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Everything posted by Addie

  1. Talk about knock me over with a feather. All this stomach distress may be related to the pancreatitis....but it's because I have mets in my liver, pancreas and spleen. The good news is that my onc says if the cells are this "active" they should respond well to chemo. Maybe buy me some good remission time. A cure now, though....is out of the question. I'll have a biopsy on Tuesday and then likely start chemo asap, altho he didn't say what the chemo might be. He'll wait for the biopsy results...but this all looks like mets, not a new primary. After a clean scan on Jan. 3rd, and a clean ultra sound two days ago..I really was NOT anticipating any of this to be cancer....despite not feeling very well for the past month. But according to the head radiologist, none of this would have shown up on a scan or U/S. It DID show up on the MRCP I had today, which is an MRI of that area of the gut. There are....several lesions in my liver he said. I'm still absorbing this. I'll fight....but this just wasn't what I expected. The onc says he figures a few cells escaped the chemo and made their way to the liver, etc. via the bloodstream. Please...if you've got a few good wishes to spare...I could use them. Of course, you know you all have mine. I know I'm not the only one with bad news lately. It's a lousy trend, I must say.
  2. I can't believe I didn't see this thread...but I don't often check this forum I've been having the upper abdominal discomfort for a month now. First, doc said a virus, then my thyroid...but it IS pancreatitis. He finally did the bloodwork which indicates that that's it. I had an ultrasound yesterday and tomorrow morning am having a MRCP which is an MRI of the pancreas, bile ducts, liver, etc. I guess. Beth, you need the amylase and lipase bloodwork done, for one thing. Your doc will know what else...but ASK him about pancreatitis. The two main causes of it are gall stones (easily detected with an ultrasound. I don't have any) or if someone is and has been a heavy drinker. Guess alcohol causes pancreatitis too. There are other causes...certain meds can cause it. But you need to ask your doc about it because it can be serious. Mine has been a mild case, apparently...in that I've not had any severe pain nor have I thrown up. But it's NOT been much fun having a sore, unsettled stomach for a month, either. Please check this out again with your PCP....ask him about pancreatitis.
  3. Of course, you and Lucie have all good thoughts coming your way. And a cruise sounds wonderful...and something for you both to look forward to. Got room for any stowaways?
  4. Addie

    It's BAD

    Beth...if that beer truck shows up tomorrow for any of us, we have a lot less time than four months!!! Those are numbers. You're you. Like Cathy said, lots of people were given a short time frame and are still running around here many, many months beyond that time, and in worse shape than you, sweetie! Take a little time to absorb that you are on a new track now with all this....and then attack it with your usual aplomb and good humor. We're here to help! I know you've had a hard time thru all your tx....but you are here with your funny bone intact, and that tells me a lot. USE that, Beth....it will help you stick around for a lot longer than any doc might think!! Sending strength your way....and lots of positive thoughts.
  5. Well.....I just have this feeling that you're gonna get a "boring" report....that all is still well, NED, looking good.....and you're just going to have to set all those worries aside again for another 6 months, at least! Seriously, Joanie....you're one of my inspirations around here. You've done so well...and I just know you'll continue to do so. But yeah, test time starts to work on our heads a bit, doesn't it? As Becky would say.....Remember to breathe....and we all await your report in Good News!! Hang in.
  6. Addie

