am so very sorry to Earl is not doing well. I am praying for you both. Diane
  2. My dad has had 4 cycles Carbo/Taxol and 2 cycles Gemzar/Navelbine. At times he gets very shakey. His hands shake to the point that it is hard for him to hold a glass that is full. This is not constant, but seems to happen quite often. I notice when he is lying down his legs twitch some also. Has anyone had problems like this and was there anything that helped? He has neuropathy in his hands and feet and the oncologist prescribed "Neurontin". He said this may help the shaking also. He said it will take about 3 weeks for the Neurontin to start working, so I do not know yet if this will help . Has anyone taken Neurontin for the neuropathy and have any success? Any info would be appreciated. This Board has been a great help to me with all the info I get from here. Thanks Diane
  3. Hi Paddy, My dad had the same problem with the metal taste and not wanting to eat. The oncologist recommended him trying the zinc tablet to help this problem. I think it took about a week of taking the zinc before he noticed any difference, but he soon was enjoying his food again. I was thrilled with the difference this made for him. I hope if you try the zinc it has the same results with your husband. Good Luck! Diane
  4. Hi Terry, Just wanted to say that my dad had the same problem with the metal taste in his mouth. The oncologist recommended him trying the zinc supplement and this helped him tremendously. Hope this works for your husband. Good Luck! Diane
  5. Ginny, I just read your post and I want to tell you how sorry I am to hear the news. It just breaks my heart to hear what the two of you are going through right now. Today I went to pick my daughter up at Church. She is volunteering at a Bible School. I saw a personalized car tag that read "BIGDUKE". Well, I immediately thought of your Duke of Earl. I thought what better place to say a prayer for Earl. So I said a prayer in the church parking lot. I know by looking at all the posts he has many prayers going out for him. I do believe in MIRACLES and I want more then ever to see some miracles happen! Ginny, you and the Duke are in my thoughts and prayers. Diane
  6. Ginny, I was so sad to read your post. I sure hope Earl gets that twinkle back in his eyes soon! You are both in my prayers. Diane
  7. Dean & Gay, Sounds like a true love story!!! Hope you had a wonderful night together. Happy Anniversary. Diane
  8. I want to thank each and every one of you who responded to my post. After a few nights of much needed sleep and just getting away from the hospital I feel so much better. This journey, as many say, is a rollercoaster and I feel like we were down at the bottom of the hill, but hoping to soon get up to the top and stay there for awhile! Ginny, you said it exactly how I feel. It is the total lack of control over the disease. I hate it, but I know there is nothing I can do about it. I do try to cherish every moment I have with my dad. I am very thankful he is here today! Each of you are very special people to take the time to write. I forgot, while my dad was in the hospital, how much positive energy and encouragement you get out of this website. With a bit of sleep, encouragement from others, (and a graduated daughter enjoying Senior Week at the beach) just does wonders!!!! I really really appreciate your care and concern. Thanks to each and every one of you. Diane
  9. Amy, I was sorry to read about your mom's new tumors to the brain, but it sounds like she has done very well up to this point. She must be a real fighter and hopefully responds well again. My prayers go out to her. Diane
  10. I don't even know where to begin. I am so sad and depressed these days that I just don't know what to do. My dad was dx with NSCLC Stage IV in January 2004. It seems it has been all down hill since that time. I feel he has never received any good news. His cancer has progressed after taking 4 cycles of chemo. Chemo was switched. Dad not tolerating new chemo well. He has only had a hand full of good days since he started chemo in Feb. He is so depressed and I feel this is hurting him as much as the cancer. I am so sad because I can not stop his pain...emotional or physical. I try to be upbeat and happy, but the minute I walk out their door and get in my car I breakdown and cry. I feel as though I am the one that needs to find a way to get him better and I just can't. I wake up in the middle of the night in a panic thinking that I have to find a way to make him better. I soon realize I don't have the power to make him better and the tears begin to flow. I am so tired and worn out. My oldest daughter graduated from High School last week. I was so excited for her, but so depressed because my dad was unable to come see his granddaughter graduate (he was in the hospital). I was exhausted from staying at the hospital all week and I just fought back tears the whole night of graduation. I felt so guilty being depressed at such a joyful time in her life. I am just writing to vent my feelings because I am so tired and scared. I know by reading the posts that there are many caregivers feeling the same way. I just wish I could get some good days for my dad and be able to post a message in the "Good News" section. I would love to see my dad happy again. He means the world to me. Diane
  11. I too, feel the way you do. My father has stage IV NSCLC and does not seem to be responding well to chemo. I wake up in the middle of the night in a panic trying to figure out how I can save my daddy. The scary part is I can't come up with the answers. This has been going on since January 2004 and I am exhausted and worn out. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your mother, because I know exactly how you feel. Be compassionate and let her know how much you love her every chance you get. Take one day at a time and cherish every moment with her. My dad's pulmonary doc said "Live everyday to it's fullest because NOBODY is guarenteed a tomorrow". Diane
  12. DianeR


    I have a frog story to add to the collection. We have a pool and over the winter water collects on the pool cover. Well, the frogs think it is a great pond in the spring, and are very happy living on the pool cover. The only problem was that they were so happy and comfy that they decided they should start a family in their new home! Well, a family to a frog is apparently hundreds of tadpoles!!! When my husband went to drain the pool cover I saw all the tadpoles and refused to let him take the cover off without me saving the babies. Needless to say, trying to catch hundreds of tadpoles on a large pool cover was not an hour job...or 2 hours, or 3 hours. Well, my husband had to wait a day or two to get the cover off, but happy to say the babies were taken to a pond and set free. (I guess that is my motherly instinct kicking in to make sure all are safe and happy!!!). I don't understand why my husband doesn't tell me anymore when he is going to take the cover off???? Diane
