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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. SBeth

    Can't stop crying..

    Donna, I'm so sorry for all the pain you are going thru. I try to imagine how much I will some day miss my husband and how I will EVER get thru even one day and I have also had thoughts that I'd rather be with him than to stay behind and miss and mourn him. The things that get me thru and give me hope are my children. My boys will need me...and my sisters...and my brother...and Bill's daughter...and my parents...and my nephews. The list could go on and on. There are many people out there that need you and you know that it would not make Mark happy. Give yourself some time, maybe find someone that you trust and feel comfortable crying with and let them comfort you. You'll be in my prayers. Love,
  2. Well Pat, you sound incredibly strong to me and Brian's will is inspiring. I know how hard this is to just deal with the lung cancer, throw in the stress of FML, timing and hospice and it's not something most people could balance. It sounds like you have a plan, whether changing by the moment or not, it is a plan and hopefully this will give you some comfort and resolve. I'm with you every step of the way and we think of you and Brian constantly and pray for all of us here! Love to you both!
  3. Thanks for asking Ann. Bill is doing WONDERFUL. His father's anticipated and expected death gave him a great deal of comfort for two reasons. He was able to "take care" of his father's last wishes and put him to a peaceful rest and he was able to spend the last moments with him and know that he went with no pain and with absolute peace. Beyond all of that, Bill is physically doing incredible. Appetite is obsolete, but other physical issues seem to be slowing resolving themselves and he is doing WONDERFUL. We are taking the days one at a time and we look forward to the holiday season with great joy and peace. Thank you again Ann for asking! Love,
  4. I'm dumbstruck! Two weeks ago, when Bill's father was hospitalized, the drug company that was providing him with Tarceva was calling our home every night asking us when we were going to return the unused Tarceva. Over the weekend we retrieved one partially used bottle and one unopened bottle from his home (roughly 50+ pills). I just spoke with a drug rep who advised me that since the patient is now deceased we should just flush these pills down the toilet. Had he been released from the hospital and continued on the Alimta, they would need them back, but since he is deceased, they cannot take them back. When I pushed back for an explanation because their logic makes no sense, I was stonewalled and given no further information. I cannot believe that I am being asked to dispose of such an expensive medication. There has got to be a better way! No solutions, just confusion over the system. Thanks for letting me vent!
  5. Cyndy, Thank you for sharing such a beautiful memory with us; it gives me much hope. Love,
  6. Adding Charlie's aunt to our prayers Tina!
  7. We're so thankful for this bit of good news today and most thankful for your friendship and support. In our prayers... Love,
  8. SBeth


    Now there is the way to get out of making the Thanksgiving Turkey. Smart gal you've raised there Sharon. Have a blessed holiday and we'll be giving thanks at our table for my newest LCSC family member! God bless. Love,
  9. SBeth


    Wow Jamie...I can just feel all of your energy and I know this is going to be one huge success. I have absolutely no musical or art creativity in my blood so I can't help with ideas, but will be screaming and yelling from the cheering section! Go get them in Memphis!
  10. Dear Karen, Thank you for the update and I'm so happy to hear that Paddy is doing well, but sorry to hear she is going thru another difficult time in her life. I think of her so often and have wondered how she has settled into her new home. I'm glad you were able to let us know how you both are doing. Thank you also for the prayers, we feel them from everyone every single day! Love,
  11. Don, You and Lucie are such an inspiration to so many of us here. Enjoy your Thanksgiving and know that many are celebrating your good news with you. Love,
  12. I haven't "handled" my anger yet. Just yesterday afternoon I took a throw rug out on our back deck and beat the hell out of it over the rail...boy did that feel good. I usually let the anger build up and about twice a week I find some way to let it out. Last week it was a big tree in our far back yard that I took a hatchet to, now Bill tells me that I've probably killed it and it will have to be professionally removed ($$), I guess I'll stick to my cheap throw rugs from now on!
  13. SBeth

    Ok My Turn...