    My sister

    Oh, dear.....I am so sorry to hear this. I know the two of you were extremely close....and I hope, in time, all the wonderful years of good memories will help replace the sadness with just smiles. Your sister sure did live life to the fullest though, didn't she? I'm so glad she and her hubby got to take that last, long trip and enjoy themselves. So many people would have put it off...not gone. I think it says a lot about your sister's spirit that she took off to go do something that brought her so much pleasure. This is never easy....and while she won't be with you physically....she will always be with you, Dani. With such a strong bond as the two of you had....well, there is a line from an old Streisand song that I've always loved....and it applies here......Your lives are "a rope that won't come untied". Again, my sincere sympathies. But I think you both were very, very fortunate too...in the loving and lovely relationship you shared as sisters and as friends, too. Godspeed Da.
  7. I'm still waiting for him to be Sesame Seed Brain. Wonder if that will come with long blonde hair again......ya think?
  8. Nell.... I'm so sorry. This is the hardest part of the journey. But I have to say this: There was a thread here about friends that disappear, letting us down. And if ever there was an example of the EXACT OPPOSITE of that....it is you! You have been such a wonderful, steadfast and true friend to Bob and Jo that you set the standard for what it is to be "true blue". I can only imagine how much your continued support has meant to Bob and Jo...and how grateful they are to have you and your hubby in their lives. I just wanted to say that....because it should be a comfort to you as you face the days ahead. I know it will be hard seeing your friend, Bob, continue to decline. But please hold it close to your heart...that your friendship, support and love has been a major brick in his foundation throughout all of this. You've been wonderful....and everyone should be so lucky as to have a Nell in their lives when going through something like this! Bless you, Nell. And my continued best wishes for Bob. Thinking of all of you.....
  9. Omigod....have I created a monster? Fun pix to have Beck. Now you don't see it. Now you do!!
  10. Addie

    Thanks, Addie!

