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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. Fay, Take heart; my cousin is 48 years old and lives (lived) in Slidell. He chose not to evacuate and stayed home, just inland, to weather the storm. He is our only family member in the hurricane path, most everyone else is here in Cincy, but nobody had heard from Steve since two days before Katrina hit. My aunt got a phone call on Monday from him. He had no idea that his other messages had not gotten thru and that the whole family was worried. He had put his name on a list that was to be posted for relatives, but it apparently did not happen. All along, we assumed that if he was able, he would have been in contact or sent word of his safety. He feels terrible for causing so much worry, but has been overwhelmed with the relief, rebuilding and burial efforts going on in his hometown. I hope and pray that your aunt and uncle are safe and it is just a communication issue. You'll be in my prayers.
  2. I love reading the Good News Forums; this is so great to hear Joanie! Congrats, you deserve some celebrating.
  3. Yes, I can imagine that you feel some disappointment, but try to rejoice in the positive and focus on stable....that is wonderful news! I'm very happy for you and your family.
  4. Wow Becky...this is fabulous news. Where I have been that I missed this one? Anyway....if the celebration is still going, I'll have whatever Becky's having!
  5. How terrible for you to have gone thru so much in such a short span. My prayers will be with you and we look forward to you returning when you can. Love,
  6. Pat, I cannot imagine and of course Brian is worried about you. I can't even commit to keeping my newborn nephew for a few hours for fear it will impose on my care for Bill. I'm so sorry there are no other siblings to assist. Is there any chance that an assisted living program on a temporary basis would be an option? I just can't imagine the stress you are under. You know you have my prayers, I will reinforce them with more!
  7. I'm so sorry for you Kelly. I know how helpless you feel, but like you said, it is her decision. Bill recently decided that he has had enough treatment and wants to have some quality in whatever life he has left. I'm not even the one with cancer, and I have no idea how you make those decisions. He just had the best weekend in over a year; yet today he is back to feeling awful and the oncology team wants us to bring in Hospice. I guess my point is that things can change on a dime, just follow your heart and come back and let us be here to just listen! Love,
  8. Drink the milk directly from the carton. Okay, okay...I still do it!
  9. I'm so sorry to hear that you are back on the war path, but it sounds like you are doing all the research to get the ammunition to win the battle. Good luck with your research on mets to the adrenal gland. I've been trying to find information as well, as my husband's NSCLC is now on his adrenal gland. I was curious as to any symptoms you may be recognizing from this tumor? Bill suffers from some of the most extreme cases of hot/cold flashes. The oncology team acknowledges that the adrenal tumor MAY be the cause, but also reminds us that it could be the spread of the disease and doesn't offer anything to alleviate. Just curious if you have noticed anything similar?
  10. Hi Holly, My husband had some radiation to his left rib-cage to alleviate pain from mets to the ribs. The pain subsided about a week after he began treatment and he was able to go without any of his breakthru pain medication (which he had been in need of two-three times daily). Unfortunately, as the radiologist informed us, the radiation can help for a few days only, or it can last a year...in our case, the pain returned after about a month of relief. Good luck to your mother and especially good luck with your new baby.
  11. Sue, I'm praying hard that this will work for Mike.
  12. SBeth

    cellar door

    My prayers will continue to be with you.
  13. SBeth

    Possible recurrence?

    Don, All my prayers are being said for you. I know you will let us all know what is going on when you find out...until then, I'll be thinking of you and saying a prayer that you find some peace of mind thru your worrying!
  14. TAnn, That must have been very scary for all of you; we're so glad that Rita went easy on you and you and family are well.
  15. Welcome Midge and glad to hear things are stable. Come back often and keep us posted.
  16. Hi Ellen and Welcome. I'm very sorry to hear about Henk's diagnosis, but we are here for you and always happy to have you come back.
  17. SBeth

    Pure Magic

    It was a day of pure magic. I cannot thank you all enough, for we know without doubt, that it was all of the prayers, thoughts and well-wishes from so many here that made Tracy's wedding a day and evening so wonderful. Here is the promised picture of his dance. There wasn't a dry eye in the church as they came down the aisle and it felt so good to see Bill so happy and feeling so good. We had some scares thru the week, but as Friday dawned it was clear that "their" day was in the hands of the angels and he was going to feel good. So, by the grace of God, or by sheer force of will...it was magical. Thank you all so much for getting us to our goal! Now we shall seek out another.
  18. SBeth

    What a great day!!

    Jamie, This is wonderful times two....so thrilled for your stability and her improvement!
  19. Kelly, All my prayers are going out for you, your mom and your family. I admire your spirit and you plan to keep things light and enjoy life; while respecting her wishes. It's not easy...this I know!
  20. Kasey, I've been so busy and distracted and I didn't see this post...but you can add me to your list of admirers and those that are thrilled to be celebrating this anniversary with you!
  21. The Holy Bible Anything by Og Mandino Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
  22. Fire up that school bus Lynne and swing by for me; add me to the MAC-N-CHEESE fan club!
  23. I knew there was a reason I couldn't sleep, aside from that long and lazy nap Bill and I took together this afternoon...it was so that I could be the first to send out this big and grand HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BOTH to Pat and Addie...and all the others celebrating today! According to my clock here in Cincinnati, it is now Wednesday, September 21st at 12:01 a.m. Let the party begin!
  24. SBeth

    Dare I say this?

    He is feeling very good. Bill began to perk up late Sunday and even more yesterday. This morning he says he feels very good. I'm taking the afternoon off and heading home to take advantage of these good days and this beautiful weather. All I can say is that I really feel like we owe this to all of you and all of your prayers! Four days and counting... Love to you all!
  25. Another Birthday Twin for 9/21...or atleast she's scheduled to be here tomorrow! My best friend's new baby girl, Ms. Sophie, is due to be here tomorrow, unless she makes a surprise arrival tonight! There's one more for September 21st!
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