    Ry, Here's hoping for an excellent turnout in Michigan!
  14. Shelley, Many many prayers going up for you. Please keep us posted and know that we look forward to having more things to be thankful for on Thursday when you give us all some good news! Love,
  15. Dear Sue, I'm so sorry to read that Mike is having such a miserable time with treatment. Please know that I will be thinking of you both and hoping for some relief to all of these terrible side effects he is having. Love,
  16. Peggy, THANK YOU! All I can tell you is that you give me such hope. I read every post of yours and can literally feel your strength and know that there is hope that everything will be "more better" for all of us soon! Not a day goes by that I don't look west and think of you and your wonderful Don! So glad you are keeping busy...but, hey, let me tell you...a two-bedroom apartment sounds like a slice of heaven to me. I'm sick and tired of cleaning all these bedrooms and bathrooms. Love,
  17. Dear Pat, I'm so sorry, I've been missing around here lately, it's been hectic. You have both been on our minds and in our prayers...such similarities in our lives...too many. I have no words of wisdom for you, I'm only still learning how to make it thru all this myself...just know that I do understand and on the days when you feel weak, lean on me and I'll do the same on my bad days. Together, we can do this...TOGETHER! Please call me when you need to talk, I want to call you so badly but I am so afraid it's not going to be a good time. Much love to you both...and tell Brian that Bill is holding his own and most proud to be able to ensure that his father is resting in peace...I think he will now be able to begin a resting process. {{{{{{{{{PAT AND BRIAN}}}}}}}}}}
  18. Thank you for the prayers and thoughts. Bill's father, John, passed away just after midnight last night. Bill's daughter brought him home for a nap yesterday afternoon and in the early evening I took him back to the hospital so that we could both be with him. The nurse gave me the okay to enter the room...head cold germs and all, it was very obvious it would not make a difference. He passed away very very peacefully just after midnight. Bill's last words to his father were that he'd be joining him soon and they'd both be in a better place where there was no such thing as lung cancer. We are all at peace, thank you, my wonderful family here, for all your help. Here is John's obituary. SLOVACEK John E., beloved father of William (Beth) Slovacek, John Slovacek, Louis Slovacek, Vicki (Tony) Scalia and Tamara (Bob) Schulte; cherished by numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren as well as nieces and nephews; also survived by one sister. Resident of Reading, passed Monday, November 21, 2005, age 76. Friends may call from 10 A.M. until services at Noon, Friday, November 25 at Schmidt-Dhonau Funeral Home; 8633 Reading Rd., Reading. Memorials may be made to American Lung Association, 11113 Kenwood Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45242. Funeral Home: Schmidt Dhonau Company Funeral Date: Nov. 25, 12 noon Love,
  19. That is wonderful news! Thank you for letting us all in on the celebration!
  20. Hi Everyone, Well, I've never posted about my FIL and his fight against lung cancer, but we could really use some extra prayers right now. Bill's father (by adoption) was diagnosed about three years ago with NSCLC and has done well until recently. He was admitted to the hospital Wednesday due to liver failure and this morning the nurse called and said that the family needs to be with him, they feel he is at the end of his fight. I feel terrible for Bill, he has been so distraught thinking that his father would outlive him and who would take care of the arrangements and look after him...now I think he is quite relieved to know that he will be here to take care of him and see that he rests in peace. Ironically, Bill's decision to quit smoking about 10 years ago was prompted when he learned that his biological father, along with 3 paternal uncles, all passed away from lung cancer or complications of lung cancer between the ages of 48 and 52. So, be it by genetics or just by coincidence...both of his fathers and eventually he, himself, will have fallen victim to this awful disease. Anyway, if you have a moment to add John to your prayers, Bill and I would be grateful. As luck would have it, I cannot even be at the hospital with him due to a nasty head cold that has been trying to catch up to me for a few weeks and has now succeeded. Thank you everyone, and as always I am keeping all of you in my prayers.
  21. Dear Pat, I'm going to ramble a bit here as opposed to gathering my thoughts and making any sense; bear with me. You and I are obviously on the same path, though we reached our fork in the road and opted for Hospice as opposed to further treatment. Many of the things you post, or have posted, about Brian are right on target for Bill as well. I cannot, nor can anyone I think, tell you if it is the chemo or disease causing the problems Brian is having...but I can share some perspective from my own situation with Bill. During and shortly after we (Bill) finished chemo, he felt terrible. We all know that the treatment can be harder on the body than the actual disease. As we have moved further from chemo and much of the rx medication that goes/went along with chemo, he seems to feel better, much better. I feel like we are sitting on a bridge over a raging river; beyond the struggles of chemo, yet not quite to the other side and into the rapid decline from the cancer taking over. The confusion and memory loss continue for us as well, though not nearly as prominent as before. Bill's appetite remains obsolete, while Brian's appetite is getting stronger...I think this is a good thing for Brian. The fatigue and the long and lonely (for us both) hours that they spend sleeping leave us both with alot of time to try and analyze or understand things that we may never be able to understand. I'm sorry Pat. I'm sorry that we do not live close enough to be of more physical support for each other, but please know how much I understand all that you are going thru. I hope that tomorrow will be a better day for you! All our love to you and Brian!
  22. A really big hug for you Peggy! One of those long and lingering hugs where you just don't let go or loosen your grip!
  23. Addie, You are amazing and you make me so proud to be a part of the LCSC family! Continue to fight and know that so many prayers are being said for you! Love,
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