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Everything posted by osirus226

  1. Ginny, Im so sorry . Please, please keep up hope and know that I will be sending lots and lots of prayers up for you and Earl. Kelly
  2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5237232/ Sorry in advance if something like this has already been posted. Kelly
  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TBONE!!!! Wishing you MANY MANY more. Kelly
  4. I also wanted to add my thanks to all the people who make this place happen. I also would like to thank Jane for her very very generous contribution. She is in a time of need, but yet is thinking of others instead. Thank you Kelly
  5. Jane, Im very sad to hear about Alan. I know that he and MO are smiling and looking down at us. They are both in a better place now. Kelly
  6. Ginny, This disease is so horrible.. I dont know what to say but I pray that Earl will regain that sparkle in his eyes, and that youll get some answers on Monday. Kelly
  7. osirus226

    My mom

    Hope, Im sorry about your loss. Please accept my condolences. Kelly
  8. Congratulations on 20 years of love and happiness!!! Heres to 40 more! Hope you two had a WONDERFUL night together. Kelly
  9. Im so glad to hear your mom is getting better. I just wanted to address your chemo question. They have LOTS of drugs out there that really really help with the side effects. They have definetely come a long way in terms of handling the side effects. The docs have to find the right dosage. If she has any pain or anything isnt right make sure you tell doc and theyll find a different regimen that works better with her. Every person is different though. Praying that they did get all the cancer and your mom will be good as new before you know it. Kelly
  10. Sara, Welcome to this wonderful community. I am sure that you will find much support and love here. I dont know if this will help you at all since your father is no longer on chemo, but when my mom first started out with her chemo they had her on an every 3rd week regimen (this was before any radiation was started). Because of the high doses they used, she would often have numb legs and she also would squirm because of the pain. They lessened the dose to once a week but a lesser dose and the problem with the legs went away. I hope that the docs find whats causing the swelling and numbness and give him something to make it go away. Kelly
  11. Im also hoping that everything is ok with Jane and Alan. Prayers to you and your family Jane. Kelly
  12. Ry, Thank you so much for the update. Mo, praying for you to pull through this. You are a fighter and a very very strong person. Kelly
  13. Shelly, I am so sorry to hear about your father. My heart goes out to you and your family. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Kelly
  14. Jane, I just wanted to add my prayers for you and your family as well. Kelly
  15. Im Deb's daughter. She wasnt feeling well last week, she stayed in bed most of the time. She recently has been recieving some not so great news, so please pray for her. I will let her know that you are thinking of her, she has mentioned to me that she likes talking to you because you and her have a pretty similar diagnosis. Kelly
  16. Angela, My deepest sympathy to you and your family. You will all be in my prayers. Kelly
  17. osirus226

    Prayers Please

    Praying for you that everything is just fine. I hope you enjoy your upcoming trip. Kelly
  18. Hi, I am also from Pittsburgh, what area are you from? (If you dont mind me asking). Glad you found this site because it really gives you hope that there is a way to beat this monster. Hoping for the best for you and your mom. Kelly
  19. Elaine, Unfortunately I find that I AM sort of anti-government. I can think of a million ways in which the system has failed myself as well as others. I have seen so many good people fall through the cracks. Its horrible. Addie, I think that no matter what, NOBODY deserves this disease. And I totally agree with you that sometimes what goes around doesnt come around. I think that there has to be a reason things are the way they are. Nobody should feel ashamed to tell people that they are sick because of the stigmas. I think its crazy the way our society can be. I also cannot find the logic in the governments recieving the tobacco settlements. Shouldnt the people who are affected by the tobacco companies wrongdoings be entitled to that money? They could at least put some more money towards finding a cure instead of making small discoveries about using this with that and that with this. I do think that the medical community is working hard for a cure. I just think that there should be more funding put towards the main goal.
  20. Happy Birthday Katie!! You are such an inspiration to me. That poem was really cute. Kelly
  21. Prayers are being sent out to you and your father. Kelly
  22. HAPPY *belated* BIRTHDAY!!! May you have many many more to come! Kelly
  23. I just wanted to share my two cents as well. I sometimes find myself getting angry at people when I tell them my mother has LC and the next thing that leaves there lips is "Did she smoke"? I know they probably dont mean it to be ignorant, but I do take it personally. An interesting little tidbit that I just read recently is that 70% of smokers want to quit but less than 5% succeed each year. (www.thetruth.com) Why is it that there isnt more help out there for the people who want to quit? I agree with Elaine's comments about nicotine being a drug and the govt being all fine and well with it, to me its just like the cost of prescription drugs. I do not understand why prescriptions cost so much.. Does anything cost as much as Iressa? Do they know what it is in cigarettes that is found to cause LC? Kelly
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