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Everything posted by Addie

  1. Tess...I'm so sorry you find yourself again in this position, but your family is so lucky to have you as caregiver. Wishing you strength and wishing your mom as much quality for as long as possible. We'll be here when you need to vent or just feel the support of others who understand. Again...I'm so sorry.
  2. David, Sorry nothing has worked for those pesky leg cramps. The cal/mag/zinc sure did the trick for my hubby. They have you on a really different regimen for the Topotecan than I'm on. I'm getting 5 doses, condensed into four and infused Monday thru Thursday....then I go in on Friday for a Neulasta shot. My bloodcounts dropped a lot too....but before I started the second cycle of chemo this week...my whites were back up and the Aranesp shot I got last Friday REALLY boosted the platelets over the weekend, it appears. RBC, HGB and HCT were all still a bit low, though. In a couple of weeks they should come back into normal ranges. My platelets had gotten down to 44 (range: 150-350) but my onc said he wouldn't worry unti they were HALF that!! Maybe in your case, if you're getting just one megadose of Topotecan...it's a different story...but I sure know your angst about not wanting to miss or postpone the chemo, and therefore the tests in between!! Funny thing....with Topotecan I actually feel better when I'm getting it, and right after...and then the further out I go, over the two weeks off....I start to not feel so great again. Weird. Hope you get everything straightened out, but meanwhile...have a great road trip! Boy, a vacation sounds good to me right now. Haven't been anywhere in a long time.....and while sunshine sparkling off the snow is better than just MORE BLINKIN' SNOW.....it still ain't no sandy beach, you know? BTW....had a brain MRI last week and they found a pea in my brain too. Very small...may be scar tissue. I'm counting on that!! Will have another MRI next month to track it. Not gonna worry about it unless or until I have to. For now, I'm just enjoying this steroid-induced increase in appetite and energy! Hang in there, Chapmans...and have fun on the road!
  3. Musta been all those tropical drinks that did the deed, eh? Whatever....I'm glad there is no need for some draining procedure to take care of it. Now...about the SOB....I have to assume bloodwork's been done...so how are your HGB and HCT. I was told that my HGB being low meant I wasn't getting as much oxygen. I've never had any SOB until recently...when going up and down the stair or simply leaning over to wipe eight wet doggy paws made me feel like I'd just run a half mile! I'm sure there are other reasons to account for this...but I'm still learning as I go, cuz like I said, I've never had any breathing issues until recently. Sure hope they can nail this down and get you feeling a bit spunkier. I'll tell you this much....having started chemo yesterday again, the Decadron did wonders for my energy level, which therefore has improved my mood. I have three more days to ride this steroid "high"...and even my appetite is better already. Might some low dose steroid be a possibility for you? Heaping many good vibes your way, Cin....and hoping the news continues to be good and productive! Keep us informed.
  4. Frank....it's so good to hear from you! Glad you're home and that there is a good plan in place for ridding you of these latest invaders. I particularly like that your rad. onc is already thinking in terms of REAL caution so as not to radiate anywhere he doesn't have to or where you were radiated before. Sounds like a good, careful man!! I'm sorry you've joined the ranks of those of us back on the front lines with this blinkin' disease....but together, supporting each other, kvetching when we need to...AND having continued access to Cindi's Pub.....we'll make it, right? And beat it again. Here's a tip for you Frank....if your appetite goes south, ask your onc for some Marinol. My onc tells me it's like marijuana. In fact he said I'd be better off if I could crush it and smoke it....it works faster that way! But my appetite has been awful....so I'll try this stuff....and when you get to Cindi's....I'll be the one in tie-dye, strumming a guitar, sipping a beer, scarfing up the free bar hors d' oeuvres and flashing everyone the peace sign. That'll be Becky next to me, rifling my pockets looking for my prescription!
  5. I'm just into cycle two of chemo, but my second go around. I also have tumors in my liver and pancreas....so nausea and lack of appetite are much more an issue for me this time. Even when I do eat, it upsets my stomach sometimes. I've lost more weight than I did the first go around...but then I had some padding to lose this time. Still....I don't want to get too low and lose all that cushion. I did ask my onc for something to stimulate the appetite...because I was having to force myself to get anything other than a piece of toast and banana down (in the morning)...and the rest of the day and night...well, some cheese and crackers or cottage cheese or yogurt smoothies was about it. He gave me a script for Marinol....which I'm told is about like smoking pot! Gives you the munchies. My pharmacy had to order it...so haven't take any yet....but since I started cycle 2 of chemo yesterday...the Decadron is helping my appetite already!! I may hold off till after this week of chemo, before I try the Marinol. I don't really want to gain the whole 12 lbs. I lost back in ONE WEEK~! Deruo....ask your mom's onc about either the steroids or an appetite enhancer. I couldn't take the Megace because I'm on a blood thinner due to having a port put in. So my once suggested the "hippie dippie" Marinol for me. There also are lots of protein type additives that can be mixed with milk....to make a good homemade shake, if your mom can tolerate milk shakes. Cottage cheese is high i protein, too...and for those that like it, it slides down pretty easily and doesn't have the odor that cooking meat has. I know that feeling of being completely turned off by the smell of something frying or even the micro pot roast (pre cooked) my hubby discovered. I ate it one night, and it wasn't too bad. Two nights later he served it again and I almost lost my cookies just smelling it. Also...as for her low hemoglobin...maybe a shot of Aranesp or Procrit?? I think mostly transfusions are for when the platelets dip really low. I've been dragging my wagon lately...but doc said I was "borderline" for needing a shot, altho my RBCs, hemoglobin AND hematocrit were all low. Platelets too! They retested.....and HGB finally hit a number where he said I could get the shot. It'll take 2-3 weeks to fully feel the effects...but it should boost Mom's energy. Ask about one of those shots to help her anemia.....and also about someting for appetite. Hope she'll be feeling better and eating better, soon. Now, about this Marinol and it's marijuana-like effects ....I want y'all to know that if I start showing up in Cindi's pub wearing tie-dye, strumming a guitar with a flower wreath around my bald head and flashing y'all the peace sign..............well, forgive me. It's not truly me....it's the drugs!
  6. Addie