    Hmmmmm.....dog's name is Cookie. Hubby is called CookieMan. Snowflake has a thing for Oreos. Am I seeing a trend here? You pass, kiddo. Good job!! And Cookie has SUCH A CUTE FACE....I love her expression!
  11. I'm such a mystery. I do not have gallstones. Not even a teensy weensy one in the biliary tree. The ultrasound tech was very forthcoming...and there is nothing he could find/see to account for the pancreatitis.....so this puts my doc back to square one for figuring out what caused this and what to do about it. Meanwhile I had a piece of FRIED CHICKEN for lunch AND a small cinnamon donut, right after I took my Nexium. My tummy, at the moment, feels better than it has all day so far. Like I said.....a mystery. A puzzle. And I still say, pancreatitis aside.....there are times I think I'd be better off if I WERE a big drinker!! If for no other reason than the anesthetic effects~!
  12. The latest......pancreatitis!! It'd make sense if I drank as much as I talk about being a drinking woman....but I don't! If I have two drinks a week, that's a lot! So tomorrow, off I go for an ultrasound of my gall bladder to check for stones.....another major cause of pancreatitis. My symptoms are sorta mild. No severe pain and it doesn't get worse after I eat. Certain bloodtests were elevated enough to indicate the pancreatitis.....which CAN also be caused by the Epstein Barr virus (did I mention I have chronic EB?) and also by corticosteroids. Ahem....I'm still on prednisone...........OH and also Tetracycline....which I've been taking 40 mgs. of for two years for bone loss in my jaw. No way of telling how much chemo suppressing my immunity factors in to any of this, I don't suppose. Dang. Just when it's not prudent to drink.....I've got one helluva good reason to start hanging out at Cindi's pub!
  13. Dang!! Wish you weren't in for another long wait...but sounds like the doc is trying to be as sure as possible. Hoping this all turns out to be just a reaction to the radiation...and that the symptoms will NOW start to subside, so that in 6 wks. time.....Dave will be back to peabrain again, or smaller than that. What is smaller than that? I've got it....sesame seeds. Those are pretty small~!! And after that.....nothing. Nada. Zippo. Zilch. Empty head!! That's my "plan" and I'm sticking to it. Concentrate, Dave. Sesame seeds. Itty bitty little sesame seeds......got it???
  14. The wonderful thing about good memories....is that they come with us. Automatically "packed" in our memories! Ginny.....think about the next couple to inhabit your house. Think about the love THEY will share there....the meals cooked in the kitchen together, the smiles and laughs shared...the new flowers planted in the garden. May they enjoy even HALF the love and joy you and Earl shared in that house....and perhaps that will take a little of the sting out of leaving the house. Earl built it.....and filled it with love, in his life with you. He set the standard for that house.....you BOTH did. And so now, you can think about future families in the house enjoying what "you and the Duke built"! You're going to have such fun decorating the new place, with Earl in your head saying, "No, no....honey....that should go over there!!" As for your Eagles.....well, there is always next year....right?
  15. The good thing about not being all that into football....is that I really didn't much give a rip who won! My son loves the Cowboys....so if they aren't playing....I don't much care except for the food and company.....which was great! In other words, I was able to have my Cocoa Puffs this morning WITHOUT the vodka! And hey....like the commercial said, now ALL the teams are "undefeated"!!
  16. Cindi~ Glad you're enjoying the vodka/Cocoa Puffs joke. It's older'n the hills...and has stuck with me all these years, as little sounds more disgusting than cocoa floating around in vodka! Oy!! It was presented, though....as "The drinking woman's breakfast".....so there you have it!
  17. Oh my....yes.....DO get another opinion. Find an onc that isn't going to give up so easily!! Your mom has already survived this disease for over two years. The fact that the cancer is back does not have to mean that all is grim! Bet is right....how much your mom is willing to fight is up to her....but I wouldn't want to start out with an oncologist who's already got a shovel in her hands!! There is always hope....so find a doctor who will join you with a more hopeful outlook! We have people here who have survived an initial dx of small cell, extensive for more than three years. Like I said.....there is ALWAYS hope. How the doctor can "know" she has 4-6 months WITH more chemo is beyond me. Wishing you and your mom the best...but I'd sure hightail it to another oncologist for a second opinion. Please let us know how things go.....
  18. I tried shopping therapy today, right after taking my little purple pill (Nexium) and IT HELPED! Bought me a new sewing machine. Parts were popping off my old one....which was pretty darn old. It will be donated somewhere where they can refurbish it. Anyway....Jen...you are the second person to mention gall bladder....right after Becky mentioned it earlier today. Geez....I hope it's not that. I don't get the sore gut after eating, necessarily. It's there sometimes....and other times it's not there. What I eat seems to make no difference. Ginger ale helps when it's acting up. And...my fatigue is getting better...the longer I'm off thyroid meds.....so there must be something to my doc's theory re: the thyroid. I'm gonna hope this works to correct things.....staying off the synthroid for now. My female pooch had a birthday today....here she is celebrating being 4 with a "lounge" on the stairs: And here she is just being cute That's more fun than gall bladders and thyroid glands, right? [/img]
