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Everything posted by SBeth

  1. Oh Addie...I'm so glad I waited to post and now I can post and rejoice in the good news. I'm so happy for you and hope the new 'roids help. As for that pork chop...I would never ever offer to hold on to it for you. Never trust me with it, I cannot be trusted with food. Bill is on the steroids and still he looses weight. The drs. ask every week...where is all this weight going Bill?...then they turn and look at me with my face down in shame. Nope...can't trust me with it but I would have happily offered!
  2. Jim, I was so sorry to read your news; but I really admire your fighting spirit and I know that you can put this behind you again in time for a great fall fishing season. My thoughts and prayers will be with you!
  3. My prayers and thoughts are absolutely with you both Don and Lucie.
  4. Tina, I'm so sorry to read that this chemo infusion is not as easy on Charlie as the others and he is having a hard time. I hope that the family visit will give him strength and he is feeling better very soon. I know it is hard, but do try to enjoy the time with your folks. I'll be thinking of you and saying an extra prayer for Charlie!
  5. Rich, This is the best news and boy did we need it here! Thanks for starting what I predict will be a turn-around to good news!
  6. Pat...Purpura is kind of like a surface bruising. If not for the blue/purple coloring, it would look a great deal like a patch of age/liver spots. Just that it showed up out of nowhere that has me (yes, just me...not Bill) concerned. Fay...he doesn't go in for bloodwork until next Tuesday, which is why I wondered if this needed more immediate attention. I hate to feel like I keep crying wolf with the oncology office, but I'm afraid the one time I don't over-react...will be the one time I should have. Can't win I guess. Thanks for the help and the prayers. Love,
  7. Larry, Congratulations on 44 wonderful years together. I hope she is feeling better and up to a celebration soon!
  8. Has anyone had any experience with a sudden onset of petechaie or purpura? Bill woke up this morning with an area about 2" x 1" on each of his forearms. He didn't suffer any type of trauma to cause this bruising. Since he hasn't had any radiation or chemotherapy (except the Tarceva) for over 4 months, I don't think that is causing it; but wonder if it could be an allergic reaction to the Tarceva. Anyone else have any experience with this? Thanks.
  9. Welcome Jamie. We already LOVE your attitude and admire your outlook.
  10. I would just like to add an "Amen" to what Kelly said. I was in a similar situation just yesterday. My family had planned a family picnic at a local waterpark and I did not want to leave Bill for the day to join the fun. His daughter showed up to hang with her Dad for the day and I was "gently" encouraged to go...I did. It was a wonderful day with my kids, sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews and I am so glad I went. And guess what...Bill was fine without me for the day. Who would have thought?
  11. I understand Sharon. When I woke up this morning and heard it on the news, I went in to tell Bill and the first thing he said was that we have been very lucky to have been able to beat it as long as we have. Again, it is all about perspective. I was very sorry to hear that Mr. Jennings didn't have the same blessings. My sympathies to his family.
  12. I saw it and I'm sorry to say that we were not able to tape it for any who may have missed it! It was GREAT. Thank you so much Lisa. You are so beautiful and what a beautiful family. You must be so proud of your daughter. I saw her BreatheDEEP bracelet too! YEAH!!!!!
  13. Does that make it 6:30 EST? I'm so glad I logged on, I'll try to record it for any that miss it.
  14. I'm so very sorry for the loss of your loved one. You have my sincerest condolences.
  15. Peggy, I'm so sorry. I'm praying for you and I'm praying for Mike.
  16. 1. That Bill had the energy to come upstairs to hold me when he heard me break down crying at learning about Don's death. 2. That I don't have to work tomorrow so my swollen eyes won't matter. 3. That I live close enough to finally give Peggy a hug in person. 4. That I didn't eat dinner tonight, I couldn't keep it down. 5. That I have so many others right here feeling all these same things.
  17. Peggy, I have no words of comfort for you; just know that my prayers are with you all. Love,
  18. {{{{{{{{{{{{Pat & Brian}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  19. Oh Donna....Happy Happy Happy Birthday. You are such an inspiration to all of us! Enjoy the day and all the birthdays to come.
  20. SBeth


    Beth, I'm glad to see you post and tell us what is going on, now we can help you. If there is room down there for me, I'll jump in and you can shinney yourself up on my back to get to that top that you see. We're all here for you and we'll say the prayers, you just start climbing when you are ready. Love to you,
  21. SBeth


    TAnn, I'm so relieved and so happy to hear this good news. Glad you were able to get the proper training on the injection too! I hope this makes things easier. Love and prayers,
  22. TAnn, I, too, admire your strength and determination. I'm glad that the clot was found and you are getting the treatment that you need...I wish you didn't have to do it yourself! Keeping you in my prayers...
  23. SBeth

    Pat & Brian

    Sending prayers and keeping you both in our thoughts for your tests today. While the next two days of waiting for the results will seem like an eternity...they will be filled with prayer from so many. Take care today and we'll look for your next post in the Good News forum. Love,
  24. Peggy, Please know that all our thoughts and prayers are with all three of you. Love,
  25. Has anyone had an update from Beth or her family? I've looked and haven't seen anything, although I could have missed the post. Anyone have any news?
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