    FRANK Update

    Thanks, Ry. Frank....I'm sending you my best and hoping they come up with something to resolve all this and get you home asap. Hang in there buddy....you've got lots of positive vibes coming your way.
  7. Fat eyelids!! You crack me up, Beth! I've said all along, better a few pounds UP than down. The point is to get to where we don't NEED tx and can lose the weight in some healthy fashion....huh? I start up again on Monday with the Topotecan and Decadron/Zofran "Pre-Cocktail". I'm pretty lucky in that the steroids do little more than kind of wire me up....but I gotta tell ya, I'm so out of energy due to low RBCs these days, that I'm actually looking forward to the Decadron buzz! My get-up-and-go needs a goose!! The best part of your post, is that it's not about some strange and severe reaction to your treatment!! Sounds like you're tolerating this well, which is terrific! Hang in there kiddo...and keep us up to snuff on what's going on with you....okay? Hmmmm......I wonder if you blink your eyes rapidly, 50 times in a row, if that would be some sort of "eyelid sit-ups" and would help them lose weight?
  8. Addie

    Back from NY

    Oh, Lisa...I'm so sorry your mom is having a tough time of it. Know it's got to be hard on you too. I'll continue to send all good thoughts and vibes her way for things to start going in a better direction and for her to be feeling much better, very soon! Let us know how things go....
  9. Revel in your two year mark, Nina...and celebrate it!! And know that we'll send all good vibes and thoughts re: your test on Friday. Be sure to come back and let us know....
  10. Addie

    Day 7 Update

    Wow!! This is so encouraging....and I hope the weaning of pain meds goes equally well. Continued good wishes for your wife to keep on this positive track!!
  11. Addie


    Vibing you and the procedure, Frank...for every success. Can't wait to hear how you're doing.....
  12. Addie