  19. You know what? I just flat do NOT accept...."Gee, I don't know what to say" as a reasonable excuse for anything. Then say nothing....but walk up and give the person a hug, dammit! I've had more local friends disappear on me using that same excuse, and I'm sorry but it don't cut it with me. They can forward me emails and jokes....that seems easy enough for them. But they can't pick up the phone to say, "Hi, how are ya?"??? Guess not. I put together a cyberteam of women that I've "known" for some four years thru another message board. 14 women. I've actually met only 4 of them in real life....but man, did they come through for me. Support, love, caring, cards, email, gifties (totally unexpected) and even a sterling silver charm bracelet to which they all contributed a charm or more. Unbelievable. But the women here whom I've played golf with, exchanged gifts with over the years for birthdays and Christmas....women whose hands I held while they underwent radiation for breast calcifications....women to whom I sent anniversary cards, or cooked meals when they were sick....nada, zip, nothing. Unless they "run into me" at the club which makes it easy to say, "Hey, how are you?" It's really telling....as a couple others have mentioned.....that you find out who your real friends are when something like this happens. And there have been some, locally....don't get me wrong...who've been great! But FAR more than those who have stepped up to remain my friend......are those who have not. I mean, what the hell do they think? Because I'm bald and had chemo I don't go to lunch anymore? Or use the telephone? Or receive mail? Sheesh. You know how your mother always used to say, "Set the example for the behavior you want"? Well....it doesn't always work. Just get cancer and find out how much our own efforts will "pay off" with "friends" willing to be thoughtful on your behalf. Sadly......not many. But I'll say again, not knowing what to say is a crock and a cop out for most people. Just say this....."Gee, it's good to see you!" or "How are you?" or even just say, "Come here and give me a hug!" How tough is any of that?
  20. Apparently, all my gastro problems.....this unsettled, sorta urpy tummy, no appetite, sore ribs thing.....is THYROID related!! My PCP is convinced that's all that is causing this....NOT a virus...but my hyperthyroid state. He's again taken me off thyroid meds for a week or so...pending the new bloodwork he did on Thursday....and he gave me some samples of Nexium to try to ease the stomach acid. They sorta help...but it's only been two days. This is strange. Most people who find their thyroid affected by chemo....end up hypo. I already WAS hypo, so in a strange way, maybe it makes sense that I'd go hyper again. All I know for sure is that I'm REALLY SICK of having a sore gut and not being sure how what I eat is going to sit, once it arrives in my stomach....you know? There are days I think I should just drink more. Anesthetize the old gut so it can feel no urpiness or discomfort. Cindy.....you still got that bar open? Tell me....do you serve the drinking woman's breakfast there? Vodka and Cocoa Puffs? Anyway....invest in Ginger Ale stock. I'm consuming a lot of it. My surgery has AGAIN been canceled....as I am not willing to go under the knife when my gut is already upset. I just had a scan on Jan. 3rd. so I'm not worried about this being anything more sinister....I just WANT IT TO GO AWAY! Cripes, I felt better when I was being infused with chemo and getting my chest and brain toasted. Go figure. I survive cancer treatment and a quirky thyroid has me feel puny!
  21. Persistence pays off!! Way to go, Cathy. Will look forward to your next report...but way to keep at it!!
  22. Okay....my turn to chime in. I've been fighting SOMETHING since the middle of January. I was scheduled for surgery on 1/20 which had to be postponed due to what my PCP said was some sort of stomach virus. He didn't say flu.....and I had a flu shot anyway. Well...now surgery is rescheduled for 2/17 and damned if that bug isn't still rearing it's ugly head. I have not been nauseated or sick to my stomach....but my stomach feels urpy. If I eat....it takes very little to make me feel full....then not long after, my tummy is growling like I'm hungry!! My appetite is off, for sure....and I sorta hurt all thru my rib cage. Some days, the symptoms are worse than others. But my stomach keeps grumbling and turning over and nothing much seems to settle it. Some days, I'm so pooped I end up lying in bed snoozing all day...or on the sofa doing the same thing. Other days, I'm better so I get a little something done....if only some knitting. But this crud, whatever it is, is HANGING ON WAY TOO LONG. I see my PCP again today for pre op clearance....and we'll see if surgery AGAIN gets postponed. I don't want even outpatient surgery, if my stamina is so low I can hardly stay awake some days!! Aside from the real deal flu.....I think there are a lot of bugs going around out there these days....and one of 'em sure has hold of me! Go figure....I get thru 6-7 months of chemo and radiation just fine....and some dumb stomach virus does me in! On an up note....my hair is starting to come back in. Bits of fuzz here and there! Yayyyyyy!! By Easter, my head might look like a ducky butt!
  23. Nina... Heaving a big sigh of relief for you.....
  24. Margaret....your strength amazes. Jim is lucky to have you with him on this awful journey. Thinking of you both, sending all my best thoughts.
  25. Addie

    Feel Good News

    Aw, Kel....this post just has me smiling from ear to ear!! I'm so glad your mom is doing better...and what a wonderful bunch of nurses to bring in the putting green and machine just so Mom could clean their clocks! I hope Mom continues to improve and makes her way to FL for some golf and sunshine real soon. Do keep us posted!!
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