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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. SBeth


    Tina, I'm so happy to hear this, it's absolutely wonderful news. I'm just so thrilled for you both! Love,
  2. as she pointed towards the oil can sitting next to a pair of ruby slippers.
  3. Pat & Brian, Bill and I are so very very happy for you both. This is good news and it is good for you to plan and get those airline reservations. I cannot wait until we are able to exchange our "Father of the Bride/Groom" pictures. Lots of love, hugs and prayers to you both!
  4. Lori, Just when my weekend was just plain crappy...I read this and I feel so much better. It gives all of us hope to know that as quickly as things are bad, they can be good again! You forgot to tell us who won the game! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  5. Don, That is great news to read; I'm so happy to know that Lucie is feeling better and you were there to celebrate the birthday!
  6. Kathy, I'm so happy for you, I've been thinking of you all day long. Let me be among the first to tell you what wonderful news this is and that I'll continue the prayers for that fourth result! Love,
  7. Dear Pat & Brian, Please know that you are both on the BIGGEST and BEST EVER prayer list and these prayers will be answered. With so many behind you both, I expect nothing but good news on Monday. Anything worth getting is worth waiting for...atleast that was what my Mom told me when I was pregnant with my first son...I wasn't in a hurry with #2 . Anyway, we've got your back guys. Enjoy the weekend. Love,
  8. If any of you have a few extra seconds and wouldn't mind saying an extra prayer for Bill today. He's not doing well at all this past week and we are at day 9 in the countdown to Tracy's wedding. He was supposed to get his second Alimta treatment on Tuesday, but he declined anymore treatment stating that he wants to feel good for the wedding and enjoy his time. It's probably a good thing he didn't get it, although I'm not sure they would have administered it anyway as he's been on Levaquin since last week when we discovered his enlarged supraclavical lymph nodes. The last time he was on Levaquin, his liver enzymes went crazy and he ended up in the hospital a few weeks later, but even knowing this the doctor still opted for the Levaquin stating that he's got an infection somewhere and they need to treat it. Anyway...whether it's the antibiotics, the Alimta still in his system or just the progression of the cancer, he's very sick right now. He's tried to eat a few times, but is unable. Last night he was just very weak, had hot/cold chills all evening and his blood pressure shot up to (average) 185/115 for about 2 hours. He's having bouts of shortness of breath and that is very scary for him too. Just Monday we went out to see a movie and he seemed to be feeling much better and now in a matter of two days he is just sinking. Please keep him in your prayers that he will be taking that walk down the aisle next Saturday, it means the world to us right now! Oh Nancy, I remember your prayer request for Mike just before the wedding, I know how you felt. Thanks everyone, Love,
  9. Kathy, I don't think I could have said it any better than Becky, some good advice. I'm sorry you have to go thru all of this, I know the waiting is very hard. My prayers will be with you! Love,
  10. I'm sorry Lynne. It sounds like you made Jim feel very special on every day, but especially on his birthday. I can hear how much you miss him. I'm just so sorry for your loss and your pain. I don't know if this is true (so I probably shouldn't even be saying it), but I've heard that it will get easier with each passing year. I hope this is the truth.
  11. SBeth


    Carleen, This makes me feel great today; I'm so glad to hear things are stable. Thanks for letting us know, enjoy the good news.
  12. SBeth

    House , on Fox

    Just my thoughts, I saw the show too and it was very uncomfortable to sit on the couch with Bill and watch the lack of hope in the secondary storyline...but aside from this episode, we love the show. I took note that the entire lung cancer storyline was not very indepth and commented to Bill that this scene was most likely (almost 100% sure) taped prior to Peter Jenning's death or Dana Reeve's diagnosis. I'm will to bet that lung cancer storylines will become more prominent as the public becomes more aware and more educated. What is the saying..."any publicity is better than no publicity".
  13. Thank you Gay. That was a beautiful tribute to a remarkable man.
  14. Pat, I just don't have any words of comfort for you. I live with those same fears and can rarely find peace with our situations. Somewhere back a ways there was a "getting to know you" post about what would you do if you had the time. I never answered that post because at the time it was so depressing to think about the hurrican relief efforts, but that is what I thought...I'd take a leave from work, from Bill, from the boys...and I'd get my hands dirty doing something to make a difference. Ask me that question today and my unwavering answer would be that I would make the 7 hour (yes, 7 hours...Bill and I have done the mapquest) drive to Illinois and give you and Brian a hug. That's all I have to offer Pat...I wish I knew what to say. Ironically, Katie's message struck a chord with me because over the weekend I was thinking the same things about Bill....he's just so lifeless and seems so lost. He's cancelled several dinners or gatherings we have had stating he just didn't feel good. So...yesterday I called him on my way home and told him to get some clothes on because we were going out to see a movie...at the cinema and maybe even grabbing dinner. He didn't argue, we went...he enjoyed it and admitted that he felt better but would never have gone if I had ASKED him to go. Maybe the trick...MAYBE...is to be firm. All of our love and more importantly...ALL of our prayers to you both Pat!
  15. Dear Carleen and Keith, I'm thinking nothing but good thoughts and willing lots of positive energy your way for good test results tomorrow. Love,
  16. Tina, So glad to hear that things went well. I'll continue to think of you both and hope for a wonderful birthday for Charlie! Love,
  17. Tina, I will be thinking of you and Charlie this week and hoping that it will be easy and he will be having a wonderful birthday. Take care and keep us posted. Love,
  18. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia worked like a charm for Bill and has worked for him every single time he's needed it. The first time he began having problems with his bowels (probably due to the high doses of steroids and pain meds) I went out and bought the motherload of stool softeners and laxitives. We tried prune juice, fiber additives, some of the most expensive laxitives, enemas, suppositories...the whole nine yards, you get the picture. Then we bought a two-dollar bottle of MOM and about six hours later....WOOHOO...it was Charmin time! I hope your father has some relief by now, but if not, give it a try. Some times the cheapest old remedies work the best.
  19. Jorja, How wonderful for you and your whole family. I'm very happy for you to get this great news, enjoy the start of a lovely autumn!
  20. I'm sorry Val. I have no advice for you but I feel terribly sad for you and want you to know that I'm thinking of you and hope you feel better soon. Love,
  21. I'm so sorry Lori. I hate that cancer has such an impact on all the little things as much as on all the big things. My thougths and prayers are with you today. Love,
  22. Kurt, Kids and Beth's Mom...I'm so sorry for your loss. Beth will be with you all forever and with her guardian angel wings she will be caring for you from above. My sincerest sympathies to all of you.
  23. I'm so sorry for this sad news. I cannot imagine; this is truly a mother's, a parent's, worst fear. My thoughts, prayers and love go out to Beth, Kurt, their children and families. I pray for peace to Beth.
  24. Hi Mike, I understand what your wife is going thru...many, if not all, of us here understand. I have no advice for how to make it easier as I am still looking for those answers myself. Hopefully the knowledge that there is a place such as LCSC where you can both come and find support, understanding, encouragement and HOPE will make this ride more bearable. Love,
  25. My deepest sympathies to you Gay. This is such a great loss to you, to all of us. Our loss is heaven's gain. Peace to you Dean Carl.
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