  13. David, Hope you are feeling much better and are able to out run those beer trucks !!! Wishing you many more good days without the run over feeling the next day!! Take care. Diane
  14. Ginny, I just wanted to tell you how very, very sorry I was to hear about your sister. Your family is in my prayers. Diane
  15. Jim, I hope you hear good news on Tuesday. I know the waiting is rough. Good Luck!! Diane
  16. Margaret, Wishing you and Hollywood a wonderful time in Las Vegas! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! I love to see someone love their pets as much as I love mine! Diane
  17. Hi All, My dad has had 4 cycles of carbo/taxol. He just got the results from his Bone, CAT and PET scans and they were not good. He has progression with new lesions in multiple lymph nodes, bones and left adrenal gland. My dad is such a strong person and is not ready to give up. (This is only one of the 50 million reasons I love him so very much.) His oncologist has switched his treatment to Gemzar/Navelbine. I was wondering if there is anyone else who has had this chemo and could give me some info on it. I just hate the feeling of this being out of my control and unable to help him. I want so much to be informed as much as I possibly can. With this information I am able to ask questions to the Drs. and give better information to my dad. This website has already helped me so much. Please if anyone has time for an extra prayer, please say one for my dad. He is such a great person and I want to help in any way possible. THANKS! Diane
  18. Don and Lucie, Have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to see the pictures! You both deserve a great vacation! Diane
  19. Angie, I am exactly like you. I totally fall apart when my dad goes in for scans. It sounds like your dad had good results with the first 2 rounds of carbo/taxol. That is wonderful and I hope the good news continues for him. I pray his disease is stable. Best of luck to you and your dad. Diane
  20. Dean, I just read your post and I'm so happy to hear you are feeling better! What a beautiful message. It is so great to see someone find so much joy in watching a flower blossom, with the love of a pet, and some beautiful music in the background. What a great person you must be and I admire you so much. Just reading your post puts some calm in my life. I find it difficult to get through each day and it's not even me with the cancer... it is my dad. My dad's pulmonary Dr. told my dad "Just remember to live each day to it's fullest because NOBODY is guaranteed a tomorrow". I try to remember this so I don't dwell on the bad times and miss out on what I am so lucky to have in my life right at this moment. Looking forward to reading your post when those poppies bloom!!! Thanks for brightening my day. Diane
  21. Hi Barbara, I just want to say I know exactly what you are going through right now. My dad has had 4 cycles of carboplatin/taxol and his scans came back very disappointing. He has new lesions in multiple lymph nodes, bones, and left adrenal gland. I too am searching and hoping they can come up with something that will work for him. I wish your dad the best and hope the next treatment plan does the trick!! Best of luck. I hope we both can soon post GOOD NEWS for our dads! Diane
  22. I am so sorry to hear that your mom is battling this terrible disease. I know exactly how you feel, as my dad was dx a stage IV in Jan. 04. This website has helped me so much. Here I see there are survivors! Check here often because you will get wonderful support and lots of information. I will keep you and your mom in my prayers. Diane
  23. MurielK...thanks for getting back to me with the information on the decadron. Right now for pain my dad is taking 1 Percocet every 4 hrs. to 6 hrs. for the pain. This seems to be helping for the moment. Muriel, you asked "where my dad was going for treatment?" My dad is being treated by a group of oncologist in Greenbelt, MD. I took him to Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center for a 2nd opinion and they felt at this time, his oncologists were doing everything they would be doing. So we are staying with them for now. Thank you all for the information and prayers. I am very grateful to you all for the help I am receiving here. Diane
  24. Hi...My dad was dx with NSCLC in Jan. 04 and has been receiving chemo (Carbo/Taxol). He has now had 4 cylcles of chemo and with each treatment he gets severe joint/bone pain that last almost until the next treatment. They had prescribed Oxycontin, but he did not do well with this medication and had to stop. He now takes Percocet which helps some. At one point the dr. told him to take IBUprofen with the Percocet and this really helped but the IBUprofen is too hard on the stomach. Please if anyone has had this problem, I would like to hear from you. I am at a lose on how to help. When the pain sets in that is when my dad gets so depressed. I want him to have happy days again!!! Diane
  25. Just wanted to thank you all for the messages. It really helps to get a feel how other people are handling the same situations. Don, I did notice that Lucie's dx is very similar to my dad's. I have been reading your posts for a while now and it gives me great hope to see she is an 18 month survivor! I am so happy for her. Muriel K, I would like to find out more on your treatment for the joint/bone pain. My dad too takes decadron before chemo, with the chemo, and 2 days after chemo. He is also taking Percocet. I was curious why they decreased decadron? I would be so thankful for any info you could give me, as the pain you had sounds like what my dad is going through. Ginnyde, thanks for the info on the Celebrex. We have a dr. appt. on Tuesday and I will definitely ask about this helping my dad. I just really want to thank all of you. It feels so good to have people so friendly and willing to help with info and support. I just want to do everything that is possible to make my dad feel better. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Diane
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