    Sad news

    Oh Rosemary....I'm so sorry. Please accept my sincere sympathies to you and your family. Godspeed Fred. You fought a brave battle.
  13. Peggy, dear....if attitude were a cure, we'd be infusing some of your attitude into everyone here who needs it!! I'm sorry that the news wasn't all good or about improvement...but then it sounds like it wasn't all bad either....and you still have to see what the onc says on Friday. Here's hoping hubby continues to remain symptom free. Your attitude really is amazing, Peg...and must be such great support for him. I know little about Iressa/Tarceva...but it sounds like it might be wise to run this past the onc too.....to see what he thinks. Keep us posted!!
  14. Boy, Cin....WE are glad you've got the best pulmonary doc in town, too. Sounds like she's sharp and thorough and I hope she has you breathing easier soon. It's a bit scary knowing this and that and the other is wrong or blocked or off or not quite right....but it's better than NOT knowing it, isn't it? Just hang in, follow your doc's instructions and do get tested for the apnea...as resolving that could make a big difference. Sending all good thoughts your way, hon. We need you behind that bar, ya know? So get yourself back on track!
  15. My options for clean up are limited. We are talking a 16' ladder, at least, on a front porch that now has 5" or so of new snow, a blowing wind outside and wind chill in the single digits. I wouldn't ask ANYONE to get up on a ladder in these conditions. Most of the egg is on the window....but there is a dribble down the siding on the front porch too. If it does damage....it does damage. Ain't much I can do about it now. And Fay, you mentioned exactly what I thought about....a letter to the editor. But....I don't want to encourage some little twirp to do another drive-by egging...so probably won't bother with that. I did call the police to let them know....in case they get calls from others. I raised my boys to know that "character is what you do when you think nobody's looking!" Apparently, not everyone around here does that.
  16. Welcome to the world, little one!! And hearty congrats to Mom and Dad.
  17. She looks like she was "born to ride", Curtis. What a darling little girl. I know things aren't quite as you planned them...but I bet you have a ball raising this child....and surely, her mother's love will remain as tangible as possible with you providing the link to that. Somewhere in our family pictures, I have a shot of our oldest around age 5-6, on a pony in front of our house which was IN the city of Portland, OR. So even in a big city, the photogs used to come around with a pony. Hard to resist....that combo of child and pony, isn't it? Glad you could share these pix of Katie. She's adorable.
  18. Like I needed that with hubby gone and the eggs are 20 feet high on a palladian window over the front door. You'd think kids old enough to drive cars could think of better things to do with their time, wouldn't you? Anyway, we've got a fine mess on the window and some on the house siding too. I remember hearing a noise after dark, but when the dogs went on alert, I just told them to cool it, that it was ice falling off the roof. Never got up to look or gave it another thought. This morning when I noticed the egg on the window, I nearly slapped myself on the forehead because no ice would be falling off the roof after dark!! That happens during the daytime when the sun is out. Duh!! Anyway, aside from that, had more bloodwork today and thank goodness my WBCs are back up in normal range. They were 2.1 on Friday. So...no need for antibiotics BUT the fact that I also complained about a little light headedness lately (which is fleeting and sporadic and seems tied to if I've eaten lately or not) caught my onc's attention and I'm having a brain MRI on Friday to check things out. My brain MRI in Oct. was clean and I had PCI in Nov. So I'm not really worried. But then again, I had a clean CT of my gut on Jan. 3rd and 6 weeks later, it took an MRI to show a pancreas full of mets and four tumors in the liver! Better safe than sorry. I'll have the MRI and make sure. Meanwhile, I was gonna have a bacon sandwich for dinner tonight....but it just reminded me of the eggs on the window, so I had PB & J instead!
  19. The best laid plans, eh? Yeah, I think I'd go home and eat a few times myself, and then show up early on Wednesday. Hope all goes smoothly then. As to the seeds, I only know of one guy here who had that for prostate cancer. He did really well throughout....and far as I know, some fatigue was his only real side effect. But I image it's got to be different, perhaps, when the airway is involved. I know the experts will have some answers for you. As for the rest of us....well, we're sending every good thought possible your way, Frank. Keep up posted.
  20. Aw, jeez Dean....did you HAVE to mention In and Out burgers??? My favorites in all the world!! And they don't have them back east. But hey....in order to hear from you....you can talk about anything you want even IF it makes me drool and wish I were out west! Great to hear from you...and keep proving 'em all wrong by continuing to beat the odds. It's always such a pleasure to hear from you!
  21. Call your onc. He'll probably want to check his bloodcounts. I went for a cleaning sometime during my first 6 cycles of chemo....but only because my counts were good AND I take 2000 mgs.of penicillin before each cleaning anyway....because I have a mitral valve prolapse. The risk is bleeding and bacteria getting into the bloodstream when one's immune system is suppressed. But this is a call for your onc....and will likely require bloodwork first! Jeez....it doesn't pay NOT to read things better.....I see now that DH hasn't started chemo yet. So you should be okay....but you know, I'd still call the onc because maybe he'd want him on preventative antibiotics for the dental work, simply because he's about to start chemo!!
  22. I hope this is your miracle in the making, Bill!! What a turn around. I will continue to send all good thoughts your wife's way. Please keep us posted on her progress...but it sure does sound like the Tarceva is having a positive effect!!
  23. Glad you guys didn't mess around last night, and just went in to the ER. Even more glad they are getting David's meds squared away and the sodium level back to where it should be. Sorry you needed to be hospitalized....but sometimes, it really is best, huh? Hope you're back on track soon, David....and yes, that doc had some smart things to say. Not always easy to believe we'll be the recipient of a miracle....but no chance if we DON'T believe it....is there? Hurry home and feel better soon!
  24. Aw crap, Frank. I'm so sorry to hear this. But I had to reply to say YES....my CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis on Jan. 3rd was clean....still NED. A week later, my tummy was "off"....sorta unsettled, hurt a bit up under my ribs. I was back and forth to the doc...who said it was a virus, then my thyroid was off, and eventually he dx'd me with pancreatitis. I had an ultrasound of my gut on Feb. 9th that showed nothing - no gallstones to account for the pancreatitis....and then the MRI on Feb. 11th showed four tumors in my liver and "multiple masses" in my pancreas!! The radiologist went back to my Jan. CT scan and I guess THEN he saw (retrospectively, to use his word) indication of what the MRI found. My onc said, "Once you know something is there...it's easier to go back and find it on old scans".....like THAT makes me feel any better. All I can say is that IF something doesn't feel right.....to pursue it. Of course in my case, small cell is nasty-aggressive....but I still didn't figure it could be the cancer that soon after a "clean" CT scan. I hope they get this other machine asap and that it does the job for your blocked windpipe, Frank. I'll be sending all my best thoughts your way for resolution to that issue and for something to take care of what's in your lung. Vibing you to heal quickly.
  25. Ry....keeping you, John and MIL in my best thoughts. Glad to hear John is doing better and hoping things stack up for the easiest and most successful tx for his mom! Keep us updated....ok?
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